Jim Acosta Owns Himself...Proves That Walls Work

What we should really do, is bust up that border patrol union. It's obvious they don't want to actually work for their wages, the snow flakes think the wall will do their job for them while they sip coffee take smoke breaks.

Watch republicans support a union for the first time in their lives in 3....2....1...
What we should really do, is bust up that border patrol union. It's obvious they don't want to actually work for their wages, the snow flakes think the wall will do their job for them while they sip coffee take smoke breaks.

Watch republicans support a union for the first time in their lives in 3....2....1...
YOu do realize illegal immigrants hurt unions?????
Employees for border patrol also want 10,000% pay raises and two day work weeks. Your point?

They know one is just wishful thinking, whereas the other is a reasonable request from the folks who do that shit for a living, as opposed to some white guy going out to random spots along the border one day and taking selfies.
Employees for border patrol also want 10,000% pay raises and two day work weeks. Your point?

You haven't answered a single one of my questions that have been repeated throughout this thread. I wonder why.
they are the experts who deal with it every day. You do not.
They know one is just wishful thinking, whereas the other is a reasonable request from the folks who do that shit for a living, as opposed to some white guy going out to random spots along the border one day and taking selfies.

Reasonable request? Are you fvcking delusional? Did you not see how easy these fences are to scale, cut through, and go under?

Border patrol will support anything that makes their job easier or allows them to do less work. That doesn't mean all of the things that make their job easier or allows them to do less work is a wise investment.

A $5 billion+ fence that can be breached within 10 seconds is not a wise investment. Would it make their job easier? Sure. Is it the best use of that money to help illegal immigration? Not even close.

The fact that none of you deplorables can refute anything I have said in this thread says enough.

Or are you just letting your feelings get in the way of your judgement? Don't worry, it's what all Leftists do.

Go watch the videos I posted. Many Mexicans (or "professional mountain climbers" as your hero referred to them as) were getting up the high fence within five seconds. Getting down the other side would be just as fast . . . and that was one of the highest fences I've seen along the border. I am sure they can get up shorter fences even faster.
Reasonable request? Are you fvcking delusional? Did you not see how easy these fences are to scale, cut through, and go under?

Border patrol will support anything that makes their job easier or allows them to do less work. That doesn't mean all of the things that make their job easier or allows them to do less work is a wise investment.

A $5 billion+ fence that can be breached within 10 seconds is not a wise investment. Would it make their job easier? Sure. Is it the best use of that money to help illegal immigration? Not even close.

The fact that none of you deplorables can refute anything I have said in this thread says enough.
You are making shit up

Watch the video I shared.
You are making shit up

Watch the video I shared.

Go to the first video. It shows one guy making it up in five seconds. Another guy made it up in seven seconds. Other guys were getting up it quite fast, though it didn't show their entire ascent.

If you can't count to five, ask the banker for his calcu . . . never mind.
Go to the first video. It shows one guy making it up in five seconds. Another guy made it up in seven seconds. Other guys were getting up it quite fast, though it didn't show their entire ascent.

If you can't count to five, ask the banker for his calcu . . . never mind.
I could climb the fence into Ft Knox in 10 seconds as well.

You are ignoring the border patrol sector chief and what he said. It is not what you want to hear.
You are ignoring the border patrol sector chief and what he said. It is not what you want to hear.

What did he say? Did he explain how a fence that can be breached within 10 seconds and has no border patrol around it for miles, like is the case with a huge portion of the border, is going to stop easy access for illegals? No? I didn't think so.
What did he say? Did he explain how a fence that can be breached within 10 seconds and has no border patrol around it for miles, like is the case with a huge portion of the border, is going to stop easy access for illegals? No? I didn't think so.
You think that is true for the whole fence/wall? Get serious. He told you they see less crossing or attempts where there is a wall/fence.
You think that is true for the whole fence/wall?

No. Most of the fence isn't as tall as the fences in those videos, so it takes them eight seconds instead of ten.

He told you they see less crossing or attempts where there is a wall/fence.

