Is Jesus Black or White

Do you think he will do anything different from his rushing game against WKU which only netted 31 yards
with 25 carries?
Herdman, I wouldn't mind being part black, if I could choose which part
Do you think he will do anything different from his rushing game against WKU which only netted 31 yards
with 25 carries?

It's not hard to stop our run offense. Crash the A and B gaps with your DL, Have your linebackers cover the C and D gaps and play Cover 1 or 3 in the defensive backfield and have the FS play gap fill
Hey E---do another stick man figure for you twin on "Lyman"...Ah, hell, just forget're worse than he is about begging for explainations of things. Carry on, guys...hope you both get a new box of crayons for Christmas.

Hey 3, here ya go, this should keep you busy for a week.

Thanks, only a few moments for me. We'll hear from you next Sunday, eh ? Use your new crayons and make it "Out Wayne" pretty.
Perfect thread, started by a racist, then taken off track by a hypocrite. Good to see Greed offering up some of that good Christian behavior this Sunday morning.
Perfect thread, started by a racist, then taken off track by a hypocrite. Good to see Greed offering up some of that good Christian behavior this Sunday morning.

I think some of the folks that left were correct. Fever and Greed are ruining this forum.
I think some of the folks that left were correct. Fever and Greed are ruining this forum.

You refuse to accept that you and some of those who agree with you simply expect everyone to agree with your OPINION, regardless of facts.

Recently, you and other cons have stated as fact that an entire squad was killed looking for bergdahl, and you've stated that it was wrong for Obama to say that bergdahl had served honorably, when in fact the first statement is unsubstantiated, and regarding the second statement bergdahl had served honorably up to the point where he left his post. And we still to this day don't have all the facts.
And then the statement is made that bergdahls dad is a jihadist sympathizer. Once again unsubstantiated.
And then you declare, with your god-like omniscience that bergdahl should be shot.

All of that insanity, in just one thread. And I'm the trouble maker because I haven't judged the man worthy of death, haven't accepted your opinions (not facts), and because I'm willing to wait for the trial rather than throw him under the bus. Take a look in the mirror.
You refuse to accept that you and some of those who agree with you simply expect everyone to agree with your OPINION, regardless of facts.

Recently, you and other cons have stated as fact that an entire squad was killed looking for bergdahl, and you've stated that it was wrong for Obama to say that bergdahl had served honorably, when in fact the first statement is unsubstantiated, and regarding the second statement bergdahl had served honorably up to the point where he left his post. And we still to this day don't have all the facts.
And then the statement is made that bergdahls dad is a jihadist sympathizer. Once again unsubstantiated.
And then you declare, with your god-like omniscience that bergdahl should be shot.

All of that insanity, in just one thread. And I'm the trouble maker because I haven't judged the man worthy of death, haven't accepted your opinions (not facts), and because I'm willing to wait for the trial rather than throw him under the bus. Take a look in the mirror.

Your talking to conservatives. Its always Guilty until proven innocent with that crowd
and you've stated that it was wrong for Obama to say that bergdahl had served honorably . . . bergdahl had served honorably up to the point where he left his post.

Sooooo, he served honorably until he didn't??? Well, that makes all kinds of sense.
To be honest with you. Bergdahl is scum in my eyes, and honestly I feel he was a traitor and should be tried as such. Its not like he was grabbed up in Action. He left his post and then all of a sudden he was kidnapped by the Taliban???
To be honest with you. Bergdahl is scum in my eyes, and honestly I feel he was a traitor and should be tried as such. Its not like he was grabbed up in Action. He left his post and then all of a sudden he was kidnapped by the Taliban???

Don't let greed know that. LMAO

Greed is the biggest idiot now.
I have views that are different than most about the government. But if you choose to be a pawn for the government, accept your role and get out when you can. But to leave you post and put American lives in Danger by allowing yourself to be held hostage by the Taliban for however long he was, I couldn't care less about him. I hope the execute him to be honest for his treason.
I have views that are different than most about the government. But if you choose to be a pawn for the government, accept your role and get out when you can. But to leave you post and put American lives in Danger by allowing yourself to be held hostage by the Taliban for however long he was, I couldn't care less about him. I hope the execute him to be honest for his treason.

Fever, thank you for thinking this through.
This is how I felt when the exchanged happened. He is better off just killing himself. He is no Hero in my eyes
Oh yea, explain how? Before I started commenting on here, this forum was a place for the racist on this site would come and bash black people and other minorities.
Yeah that didn't happen. The racial conversations didn't dtrt until you continuously started bringing them up
The evidence is overwhelming and based on variations in dna. We even know the migration patterns out of Africa.
not true at all.Most Bible commentaries state that the site of the Garden of Eden was in the Middle East, situated somewhere near where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are today.
This is going to be good. What are their theories?
Most Bible commentaries state that the site of the Garden of Eden was in the Middle East, situated somewhere near where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are today.
Most Bible commentaries state that the site of the Garden of Eden was in the Middle East, situated somewhere near where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are today.
Ok no offense but bible isn't necessarily the go to source for scientific history
not true at all.Most Bible commentaries state that the site of the Garden of Eden was in the Middle East, situated somewhere near where the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are today.

I wasn't talking about biblical Eden. I was talking about the genetic evidence that every present human has ancestral roots that can be traced to Africa. There are two competing schools of thought...the Out of Africa hypothesis and the multi regional hypothesis. Out of Africa states that a single migration of early modern humans about 100,000 years ago replaced other populations of early hominids (Homo Erectus) around the world and become the dominant hominid specie. The multi regional thought states that Homo Erectus migrated out of Africa earlier than 100,000 years ago and interbred with other homonid populations and this interbreeding created a unity of human specie that become modern day man. The single migration theory (Out of Africa) has the most support among scientist.

Either way, the roots of humanity can be traced through Africa. From time to time a genetic mutation occurs in the DNA sequence. This marker is passed on to the offspring. The Human Genome Project was a worldwide scientific effort to catalogue the genome of every indigenous people around the world. By tracking the genetic markers of indigenous races as well as any recovered dna from early fossils they were able to use the prescence of these genetic markers to uncover the migratory paths of early man. Unless God laid out these markers in a way that was designed to fool modern scientist, the migratory patterns were clearly evident. Genetics are definitive enough to send a man to his death in the legal system as well as exonerate him of a crime he didn't commit. Dna doesn't lie.

Here is a map of migration that these genetics makes evident...

DNA may not lie, but it can be misunderstood, or there could be data missing that is vital. Bottom line, man did not just spring up somewhere. A man was created by God. That man was not a cave dwelling mouth breather. That man, the first man ever, had a son who was intelligent insomuch that he built a city.
Genesis 4:17