Just finished reading The Martian


Aug 5, 2001
The book is very sciency. If you're into that kind of thing you'll love the book. My guess is that they'll tone it down a tad for the movie. But I read this book in about three to four sittings. This is basically a tale of survival and one man's use of science to stay alive on a planet for a year and a half.

The timing of the movie is interesting with NASA recently announcing that a manned flight to Mars could come as soon as 2023. I have my doubts. A lot of stuff needs to be worked out.

Read the book if you like the science, but definitely see the movie. What has to be overcome shows the spirit of mankind just to dream about making the trip.

Oh...I like the thought of Kate Mara in the movie as well.
The book is always better. GK4Herd read Sins of the Father. A great book about Joe Kennedy and another is My cross to bear. Great if you like the almond brothers.Gregg Almond wrote the book. Amazing he is still alive. He and the almond brothers gave alot of money to Jimmy Carter. All of them are georgia boys. Gregg was invited to the white house when carter was elected and shot herion in the bathroom at the white house. Married Cher and she didnt know he was a junkie. When she found out she took him to californa and gave him quualudes and keep him in bed for 30 days. First day out of Cher's rehab he went back to being a junkie. Now he is clean and sober and making good music.
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Sins of the Father sounds interesting Sisters. From everything I've read, Joseph Kennedy was not a good person.
its like all the crooked things he done got his boys killed. rose kennedy was mean too. while jfk was dying rose was shopping in france
In fairness sisters, for all intents and purposes JFK was pretty much killed instantly. I think they listed him as dying in the hospital maybe a few hours after he was shot, but i can't imagine there being any brain function. Rose may very well have been an evil person, but she didn't exactly leave a dying son when she went to France.