Jillian Michaels on her exodus from Shithole, USA (California): 'I know a f---ed up situation when I see one'


Platinum Buffalo
May 29, 2001
Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country

"I get so riled up because I'm a Californian. I was born in this state. I'm a water baby. I love the ocean. I grew up in the ocean," Michaels told Fox News Digital. "So when I see my state in shambles, I'm pretty angry about it."

But progressive policies that have overtaken California have forced her hand.

"People love to say like, 'Oh, she's far right.' Based on what?" Michaels exclaimed. "If you think I'm far right because I want cop killers in jail, if you think that I'm far right because I don't want a 24-year-old male touching my 14-year-old son... If you think that I'm far right because I want PG&E [Pacific Gas & Electric Company] held accountable for the fire that burned down my home, I guess I'm far right! You got me!"

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A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news.

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A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news.

Overall, we rate Fox News right biased based on editorial positions that align with the right and Questionable due to the promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, the use of poor sources, and numerous false claims and failed fact checks.

You know, posting the same stupid phrase may increase your post count, but it doesn't change the what the woman said.

Maybe post-count is what you're after, I don't know, but facts don't change when you do. I know you can't be as dumb as you portray.
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Oh, this thread again. The guy on Poplar Ave in Williamson, west virginia is so desperate that he is continuing to recycle posts.

Totally different thread, totally different post and a totally different story, cock pocket.

Oh...and keep trying Pedo-puss. You are failing and will continue to fail. You're just another dumbass bleater. Though I do admit @Jartard's post was better and had more detail.

So you also back 24-year-old men banging 14-year-old boys, I see. It's what Shithole, USA (California) is all about. Perversion. Modern day Sodom and Gamorrah.
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If Cat is from Williamson, that’s news to me.
Williamson, Williamstown. Both legitimate shitholes with fewer than 3000 people. Hell, my high school has more students than half of the entire population of those towns, and it's not even the only high school.
Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country

"I get so riled up because I'm a Californian. I was born in this state. I'm a water baby. I love the ocean. I grew up in the ocean," Michaels told Fox News Digital. "So when I see my state in shambles, I'm pretty angry about it."

But progressive policies that have overtaken California have forced her hand.

"People love to say like, 'Oh, she's far right.' Based on what?" Michaels exclaimed. "If you think I'm far right because I want cop killers in jail, if you think that I'm far right because I don't want a 24-year-old male touching my 14-year-old son... If you think that I'm far right because I want PG&E [Pacific Gas & Electric Company] held accountable for the fire that burned down my home, I guess I'm far right! You got me!"

Thanks for the story
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Williamson, Williamstown. Both legitimate shitholes with fewer than 3000 people. Hell, my high school has more students than half of the entire population of those towns, and it's not even the only high school.

Fewer people doesn't make a town a shithole. Democrat policies make California a shithole. Wanting law so adult men can ass-ram 14-year-old boys?

You don’t have a problem with it, do you Pedo-puss?

Williamstown is awesome, to me.

Especially on Poplar Avenue. Best move I've ever made. Small, but close to everything. Peaceful. Great law enforcement and pedophilia is illegal.

Also, the population is 2,943, you ignorant, dumbass.
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Fewer people doesn't make a town a shithole.
Meh, not always true. A town of 100 people will have no crime but will be a shithole.

Want to compare your town to mine? Your town has fewer than 3000 people. Let's just look at my village, which has about twice that number.

. Wanting law so adult men can ass-ram 14-year-old boys?
This is one of many reasons why it's a waste of time to engage with you. One, you simply don't have the general intelligence. Two, you are sheltered - and part of that is that all of your sources come from one side, and you're not bright enough to realize that nor look elsewhere. Third, you perpetuate random bullshit with no proof like this last comment.

Small, but close to everything.
And by "everything," you mean nothing worthy.

. Best move I've ever made.
Compared to what? Colorado Springs and Reno, Ohio (population 1100)? Again, sheltered.

Also, the population is 2,943, you ignorant, dumbass.
Uhhh, yeah, moron. Like I said, "fewer than 3000 people." This is what I mean: you're so fvcking stupid that you can't comprehend what you read. Then, you confirm what I said, think you're correcting me, and expose your stupidity by calling me a "dumbass" when you incorrectly think you're correcting me.
You know, posting the same stupid phrase may increase your post count, but it doesn't change the what the woman said.