There are so many illogical conclusions you've drawn from that comment.

But let's start with this one.

They caught 100 people per day trying to cross the fenced area.
They caught 200 people per day trying to cross an unfenced area.

Seems like that supports his statement, right?

In reality, they didn't catch the other 500 who crossed the fenced area, thus they have no idea how many crossed. If they don't catch them - meaning they didn't observe them - how do they know how many actually crossed?

The fences are put where there are Mexican populations near. That's also where they put border agents. They don't put border agents and fences where there are just small towns, remote areas, etc. Hell, look at the pictures I posted where people from that small town of 1000 people could simply walk across small rocks to the U.S. side and not have a border agent anywhere near for miles.

How many illegals cross those points where there are no border agents and no fence? Good luck with that guess.
wow, yagi, I didn't know you knew more about it than the border patrol sector chief.
wow, yagi, I didn't know you knew more about it than the border patrol sector chief.

Last night, I saw a map that showed areas along the border where they have a fence having MORE illegals crossing than areas that don't have a fence. That pretty much refutes what you claim the "border patrol sector chief" said. And it makes sense. You don't put fences out in very remote areas where there is no population. You do put fences where there is a population of people who may cross.

This isn't the map that showed the number of crossers at each location, but it shows where current fencing exists. As you can see, almost the entire Texas/Mexican border is unfenced. Not surprisingly, that was the least crossed area by illegals. Ever wonder why? Because you don't need fencing where people aren't located.

Think about it: if there are no citizens within 300 square miles of a region that is nearly impossible to cross by vehicles/foot, why bother putting a fence where there are no crossers? Remember the pictures I posted showing just how easy it is to cross? There is no fence for hundreds of miles because there is barely any Mexican population there.

You put a fence up in areas where there are potential crossers. That happens to be in populated areas. So your claim about the chief's statement makes no sense.

So either 1) statistics show the chief to be wrong 2) you are misconstruing what he actually said. I am guessing it's the latter, but I could be wrong about that. My guess is that his comment was actually along the lines of "after building a fence, we saw the number of crossers decline." That's entirely different than what you claim.

Sure, a fence will keep some out from crossing at THAT location. But as has been shown, plenty of others will simply scale the fence within ten seconds, cut through it, go under it, or simply travel to an area that doesn't have a fence if they are too old/young/physically incapable of going over it. And that is exactly what we saw even the people in the migrant caravan do.

By the way, here is a nice little article I read this morning. Note what this Texas resident said:

"Why is the idea of a coast-to-coast wall stupid? No one who has visited Big Bend needs this explained, and support for The Wall is lowest in border communities, where people actually understand what day-to-day life is like there.

Huge stretches of the U.S.-Mexico border aren’t practical corridors for smuggling or illegal immigration. A wall through the national park would be a hideous billion-dollar project to keep that one guy in Boquillas from bringing wire roadrunner sculptures across the river in the morning to sell to hikers, and would negatively affect predominantly poor communities on the border, whose existences are fragile and often dependent on neighbors across the river."

The pictures I posted were of the Big Bend region, a huge region along the Mexican border. As the writer said, anyone who has visited that region knows just how stupid cheeto's plan is to build a fence from coast to coast. T

The "one guy in Boquillas" he mentions? Every day, there is a Mexican who crosses the river and places homemade wire sculptures and hand-carved walking sticks on the trail. He puts a coffee can there for people to put money into if they decide to buy a walking stick and/or sculpture. At night, he then crosses back over into the U.S. to collect his money and the pieces he didn't sell that day. It's an honor system that 1) nobody takes his products without paying 2) nobody decides to take the entire coffee canister with the money inside.

The point? This guy freely crosses the border multiple times each day without any type of border patrol, fencing, etc. present. Just like my pictures showed, for hundreds of miles, there is absolutely fencing, no border patrol, etc. Those hundreds of miles also account for the lowest number of crossers each year.

So tell me again why you think it's wise to spend billions to build a fence there where very few people live for hundreds of miles?