Also, well, economically, convince Huntington and the local businesses, that they need MU.
When I got to MU in 2004, it was a very polarized place...locals despised MU but enjoyed the students. MU often had problems expanding past their alotted area.
That has improved alot with Williams working more with MU as well as just trying to improve the aesthetics of the city. This is evident with some of the city plans involving MU things like a baseball field.
The first city in WV to abandon the WV mentality, will prosper and I hope its Huntington.
This whole, 'Aww yeah boy, you needsa be a coal miner! It keeps the laghts on!!!" Is becoming more and more bullshit.
With the subtleness of a fart in the bathtub, the industry of energy is moving past coal and getting more techy.
Huntington and MU should see this as a major opportunity for the region. Look ahead and anticipate the prospects of professional jobs, then beging implementing programs for those jobs. You can even use MU's research groups to figure this stuff out for you.
Encourage displaced coal miners to come to the city, or nearby, and give them programs they train for, and can walk across the street to work on building solar panels.
I believe this was a big part of the HIP plan Williams won the ABC contest with, but we need more.
Marshall can help by saying its a good idea and get programs to train/engineer products and services to help accelerate this area.
I know a major slumlord who is basically so screwed that the bank owns his house...this is great news since abandonded buildings he owns, are likely gonna get auctioned off and repaired/re-built for something better and well maintained.
Overall, the city and school need to work together and implement a vision for the next 50 years, and move in that direction.
Some of the industries are fonna be opposed heavily by the state, but eventually some will pass through. Possibly even denied their success by the state, even when they are successdul, well, just sell those legislative idiots some baby Unicorns set to be born in 2018.
As I said for MU, the city should look to other cities that were able to economically grow, who fell on hard times that we currently are in. It'll be tough to ignore the bkue hairs who try to remind everyone that "this is WV, we don't need no stinkin' big ideas or industry!" But it won't be hard to ignore moving in another direction where certain industries are thriving.