
Oh, he won't. When the rubber hits the pavement, cowards run for the woods.

Just goes to show you how easy it is to prove a liar a liar.
You're a lying God hater. Where were you hiding when I offereddd a bet that you guys said was a lock for you. Yep, you know first hand about running for the woods. You milksop.
Disclaimer: This is predicated on nothing major leading up to election day, as well as no 3rd party candidate entering the race.

I think Trump is vulnerable in 2020. I also believe Biden is the one candidate that would likely defeat him, by narrowly winning the key swing states, or at least enough of them to win the electoral. With that said, watching lame street media this morning, it seems that the media and other major democratic players are against him, and that may keep him from getting the nomination. Harris could potentially be someone that could also beat Trump, but I don't think she'll get the nomination.

We shall see.
MichiganHerd post above from December 2019

You're a lying God hater. Where were you hiding when I offereddd a bet that you guys said was a lock for you. Yep, you know first hand about running for the woods. You milksop.
Now that you see I wasn't hiding from any offered bet, see ban bet details.

If you're scared, get a dog.

If you're simply a liar, keep lying, liar.
Greed, is a menace and remember when I said when libs keep spewing something with diarrhea of the mouth, it usually means they are guilty of it themselves, ten fold.
permanent ban, you in?

no. you already have that bet with another poster.

you can't make the exact same bet you already have with another poster.

you already are self-banned when TRUMP is re-elected, so why would I jump on board that wager?

why would anybody in their right mind jump on a permaban bet with you, knowing you're out in nine months?

i don't even care who the democrats put in, so why bet on something like that?

Wanna make a permaban bet? Idiot.

if you bet every conservative on this board, and won, that would leave only you and raoul to look at rifle's pictorial exhibitions on a weekly basis.
Fall in line with your cheating crooks, like Mush.

They have offered you a bet, put up or shut up.
^^^Snot piping up. Another scared loud mouthed con who wouldn't take the bet. Should I post quotes of you not taking the bet??
^^^^^ WVUSerg, now you see what the idiot was doing two and a half years ago.

He made a bet with another poster, WV-FAN I believe, for a perma-ban on the 2020 Presidential election. He then turned around and wanted to be other people the exact same bet, which was one of, if not the dumbest things I've ever seen. Why would anybody else want to take a bet? The wager was a bet where if you happen to win, greed would be banned from the site. That bet was already made by another poster, but yet he wanted to place the exact same bet with a dozen or so other posters.

This is why greed is a moron.

As you can see, he's lied since he got out of bed this morning, and most of us have called him out on those lies, but yet, he continues to do what he does best, which is, lying. Not only is he a liar, but he's a coward for not wanting to place a wager on the lie he's telling. That tells me he knows he is lying, which, by default, we can all label him as a PROVEN LIAR.
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He made a bet with another poster, WV-FAN I believe, for a perma-ban on the 2020 Presidential election.
WV-FAN at least attempted to back up his loud mouth. The bet was available to YOU before FAN took the bet. AND YOU'RE STILL MAKING EXCUSES AND LYING
He then turned around and wanted to be other people the exact same bet, which was one of, if not the dumbest things I've ever seen.
Yet 3 of his conservative ilk took the bet. And all 4 of them lost. It wasn't dumb to take the bet after someone else had, it was dumb to bet on the orange jesus.
and the best part of all. . .

the people's moderator, herdman, commuted the sentences of all, and had their records espunged.

many of them post here ALL THE TIME
WV-FAN at least attempted to back up his loud mouth. The bet was available to YOU before FAN took the bet. AND YOU'RE STILL MAKING EXCUSES AND LYING

Yet 3 of his conservative ilk took the bet. And all 4 of them lost. It wasn't dumb to take the bet after someone else had, it was dumb to bet on the orange jesus.
Dems cheated and I knew they were going to do it. The fix was in. They and the swamp were never going to let Trump win again.
Dems cheated and I knew they were going to do it. The fix was in. They and the swamp were never going to let Trump win again.
That's weird. You and other cons were telling me I was the one going to have to perma ban because your orange Jesus was going to win. Some were predicting a land slide. One of the many reasons I call you a liar. Liar.
That's weird. You and other cons were telling me I was the one going to have to perma ban because your orange Jesus was going to win. Some were predicting a land slide. One of the many reasons I call you a liar. Liar.
Did I bet. No.

Why? Too shady Dems
^^^^^ WVUSerg, now you see what the idiot was doing two and a half years ago.

He made a bet with another poster, WV-FAN I believe, for a perma-ban on the 2020 Presidential election. He then turned around and wanted to be other people the exact same bet, which was one of, if not the dumbest things I've ever seen. Why would anybody else want to take a bet? The wager was a bet where if you happen to win, greed would be banned from the site. That bet was already made by another poster, but yet he wanted to place the exact same bet with a dozen or so other posters.

This is why greed is a moron.

As you can see, he's lied since he got out of bed this morning, and most of us have called him out on those lies, but yet, he continues to do what he does best, which is, lying. Not only is he a liar, but he's a coward for not wanting to place a wager on the lie he's telling. That tells me he knows he is lying, which, by default, we can all label him as a PROVEN LIAR.
I remember
Just like you are now.
Wrong, God hater. THEN we were predicting the outcome of an election when no one had seen the results. NOW I saw your orange jesus incite an insurrection to overturn the results of a free and fair election, so did you and others but you lie about what you saw. I won't make the bet offered because I have little confidence that your jesus will be charged and/or found guilty by a court. moron.
Wrong, God hater. THEN we were predicting the outcome of an election when no one had seen the results. NOW I saw your orange jesus incite an insurrection to overturn the results of a free and fair election, so did you and others but you lie about what you saw. I won't make the bet offered because I have little confidence that your jesus will be charged and/or found guilty by a court. moron.
if it was so profoundly evident that your claim was a fact, then you should have full confidence that orange man bad would be charged and/or found guilty by a court. it's not that you doubt the courts, it's that you doubt yore own words.
if it was so profoundly evident that your claim was a fact, then you should have full confidence that orange man bad would be charged and/or found guilty by a court. it's not that you doubt the courts, it's that you doubt yore own words.
I'm going to lick your snot (if you don't mind) and say your post is SPOT ON.