Is systemic police racism a myth?

Wrong again.

Not a chance.
You're still an idiot and you want to hide from the fact that when anyone compares you to Bezos, you're a complete and utter failure due to your lack off education, willingness to work hard, and willingness to take risks. Now go ahead and claim your victim card as your justification. People like you will never make it as you can't escape your community mentality.
Not a chance.
You're still an idiot and you want to hide from the fact that when anyone compares you to Bezos, you're a complete and utter failure due to your lack off education, willingness to work hard, and willingness to take risks. Now go ahead and claim your victim card as your justification. People like you will never make it as you can't escape your community mentality.
Who is comparing me or my community to Bezos? Who?
Who is comparing me or my community to Bezos? Who?

I'm comparing your sorry, uneducated, low work ethic, unwillingness to take a risk, poor decision making, negative, community determined self to Bezos and others like him. Moron.
I'm comparing your sorry, uneducated, low work ethic, unwillingness to take a risk, poor decision making, negative, community determined self to Bezos and others like him. Moron.

So if someone isn't Bezos wealthy (your assertion) they are poor/impoverished? Reminder: poor/impoverished was the topic being discussed. There was no comparison with JB until your ignorant premise came about.
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The topic is you being an idiot and not realizing it.
Actually, the topic was/is turning around an impoverished community. Not comparing JB wealth or becoming JB wealthy. Unfortunately you're the idiot that doesn't realize it. Its why you cant have a real conversation about a topic you continue to prove you know nothing about and do nothing to change.

When was the last time you worked with, hired or even talked to someone in the black/minority community?
Actually, the topic was/is turning around an impoverished community. Not comparing JB wealth or becoming JB wealthy. Unfortunately you're the idiot that doesn't realize it. Its why you cant have a real conversation about a topic you continue to prove you know nothing about and do nothing to change.

When was the last time you worked with, hired or even talked to someone in the black/minority community?

Face it. You're just a lazy, risk averse, mediocre community slacker.
Face it. You're just a lazy, risk averse, mediocre community slacker.
Change occurs when individuals make the decision to stop blindly following the masses, quit buying into the demagoguery that’s held them back since the 60s (war on poverty) and actively work to better their lives. It’s a “communication” no one actually wants to have.
It’s not passing judgement. It’s practical advice that can be used by anyone looking to change their path. If you actually talked to anyone that remains impoverished you would see this to be the case for the majority of those people don’t want to accept.

practical advice (again): Quit looking for someone else to do the work. People will come into your life with encouragement and help when you take the step and “risk” making the changes in your life.
That’s how communities change. One positive habit and attitude at a time.
You are obviously knowledgeable about business and financial management. You are not knowledgeable about human development. Changing lives is not simply giving advice. When you give advice, you are telling someone you know what is best for them and do not trust their ability to figure it out for themselves. Not a great recipe for real change. If your advice works, you can take credit and the person you have given advice will be seeking additional advice. You have not helped them to figure things out for themselves. You foster dependency, not growth and development. You demonstrate no trust in the person's ability. That is not helpful. If your advice doesn't work, the person can blame you. That does not help them to take responsibility for themselves. You accuse yourself with your finger pointing and oversimplifications. Take some counseling/psychology classes and learn something about the subject and then you can speak or write with some knowledge.
You are obviously knowledgeable about business and financial management. You are not knowledgeable about human development. Changing lives is not simply giving advice. When you give advice, you are telling someone you know what is best for them and do not trust their ability to figure it out for themselves. Not a great recipe for real change. If your advice works, you can take credit and the person you have given advice will be seeking additional advice. You have not helped them to figure things out for themselves. You foster dependency, not growth and development. You demonstrate no trust in the person's ability. That is not helpful. If your advice doesn't work, the person can blame you. That does not help them to take responsibility for themselves. You accuse yourself with your finger pointing and oversimplifications. Take some counseling/psychology classes and learn something about the subject and then you can speak or write with some knowledge.

You may be one of the dumbest posters on the board. Your entire ideology is based on telling people what to do despite not knowing how to accomplish anything. And taking credit for it if it works out (high likelihood not) and hiding out like a coward when it doesn’t. (Like the last 50 years) It’s why your ideology has produced dependence for people in these communities for the last +50 years. I don’t know what kind of “public servant” you were....but you obviously FAILED if this is your feeble attempt at discussing improving people’s lives besides handing them a sandwich and saying “I care”.

I “don’t give advice”. I teach life skills. I help teach discipline. I teach the feeling of success for a job well done. I have high expectations for how they work and learn to be independent productive people in society beyond what they do with me. I teach what successful people have done to better their lives. I teach how to analyze. I teach how to look through the bullshit of someone like you who does nothing but talk about others doing (Reading psychology books??? Bahahahaha) and those that do something. What does standing in a soup kitchen teach anyone?? Seriously. What does “the church” teach as it relates to life skills?? (Dependency on...”God”???).
Dependency on government bureaucrats???? Pathetic.

You’re clueless. I demonstrate full trust in a persons ability. My business employees several employees that have been with me since they graduated from high school and through college. You have no freaking idea how to run a business. You have no idea how to develop anyone from an entry level employee to running an operation on their own. That’s called TRUST.