Maybe post-count is what you're after, I don't know, but facts don't change when you do. I know you can't be as dumb as you portray.
You're a lying idiot.
Meh, not always true. A town of 100 people will have no crime but will be a shithole.

Not always? So you agree. Thanks.

Want to compare your town to mine? Your town has fewer than 3000 people. Let's just look at my village, which has about twice that number.

I couldn't give two shits where you live. I just know where I live is great for me. No piss and shit streets, sanctuary for illegal foreign nationals and criminals and around people who care about our children

This is one of many reasons why it's a waste of time to engage with you. One, you simply don't have the general intelligence. Two, you are sheltered - and part of that is that all of your sources come from one side, and you're not bright enough to realize that nor look elsewhere. Third, you perpetuate random bullshit with no proof like this last comment.

You obviously don't care about Democrat policies, just the letter D

And by "everything," you mean nothing worthy.

2 minutes from Marietta, OH. 10 minutes from Parkersburg, WV. Less than 10 minutes from Vienna, WV. 30 minutes from Athens, OH. One hour from Charleston, WV. Two hours from Columbus, OH. Two hours from Morgantown and Huntington WV. 2.5 hours from Pittsburgh.

Plenty close enough and far away enough for be very happy and content.

Compared to what? Colorado Springs and Reno, Ohio (population 1100)? Again, sheltered.

Sheltered from what? California? THANK GOD!!!

I've been to many places around the country. Not California, but I don't care. I do plan to visit San Francisco and Redwood forests in California. Hawaii next year. I'm sure I'll have a wonderful time. San Fran, mainly to tour Alcatraz.

When I'm done, I come home to peace, quiet and great law enforcement.

Uhhh, yeah, moron. Like I said, "fewer than 3000 people." This is what I mean: you're so fvcking stupid that you can't comprehend what you read. Then, you confirm what I said, think you're correcting me, and expose your stupidity by calling me a "dumbass" when you incorrectly think you're correcting me.
But you are a dumbass. Ignorant, arrogant, conceited, foolish, narcissistic and inconsiderate too.

But that's who you are. I have no problem with it. Wouldn't matter if I did. There's no changing your dumbass ways. Only an act of God can. Otherwise, I couldn't care less.

You think people envy you and maybe some do. That's what you live for. Probably other leftists. I guarantee you I don't. Not even in the slightest way.

If there could be a way to figure it out, I'd even bet I'm happier than you. You put a lot of pressure on yourself, worrying about what others think of you.

I don't care what others think of me anymore and I couldn't be happier.
I couldn't give two shits where you live.
But you do. It's why you're obsessed with making posts about California. You're obsessed with things that you know are superior and you know you can't have.

You obviously don't care about Democrat policies, just the letter D
So you're not going to prove your outlandish claim? Simply another lie from you, huh? This is another good time to tell us you aren't a liar.

2 minutes from Marietta, OH. 10 minutes from Parkersburg, WV. Less than 10 minutes from Vienna, WV. 30 minutes from Athens, OH. One hour from Charleston, WV. Two hours from Columbus, OH. Two hours from Morgantown and Huntington WV. 2.5 hours from Pittsburgh.

Why the lies? There is no way in hell you're getting from Poplar Ave to Marietta in two minutes. Not even three times that amount of time. No way in hell you're getting to Parkersburg in 10 minutes. At best, twice as long as that. Less than 10 minutes from Vienna? Are you running stop signs and going 90 mph the entire time? If not, no chance. 30 minutes to Athens? Nope. Twice as long as that. One hour to Charleston? Nope.

Why are you drastically trying to reduce the actual time it takes you to get to those other shitholes? It's your way of subconsciously acknowledging you live in a shithole and trying to market that it is closer to less shitty places than it really is. In other words, you're lying again. There is a reason why all of your estimates are drastically closer than those places really are.
I've been to many places around the country. Not California, but I don't care. I do plan to visit San Francisco and Redwood forests in California.
Yet you avoid the place that the wealthiest of the wealthiest in California flock to? Good idea. Life would be depressing having to leave that.

