After watching the Rich people clown show last night, I am starting to believe such. Seems like Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that cares about the 99%
Now I agree on that point but how can you get them off the tit when you don't come up with policies or funding to get them off with. Seems like this government would rather them live off welfare and build prisons instead of schools and job training programs. Or even better yet come up with policies to bring back manufacturing and low skill jobs back to America
In sure somewhere in his 18 TRILLION dollar proposals there's something in there that will workHow does Bernie do that??
In sure somewhere in his 18 TRILLION dollar proposals there's something in there that will work
In sure somewhere in his 18 TRILLION dollar proposals there's something in there that will work
Enlighten us oh greed one
Enlighten us oh greed one
The American Dream was never to let the masses be able to suck on the govt tit.
Still waiting on Fever to explain Bernie's policy specifics which will bring back manufacturing jobs........
Seems like Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that cares about the 99%
Hey dumbass, where in that post did I mention Bernie Sanders name??
Nobody has tackled or even spoken out abou the growing Heroin Epidemic, Proverty, the shrinking of the middle class, that grow debt crisis of the 25-50 yr old demographic. It seems like nobody cares.
Well if more people had jobs even low-skilled Manufactoring jobs, they wouldn't be living off of the government, more than likely not on drugs, College Graduates would be able to pay back loans and find work(Highest unemployed Demographic in America)
Caring is for gays. The factories closed. You either go to college now and major in something good or become a bum. If you lose, you still get everything. What's the problem?
The drugs are just because too many people have it too easy. They don't have to work, but there are still 24 hours a day they have to use up somehow. Sleeping, hogging, having more welfare kids and drugs pass the time.
Its said what a Welfare state this country has become
Extra I know this probably isn't the case in WV but at the school district I live in the bus drivers start out making about t 13/hr the first year teacher starts out making above t 15.90/hr. Now tell what incentive I would have as a kid to go out t and be a teacher when I can work driving a bus or flipping burgers making the same amountRaise the minimum wage to $15/hr and you'd eliminate a good portion of people receiving welfare. But I'm sure you'd rather keep it just like it is so you can whine about it.
Bus Driver should make as much is the teacher makes?If they have incentive enough to work for $7.35, they would have incentive to work for $15 wouldn't they. Plus they could actually make enough to go to school and further their education. I for one, think the people responsible for the transport and education of children should make a good living.
Raise the minimum wage to $15/hr and you'd eliminate a good portion of people receiving welfare. But I'm sure you'd rather keep it just like it is so you can whine about it.
Where am I whining? It's funny. These people are idiots striving for something that they don't even know what it is.
What would $15 get them that $7.50 won't? Everyone has everything.
About the only thing I can think of that welfare does not provide for is paid vacations. Anything else?