In a Shocking Move the GOP Congress Does Something Dumb and Angers Base

So Keep. They pull a bill which bans one form abortion and will be voting on another bill forbidding ALL abortions paid for by the taxpayer. Am I reading this incorrectly? I agree. The GOP seems to be a flub machine but it appears to me that if I am reading this correctly, this should be a win win for all who wish taxpayer funds not go to killing unborn at any point within the womb.

Pro-Life should be supporting this bill as well if they were really serious IMO.
Who the hell else are the fundamentalists going to vote for?

Yet many of you continue your snark when reminded the GOP is the party of the rich, and represents no one else. At least the Democrats can add the ghetto poor to the list of their true constituency.

But hey, if fundies think they can successfully begin a third party, by all means go for it.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I haven't voted GOP since 2004, but one of the ironies that makes this whole thing so dumb is that the polling is on the Republicans side, especially among "Millennials". 60% of those polled support a ban (with the exceptions of life/rape/incest, which this bill had) after Twenty weeks (and as the ability to save premies continues to rise we'll see it go earlier).

"In fact, of four major polls conducted in recent weeks on the 20-week abortion ban, each one shows women are actually more supportive of the law than men. A new Quinnipiac poll shows 60 percent of women prefer allowing unrestricted abortions for only the first 20 weeks of pregnancy rather than the Supreme Court-prescribed 24 weeks. Among men, 50 percent support the 20-week law - a 10-point gap."

Let's be clear. We are talking about less than one percent of all abortions.

Did the GOP wise up that it isn't moral to codify into law a requirement that rape be reported to the police? Or do they really just not give a damn about abortion?

Maybe it is just an excuse to save the veto fight for something bigger.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Shouldn't a bill to restrict a woman's ability to choose upset conservatives that think government is too big?
Originally posted by Hammond Druthers:
Shouldn't a bill to restrict a woman's ability to choose upset conservatives that think government is too big?
A better question to ask:

Why would conservatives be upset with a bill that makes permanent the ending of govt paid abortions and sets aside a bill that orders a woman be "required" to report a sexual assault to a govt in order to receive an abortion?
Last time I checked. The law of the land (as decided by the supreme ct) states abortions are legal. Until its over turned (or believing that a politician of any political party plans on changing it) voting for someone based on this issue is pointless.