But you are a dumbass. Ignorant, arrogant, conceited, foolish, narcissistic and inconsiderate too.
You forgot to respond to what you quoted of mine, moron. Is this you lying again? Go ahead, explain why you would call me a "dumbass" after you thought you corrected me on the population, when in reality, you confirmed exactly what I said.
If there could be a way to figure it out, I'd even bet I'm happier than you. You put a lot of pressure on yourself, worrying about what others think of you.

I don't care what others think of me anymore and I couldn't be happier.
Yes, I care so much that I have put on real clothes four times in the last eight weeks: when spending time with John Legend, Paula Abdul, Tash Sultana, Ledisi, and Kenny Lattimore. The rest of the time, no matter where I am, I am in workout/leisure clothes. Really care what people think, huh?

And I am sure you are a lot happier. That's because you're a simpleton with simple expectations and used to simple things. It's why it is baffling that you constantly try mocking something far better than you'll ever have.
Why the lies? There is no way in hell you're getting from Poplar Ave to Marietta in two minutes. Not even three times that amount of time.

Williamstown is across a bridge over the Ohio River from Marietta. I actually watch the fireworks for the sternwheel festival from my back deck. Last year, we walked down to the boat ramp and watched them. In what would be thick traffic here and hitting both traffic lights at a stop, maybe 5 minutes. I can get there in two minutes and I'll bet you any time. I can walk to the Ohio River in 5-8 minutes and Marietta is across the river. Google Map it all you want to.

Williamstown, WV is on the Ohio River and Marietta is on the opposite side of the river. The Ohio River is a half mile wide between Williamstown and Marietta. The speed limit on the bridge is 45mph. From my house to the bridge is 35mph and it's not quite 3/4 of a mile away. Do the math, dumbass.

No way in hell you're getting to Parkersburg in 10 minutes. At best, twice as long as that.

Wrong. 14 miles at 75mph-ish, takes how long, dumbass? If it took me 20 minutes to get to Parkersburg, I'm going 25 mph on I77. (HUGE exaggeration, before you flip out)

You haven't a clue as to what you're talking about. My trip to work every weekday, except Fridays, is 22 minutes to Washington, WV. From South Parkersburg to Washington, in 10 or less. It's all interstate, dumbass.

Less than 10 minutes from Vienna? Are you running stop signs and going 90 mph the entire time? If not, no chance.

There are no stop signs from Williamstown, on RT14, to Vienna. Non-stop from my house at 55mph. My brother lives a little over half-way to Vienna, and I can be at his house in 5, going 60mph in a 55.

30 minutes to Athens? Nope. Twice as long as that.

Athens, is a slight exaggeration. 45 minutes. We went there after I made my last post and going again tomorrow. And that's going exactly the speed limit. I can get there in 35 or less, without being pulled over for speeding, going 5mph over.

One hour to Charleston? Nope.

You can "nope" me all you want. I commuted to the Bell plant, every weekday for 6 months and if you're driving Miss Daisy it's and hour and 15 minutes. Don't be a dumbass, dumbass.
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Not always? So you agree. Thanks.

I couldn't give two shits where you live. I just know where I live is great for me. No piss and shit streets, sanctuary for illegal foreign nationals and criminals and around people who care about our children

You obviously don't care about Democrat policies, just the letter D

2 minutes from Marietta, OH. 10 minutes from Parkersburg, WV. Less than 10 minutes from Vienna, WV. 30 minutes from Athens, OH. One hour from Charleston, WV. Two hours from Columbus, OH. Two hours from Morgantown and Huntington WV. 2.5 hours from Pittsburgh.

Plenty close enough and far away enough for be very happy and content.

Sheltered from what? California? THANK GOD!!!

I've been to many places around the country. Not California, but I don't care. I do plan to visit San Francisco and Redwood forests in California. Hawaii next year. I'm sure I'll have a wonderful time. San Fran, mainly to tour Alcatraz.

When I'm done, I come home to peace, quiet and great law enforcement.

But you are a dumbass. Ignorant, arrogant, conceited, foolish, narcissistic and inconsiderate too.

But that's who you are. I have no problem with it. Wouldn't matter if I did. There's no changing your dumbass ways. Only an act of God can. Otherwise, I couldn't care less.

You think people envy you and maybe some do. That's what you live for. Probably other leftists. I guarantee you I don't. Not even in the slightest way.