Managing 40-50 employees (hundreds more over the last 15 years) is a lot more than “reading a psychology book”. You’re an idiot. An ideologue that has no idea what to do unless he’s told what to do and is even afraid to take a step forward after they read a “how to for dummies” book.

Seriously. Enjoy your retirement. Keep doing work for the church. But leave the heavy lifting for others who actually know what it’s like to improve people’s life teaching real skills and being proud as hell when they see their people accomplish what they never thought possible (because they were previously listening to people like you).
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You may be one of the dumbest posters on the board. Your entire ideology is based on telling people what to do despite not knowing how to accomplish anything. And taking credit for it if it works out (high likelihood not) and hiding out like a coward when it doesn’t. (Like the last 50 years) It’s why your ideology has produced dependence for people in these communities for the last +50 years. I don’t know what kind of “public servant” you were....but you obviously FAILED if this is your feeble attempt at discussing improving people’s lives besides handing them a sandwich and saying “I care”.

I “don’t give advice”. I teach life skills. I help teach discipline. I teach the feeling of success for a job well done. I have high expectations for how they work and learn to be independent productive people in society beyond what they do with me. I teach what successful people have done to better their lives. I teach how to analyze. I teach how to look through the bullshit of someone like you who does nothing but talk about others doing (Reading psychology books??? Bahahahaha) and those that do something. What does standing in a soup kitchen teach anyone?? Seriously. What does “the church” teach as it relates to life skills?? (Dependency on...”God”???).
Dependency on government bureaucrats???? Pathetic.

You’re clueless. I demonstrate full trust in a persons ability. My business employees several employees that have been with me since they graduated from high school and through college. You have no freaking idea how to run a business. You have no idea how to develop anyone from an entry level employee to running an operation on their own. That’s called TRUST.

Managing 40-50 employees (hundreds more over the last 15 years) is a lot more than “reading a psychology book”. You’re an idiot. An ideologue that has no idea what to do unless he’s told what to do and is even afraid to take a step forward after they read a “how to for dummies” book.

Seriously. Enjoy your retirement. Keep doing work for the church. But leave the heavy lifting for others who actually know what it’s like to improve people’s life teaching real skills and being proud as hell when they see their people accomplish what they never thought possible (because they were previously listening to people like you).
You never seem to be consistent. You don't give advice in this post. In several previous posts you say you do. You are angry at a poster on a media board. When you can't effectively respond, you choose to ignore comments and demean me. You could use some anger management and that is my advice to you. How does that make you feel?
You never seem to be consistent.

He's consistent about one can count on him and the majority of conservative posters on this board to lie, even when they have no need to. If you don't believe me, hang around for a while and pay attention.
You never seem to be consistent. You don't give advice in this post. In several previous posts you say you do. You are angry at a poster on a media board. When you can't effectively respond, you choose to ignore comments and demean me. You could use some anger management and that is my advice to you. How does that make you feel?

“Feel”? Lmao. Yep. Just as I thought. You’re all rambling words. No actions. When reading more of your replies.... It “feels” like you’ve never done anything for an underprivileged person or community other than talk about others doing it.

Well....I actually help to do it. And yet you attempted to judge what I do (just like every other “religious” liberal on here) I’ve told you what I do. I’ve survived in business for over 15 years, not only because of “knowing finances” like you claimed, but because I actually know and care about my people; which you hypocritically attempted to demean first. If you actually started something from scratch you would know what’s being discussed here. You clearly don’t and you’ll keep whining about it for sure. How do I feel about that?? Empathy. Empathy that you’re so clueless.

You hand out sandwiches and pamphlets telling them “it’s God’s will” where they are and “God can change you”. Ok. Cool story. Thanks. I actually teach them how they can change and thrive in this great country, while sharing with them the skills to do so. I get excited seeing people grow in confidence and ability. It’s a joy to see.

How do I feel???? Am I mad? Hell no. It’s called “passion“! It’s called being driven and energetic for what I do. (Didn’t you read about that in a psychology book somewhere?? Haha). Clearly its a concept many “civil servants” can’t wrap their minds around when they remained focused on putting in the time so they could get the pension check in 20-25.

Is that “demeaning” to you? It shouldn’t be. I’ve effectively addressed every single ignorant comment you’ve made questioning my experience, philosophy and practical advice/guidance I’ve passed on; shared from those who helped to guide me. (I guess I’m just lucky I didn’t get mad at them for giving me such advice...right?) I’m not sorry if you can’t comprehend these concepts. Maybe you’re the one who needs to start reading books on how to develop leaders and manage effective organizations. You’re clearly not demonstrating it here.

I’m not wrong with my assessments about you either. You “care” want others “to do more” (that’s nice of you to say)bravo! well, I and others like me are actually doing it for you. (You’re welcome).

Thank you for whatever “service“ you provided. Enjoy your retirement. We’ll take it from here.
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Managing 40-50 employees (hundreds more over the last 15 years) is a lot more than “reading a psychology book”. You’re an idiot.

