Is It Really Necessary . . .


Gold Buffalo
Sep 29, 2010
For Chuck Landon to predict Marshall football scores in the Herald-Dispatch? I know freedom of expression and all that but why make predictions indicating another loss? Our kids read the sports section of the paper. Sure they can do one of three things - or maybe a combination. 1) They can simply laugh the prediction off. 2) They achieve the prediction and lose as predicted. Or 3) get angry enough that they play hard enough and well enough to win. I hope the team comes out this evening ready to play and win and forget the predictions coming from a person who may have played touch or flag football as a kid!
Did you post the same argument when they were predicting us to win? I'm
Sure the other teams reads our sports guys how dare they see they might lose. If they had in heart it would piss them off and they would want to prove chuckle and others wrong
Our kids read the sports section of the paper.

I very much doubt that. Nobody under 40 reads newspapers. Especially the H-D, which will be gone in a few more years anyway.

In any event, the main reason the team is losing is they are not good football players, not because some black hearted columnist says bad things that heart their snowflake feelings.
I would predict a Herd win if we would start Morrell at QB and open the playbook.

If same ol, same ol, then results will be same ol, same ol.
For Chuck Landon to predict Marshall football scores in the Herald-Dispatch? I know freedom of expression and all that but why make predictions indicating another loss? Our kids read the sports section of the paper. Sure they can do one of three things - or maybe a combination. 1) They can simply laugh the prediction off. 2) They achieve the prediction and lose as predicted. Or 3) get angry enough that they play hard enough and well enough to win. I hope the team comes out this evening ready to play and win and forget the predictions coming from a person who may have played touch or flag football as a kid!
Aren't you an instructor at Marshall? Is this how you handle your students? Maybe that explains the national phenomenon of college students across the country so traumatized by the election that they can't sleep or take midterms. Time to grow up. Adversity is part of life.

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