I am leaving the board on those discussions...
Ohhhh! By "leaving the board," you actually just meant "not taking part in discussions about certain topics." Yeah, that makes sense . . . about as much sense as claiming a team covered a spread that didn't cover a spread.
I apologize that copy and paste is in English, this board doesn't have an option to translate it into dumbass or moron...
In other words, you played both sides of the bet. So if you lost either way, you could say "Oh, I didn't mean it that way - the way the rest of the world means it - I meant the other way I said it."
Again, Marshall didn't cover even though you argued that they did which you claimed was a win for you. This in no way is an indictment on my reading, but rather, your habit of communicating at a second grade level.
You claimed that Buffalo and Indiana would cover this week. Does that mean they will cover like how you claimed Marshall covered last week?