If there could be a way to figure it out, I'd even bet I'm happier than you. You put a lot of pressure on yourself, worrying about what others think of you.

I don't care what others think of me anymore and I couldn't be happier.
No one has envy for someone so pathetic they make empty boasts about wealth (hotel status 😆) and other foolishness on an obscure message board at that.

The board stooge is here for our entertainment. Let's just have some fun with baldy...he keeps delivering things to laugh at.
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Yes, I care so much that I have put on real clothes four times in the last eight weeks: when spending time with John Legend, Paula Abdul, Tash Sultana, Ledisi, and Kenny Lattimore. The rest of the time, no matter where I am, I am in workout/leisure clothes. Really care what people think, huh?

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The Ohio River is a half mile wide between Williamstown and Marietta. The speed limit on the bridge is 45mph. From my house to the bridge is 35mph and it's not quite 3/4 of a mile away. Do the math, dumbass.
Why do you do this to yourself when you know 1) I am not going to pick an argument that I am not sure I am right about and 2) that I will do the math/research to prove you as a liar and me right?

I'll do the math, but the problem is that your numbers are wrong.

First, let's do the math based on your numbers:

1/2 miles at 45 mph = 40 seconds
3/4 miles at 35 mph = 1:17

So already, you're at 1:57 not counting any stop signs, the acceleration it takes after leaving your driveway and the acceleration/deceleration at stop signs, etc. So even by your incorrect numbers, you're over two minutes.

But now let's look at the truth, liar.

Your house to the bridge is not just under 3/4 of a mile. Your house to well before the bridge, while still taking the exact same route, is 1.3 miles. Where do you get under 3/4 mile, liar? The drive to that location before the bridge is already 1.3 miles, not under 3/4 like you claim. More, even though that location is on the exact way you would get to the bridge, it still has about another .2 miles before getting to the bridge. Then, you have another .5 miles (according to you) to get over the bridge! So taking the exact same way you would to Marietta and going to a place on that exact same route is already four minutes and 1.3 miles. Your claim is that getting over the bridge is two minutes faster and .05 miles closer. Again, that's your claim for going OVER the bridge!

Wrong. 14 miles at 75mph-ish, takes how long, dumbass? If it took me 20 minutes to get to Parkersburg, I'm going 25 mph on I77. (HUGE exaggeration, before you flip out)
14 miles at 75 mph takes over 11 minutes. And of course, you aren't going 75 mph through, and it takes you five minutes alone to get to GoMart before you get on the highway. So even if you're going 14 miles at 75 mph plus the five minutes to get to BEFORE the highway, you're at 16 minutes.

But once again, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I didn't just look at Parkersburg, I looked at the point closest to you in NORTH Parkersburg, giving you even more benefit of the doubt. Even with that, it's 15 minutes not including any traffic lights. Even if you go 10 mph over on the highway, you still aren't getting to 10 minutes.

You can "nope" me all you want. I commuted to the Bell plant, every weekday for 6 months and if you're driving Miss Daisy it's and hour and 15 minutes. Don't be a dumbass, dumbass.

Driving from your house to Sissonville, which is many miles before Charleston, is 1:08. You have another 5-10 minutes to get from the highway outside of Sissonville to the highway at the closest part of Charleston. Again, even if you go 75, you aren't getting there in an hour.
"Do the math," moron.

Why continue to lie?
Why do you do this to yourself when you know 1) I am not going to pick an argument that I am not sure I am right about and 2) that I will do the math/research to prove you as a liar and me right?

I'll do the math, but the problem is that your numbers are wrong.

First, let's do the math based on your numbers:

1/2 miles at 45 mph = 40 seconds
3/4 miles at 35 mph = 1:17

So already, you're at 1:57 not counting any stop signs, the acceleration it takes after leaving your driveway and the acceleration/deceleration at stop signs, etc. So even by your incorrect numbers, you're over two minutes.

But now let's look at the truth, liar.

Your house to the bridge is not just under 3/4 of a mile. Your house to well before the bridge, while still taking the exact same route, is 1.3 miles. Where do you get under 3/4 mile, liar? The drive to that location before the bridge is already 1.3 miles, not under 3/4 like you claim. More, even though that location is on the exact way you would get to the bridge, it still has about another .2 miles before getting to the bridge. Then, you have another .5 miles (according to you) to get over the bridge! So taking the exact same way you would to Marietta and going to a place on that exact same route is already four minutes and 1.3 miles. Your claim is that getting over the bridge is two minutes faster and .05 miles closer. Again, that's your claim for going OVER the bridge!