Nope. You are. If what you said there^^^ is true (I doubt it) you're losing a minimum of 13 employees per year (200 minimum "more" divided by 15 years). You're either not nearly as good at developing employees as you say you are, or they're leaving your company to work for another that either treats them better or pays them more, or both.
“Feel”? Lmao. Yep. Just as I thought. You’re all rambling words. No actions. When reading more of your replies.... It “feels” like you’ve never done anything for an underprivileged person or community other than talk about others doing it.

Well....I actually help to do it. And yet you attempted to judge what I do (just like every other “religious” liberal on here) I’ve told you what I do. I’ve survived in business for over 15 years, not only because of “knowing finances” like you claimed, but because I actually know and care about my people; which you hypocritically attempted to demean first. If you actually started something from scratch you would know what’s being discussed here. You clearly don’t and you’ll keep whining about it for sure. How do I feel about that?? Empathy. Empathy that you’re so clueless.

You hand out sandwiches and pamphlets telling them “it’s God’s will” where they are and “God can change you”. Ok. Cool story. Thanks. I actually teach them how they can change and thrive in this great country, while sharing with them the skills to do so. I get excited seeing people grow in confidence and ability. It’s a joy to see.

How do I feel???? Am I mad? Hell no. It’s called “passion“! It’s called being driven and energetic for what I do. (Didn’t you read about that in a psychology book somewhere?? Haha). Clearly its a concept many “civil servants” can’t wrap their minds around when they remained focused on putting in the time so they could get the pension check in 20-25.

Is that “demeaning” to you? It shouldn’t be. I’ve effectively addressed every single ignorant comment you’ve made questioning my experience, philosophy and practical advice/guidance I’ve passed on; shared from those who helped to guide me. (I guess I’m just lucky I didn’t get mad at them for giving me such advice...right?) I’m not sorry if you can’t comprehend these concepts. Maybe you’re the one who needs to start reading books on how to develop leaders and manage effective organizations. You’re clearly not demonstrating it here.

I’m not wrong with my assessments about you either. You “care” want others “to do more” (that’s nice of you to say)bravo! well, I and others like me are actually doing it for you. (You’re welcome).

Thank you for whatever “service“ you provided. Enjoy your retirement. We’ll take it from here.
You have very similar personality traits to President Trump. Only you have had life experiences that have been worthwhile. Only you know how to deal with all problems. No one else can measure up to you. Your posts provide impressions of a bully. Employees that stay with you would never feel comfortable enough to suggest a new way of doing work, because you know all. And you are the one that rambles to build yourself up and put others down. It is very difficult to find any meaning in your words. Your comments about me and others that don't think like you are words of an autocrat.
Get a grip man. That may not be possible if you are a Narcissist. Not sure if you have any real close friends. Maybe ask them to give some honest feedback. It is never to late to change or grow.
What's wrong? "Feeling" hurt? I've proven you once again to be nothing but a big mouthed liar.
He's consistent about one can count on him and the majority of conservative posters on this board to lie, even when they have no need to. If you don't believe me, hang around for a while and pay attention.
You said on this board that I lied. I’m still waiting for you to tell me what I lied about? Durham knows!
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love these threads. good conversation ends up with greed butting in and calling people an idiot, liar, and other names. he adds so much to these threads.

nov 3 can't get here soon enough.
love these threads. good conversation ends up with greed butting in and calling people an idiot, liar, and other names. he adds so much to these threads.

nov 3 can't get here soon enough.

Of course you love threads in which a conservative lies and makes an idiot of himself. Then the other conservatives get to watch you do the same.

Nov 3. Anyone Else 2020
Don't have a need to prove anything to you! As I've said a couple of times, you have it all figured out!. I think the moderator needs reprimand you for using my user name to post comments I have not made. You are not only a Narcissist, you are devious and dishonest.
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Damn. What’s that make you?

When was the last time you worked with, hired or even talked to someone in the black/minority community?
How many times has this question been asked and how many times has the greedy one failed to deliver an answer?
When someone disagrees with you eg you call them liars. Thats not lying eg thats a difference of opinion. Now when your better half tells you that you performed well in bed thats probably a lie 90 per cent of the time.
How many times has this question been asked and how many times has the greedy one failed to deliver an answer?

I’ve lost count. Of course everyone here who has read his idiocy over the years knows he runs from questions when he talks himself into hypocritical position.

Herd72 appears to be on the same level. Makes false accusations, then cries for the moderator to step in and help. Embarrassing.
Of course everyone here who has read his idiocy over the years knows he runs from questions when he talks himself into hypocritical position.

Everyone posting here knows that you ask irrelevant questions when you're shown to be lying.
What's wrong? "Feeling" hurt? I've proven you once again to be nothing but a big mouthed liar.

“Feeling” vindicated. You and Herd72 can’t comprehend a conversation.
The only thing you are proving is that you’re a bigot from out Wayne as many have said for years.
Everyone posting here knows that you ask irrelevant questions when you're shown to be lying.

says the Scientologist that attempted to mock “magical cures”. Says the bigot who attempted to interject j bezos wealth comparison when it had nothing to do with impoverished blacks. Says the racist who can’t tell anyone what he’s actually done for minorities other than demand others do more because he won’t.