Is this going to end CFB

Recent changes/realignments to college football have already changed the game that I grew up watching. I'm not sure what the future holds if this new league gets off the ground but I suspect that major college football will continue in some fashion.
I merely scanned this article, but $50,000 per year is a minimal amount of money compared to the value of playing in college, particularly when you consider the stipend many are receiving as a cash that is within $20,000 of this number. Add in their room and board and they far surpass the $50,000 and continue to build a chance a millions.
I merely scanned this article, but $50,000 per year is a minimal amount of money compared to the value of playing in college, particularly when you consider the stipend many are receiving as a cash that is within $20,000 of this number. Add in their room and board and they far surpass the $50,000 and continue to build a chance a millions.

You think moss would've chosen Marshall if this opportunity was available back then? Makes one wonder if so. This league is geared towards the bad students, and physically gifted enough to play in the NFL now, but can't due to the rules. They're getting paid, and can pick up endorsements without the school problems
I don't think this affects the big boys too much - if you're a 5-star stud, Auburn's boosters can do better than $50k a year.

The most immediate impact is that it will signal the end of non-qualifiers, which effectively neuters programs like Marshall and Boise State who use that loophole to compete beyond their resources.
Yes, what Marine03 said. They can probably make a $ or two, but they are going to get kids with issues. Just cannot hack the academics, run out of transfers, money issues, behavior issues. Four teams with bus travel at $50K/player is not a lot of over-head. Probably could charge minor league baseball level ticket prices and do OK. If they get one or two big name players, they can get automatic media attention.

What will kill college football is yet more playoffs and the idiotic idea of "cost of attendence".
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Hadn't hurt the NBA and just about any night you can catch one of the NBADL games on the tube as well

Agree with the OP on the cost of college football - its out of control in too many areas that can not afford to try to have ticket prices comparable to areas where the economics are better.

Consider a fan in a seat regardless of how cheap the ticket is is better than an empty seat. Obviously this season even free tickets did not help in Huntington , but years when ( and we will return to something akin to ourselves ) years past we did not sell out all that many times , drop the price and see if people do not come.

Concessions are additionally a major problem no matter where you are , just like the movies , far too expensive for what you are getting.