14 miles at 75 mph takes over 11 minutes. And of course, you aren't going 75 mph through, and it takes you five minutes alone to get to GoMart before you get on the highway. So even if you're going 14 miles at 75 mph plus the five minutes to get to BEFORE the highway, you're at 16 minutes.

But once again, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I didn't just look at Parkersburg, I looked at the point closest to you in NORTH Parkersburg, giving you even more benefit of the doubt. Even with that, it's 15 minutes not including any traffic lights. Even if you go 10 mph over on the highway, you still aren't getting to 10 minutes.

Driving from your house to Sissonville, which is many miles before Charleston, is 1:08. You have another 5-10 minutes to get from the highway outside of Sissonville to the highway at the closest part of Charleston. Again, even if you go 75, you aren't getting there in an hour.
"Do the math," moron.

Why continue to lie?

So just drove from my house to Marietta and it took me 2:38 to get there (speed trap at the car wash, as usual) and 2:33 to get back (cop was gone). So in my original post, just to throw a number off the top of my head, that's pretty damned accurate. No surprise, I drive it every day.

Now in your little mark-up of Google map, you're showing 4 minutes just to the Williamstown side of the bridge.

You're way off. (Actually Google is) I did no faster than 5mph over the speed limit.

I'll do Athens, OH tomorrow. Can actually do Parkersburg as well, since it's on the way.

Now with all of that said, Google Maps says 24 minutes to Washington and I do it in 22, so to Google's credit, that's pretty damned accurate, because I'm going 5mph over.

Anytime you're in the area and you want to stop by to lose some money, a beer or both, do it. I'll gladly prove you wrong. At least from my house to Marietta......So far.
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Oh, @riflearm2

Before I prove you wrong from my house to Athens, OH, rethink Parkersburg.

Run 6800 Emerson Ave, Parkersburg, WV through your Google Maps and tell me if you honestly think it will take me more than 10 minutes to get there.

You have a chance with Athens, but I still think I'm correct. We'll see.
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North Parkersburg: 8:20

7th street Parkersburg: 10:26

South Parkersburg: 13:21

Athens, OH: 43: 18

In OH, on the way to Athens was several miles of one-lane traffic due to road construction. I'll count the miles of construction on the way back.
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Run 6800 Emerson Ave, Parkersburg, WV through your Google Maps and tell me if you honestly think it will take me more than 10 minutes to get there.
So by “Parkersburg,” you didn’t really mean Parkersburg. You meant a random place miles away from what people consider Parkersburg, as shown in the map below:

And even then, it wasn’t 10 minutes.

Athens, OH: 43: 18
So nearly 50% longer than you claimed. Yep.
Why do you do this to yourself when you know 1) I am not going to pick an argument that I am not sure I am right about and 2) that I will do the math/research to prove you as a liar and me right?

I'll do the math, but the problem is that your numbers are wrong.

First, let's do the math based on your numbers:

1/2 miles at 45 mph = 40 seconds
3/4 miles at 35 mph = 1:17

So already, you're at 1:57 not counting any stop signs, the acceleration it takes after leaving your driveway and the acceleration/deceleration at stop signs, etc. So even by your incorrect numbers, you're over two minutes.

But now let's look at the truth, liar.

Your house to the bridge is not just under 3/4 of a mile. Your house to well before the bridge, while still taking the exact same route, is 1.3 miles. Where do you get under 3/4 mile, liar? The drive to that location before the bridge is already 1.3 miles, not under 3/4 like you claim. More, even though that location is on the exact way you would get to the bridge, it still has about another .2 miles before getting to the bridge. Then, you have another .5 miles (according to you) to get over the bridge! So taking the exact same way you would to Marietta and going to a place on that exact same route is already four minutes and 1.3 miles. Your claim is that getting over the bridge is two minutes faster and .05 miles closer. Again, that's your claim for going OVER the bridge!

