Joe 'mush' Biden will not win the next Presidential election

Looks like even Left leaning media is in agreement with Michigan's black ass

Looks like even Left leaning media is in agreement with Michigan's black ass

I don't think anyone wanted him in 2020. He was a recognized name they can run with, hide faults and crime, hide in basement then let the media, big tech, and weaponized gov agencies go to work.

Why would he debate and campaign? No need
I’d take your word for it.

And don’t worry; you won’t be donating to the AOC 2028 campaign, it’ll be a food bank.
Seriously, you would take my word for it? God bless you.

Just an FYI - $50 in Michigan is equal to $500 in California. Hell, for $50, you can only put 4 or 5 gallons of gas in your tank, had you not been a sheep and bought an EV as instructed by God Newsome.
Seriously, you would take my word for it? God bless you.

Just an FYI - $50 in Michigan is equal to $500 in California. Hell, for $50, you can only put 4 or 5 gallons of gas in your tank, had you not been a sheep and bought an EV as instructed by God Newsome.
That’s a lot of words for someone who is so sure when you could just say “sure, you’re on!”
That’s a lot of words for someone who is so sure when you could just say “sure, you’re on!”
50 bucks is chump change, and you know it is. Hell, I'll spend 50 bucks on Saturday morning just on drinks at the Horrocks Farm Market. You cannot place a bet here on Pullman without having greed flip totally the fvck out, so there's that. Plus, Joe 'mush' Biden will not be elected President in the upcoming Presidential election. Think I said that already, but not sure. Here's why: One, I think his mental capacity won't last much longer, so I give him maybe nine months to totally be out of it to the point where he simply cannot function. You could certainly make an argument that he's already there. I believe there's no doubt someone behind the scenes, likely Obama's people, are running the show. Still, mush brains has to be seen out in public, and he's running out of time to be able to even do that. Second, and most importantly, the House is going to come down hard on the mush crime family over the next several months, and I'm willing to bet a left testicle that they are holding some good stuff back until next year, which will be dropped a few months prior to November. Paybacks are a bitch, and this time, mush is going to pay the price. Wait and see.
50 bucks is chump change, and you know it is. Hell, I'll spend 50 bucks on Saturday morning just on drinks at the Horrocks Farm Market. You cannot place a bet here on Pullman without having greed flip totally the fvck out, so there's that. Plus, Joe 'mush' Biden will not be elected President in the upcoming Presidential election. Think I said that already, but not sure. Here's why: One, I think his mental capacity won't last much longer, so I give him maybe nine months to totally be out of it to the point where he simply cannot function. You could certainly make an argument that he's already there. I believe there's no doubt someone behind the scenes, likely Obama's people, are running the show. Still, mush brains has to be seen out in public, and he's running out of time to be able to even do that. Second, and most importantly, the House is going to come down hard on the mush crime family over the next several months, and I'm willing to bet a left testicle that they are holding some good stuff back until next year, which will be dropped a few months prior to November. Paybacks are a bitch, and this time, mush is going to pay the price. Wait and see.
Wow that’s even more words to say you aren’t $50 sure.
Wow that’s even more words to say you aren’t $50 sure.
Oh, I'm sure.

Joe 'mush' Biden will not be elected President in the upcoming Presidential election.

Consider it a bet, but know that you're the one that has to deal with greed when he whines and cries over the results. Keep in mind, back in November of 2016, greed went missing for a few weeks, due to being a sore losing punk.
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Oh, I'm sure.

Joe 'mush' Biden will not be elected President in the upcoming Presidential election.

Consider it a bet, but know that you're the one that has to deal with greed when he whines and cries over the results. Keep in mind, back in November of 2016, greed went missing for a few weeks, due to being a sore losing punk.
I’m not EG. If Biden doesn’t win I’ll pay up. When he does, Ventura Food Share will be happy to get your money.
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I sat there watching one of my murder shows last night (in place of Tucker), and started wondering about mush Biden. He's pretty much gone from the neck up, and I got to thinking, is this old creep a genuine liar, or is his mind so far gone, that he simply doesn't remember about all the crimes orchestrated by the mush Biden crime family? Made me wonder for a few minutes. Ended up concluding he is aware of all the crimes, and is simply a liar like somebody else is here on the forum.
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there is so much corruption by the Biden family. It is hard to narrow down.

Look at all the stuff starting to come out. As I said in another thread several months back, give this new Congress a 2-3 months to get their feet on the ground, and then they'll begin to expose this corruption.

MichiganHerd got it right.

and, don't forget I said this:

Joe 'mush' Biden will not be elected President in the upcoming Presidential election.

you heard it here first.
Remember this post from April of 2023? I called it 16 months back.

greed, do the right thing and pack.
Why are you hiding from your original bet? Many, many months later, you confirmed that you were still wanting the original bet which E.T. had agreed to.
Remember this post from April of 2023? I called it 16 months back.

greed, do the right thing and pack.
Trump in 2024 will be a landslide
sign here, coward >>>> ________________________

extragreen signature>>>> extragreen

landslide definition: 304 electoral votes or better

Trump in a landslide
sign here, coward >>>> ________________________

extragreen signature>>>> extragreen

landslide definition: 304 electoral votes or better