14 miles at 75 mph takes over 11 minutes. And of course, you aren't going 75 mph through, and it takes you five minutes alone to get to GoMart before you get on the highway. So even if you're going 14 miles at 75 mph plus the five minutes to get to BEFORE the highway, you're at 16 minutes.

But once again, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I didn't just look at Parkersburg, I looked at the point closest to you in NORTH Parkersburg, giving you even more benefit of the doubt. Even with that, it's 15 minutes not including any traffic lights. Even if you go 10 mph over on the highway, you still aren't getting to 10 minutes.

Driving from your house to Sissonville, which is many miles before Charleston, is 1:08. You have another 5-10 minutes to get from the highway outside of Sissonville to the highway at the closest part of Charleston. Again, even if you go 75, you aren't getting there in an hour.
"Do the math," moron.

Why continue to lie?
Does anyone else find it creepy/weird that the guy who goes out of his way and whines if his name is posted on here posts the literal home address of another board member?
So by “Parkersburg,” you didn’t really mean Parkersburg. You meant a random place miles away from what people consider Parkersburg, as shown in the map below:

And even then, it wasn’t 10 minutes.

As I already posted...

It wasn't. It was less than 10 minutes. North Parkersburg: 8:20

7th street Parkersburg 10 minutes and 26 seconds 7th: 7th street Parkersburg: 10:26

South Parkersburg: 13:21

So nearly 50% longer than you claimed. Yep.

As I said. Construction. 7.2 miles of one-lane highway.

41 minutes and 13 seconds on the way back, with 7 miles of road construction and one lane.

So once again...Just guessing off the top of my head, pretty damned close.

Next time I go to Vienna, which isn't often, I'll post the time to there too.

So, dumbass...Everything I said is fairly accurate, for estimating.

Face it...You're just a dumbass.
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You are posting maps and shiz, stalker. You’ve done the same to other posters. It’s very odd, “dork”.
This is one of your more desperate, illogical attempts. You keep getting worse.

I am posting maps to prove to Crispy Lips that he is wrong. The maps directly prove what we are arguing, moron. If he didn't want his address on here, I would have put the starting point a block away. But since he arrogantly posted his address on here recently, it's fair game. It also proves my arguments.

Nope. You all got my address when you stalked me a few years ago, liar.
But nobody posted your full address on here until you did it, 6+ years after we made hints showing you that we knew where you lived.
As I already posted...

It wasn't. It was less than 10 minutes. North Parkersburg: 8:20

7th street Parkersburg 10 minutes and 26 seconds 7th: 7th street Parkersburg: 10:26

South Parkersburg: 13:21

As I said. Construction. 7.2 miles of one-lane highway.

41 minutes and 13 seconds on the way back, with 7 miles of road construction and one lane.

So once again...Just guessing off the top of my head, pretty damned close.

Next time I go to Vienna, which isn't often, I'll post the time to there too.

So, dumbass...Everything I said is fairly accurate, for estimating.

Face it...You're just a dumbass.
So as you just proved, you can't get to Parkersburg within 1 0 minutes. You jus showed that with your data which crushes your argument.

You couldn't fulfill your claim about Athens. Any others you'd like to try?
So as you just proved, you can't get to Parkersburg within 1 0 minutes. You jus showed that with your data which crushes your argument.

You couldn't fulfill your claim about Athens. Any others you'd like to try?

I got to Parkersburg in less the 9 minutes. I got to 7th Street Parkersburg in 10:26. I was 26 seconds off when I was giving rounding times. You were 9 minutes and 34 seconds off by claiming 20 minutes, rocket launcher.
I got to Parkersburg in less the 9 minutes. I got to 7th Street Parkersburg in 10:26. I was 26 seconds off when I was giving rounding times. You were 9 minutes and 34 seconds off by claiming 20 minutes, rocket launcher.
You've already been forced to admit that you were lying about your other claims, yet this time, you're suddenly being honest? You should read this story. Spoiler: The guy on the cover doesn't end up fvcking all of the sheep, as much as he appears that he would:

Bumping threads that haven’t been posted in for 48 hours. Brilliant. You’re doing my work for me by destroying the board.
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Bumping threads that haven’t been posted in for 48 hours. Brilliant. You’re doing my work for me by destroying the board.

You're welcome. Sit back and relax.

You're taking this far too serious. You're acting like a little baby. How old are you?
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