Just how stupid are libs??

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I have honestly have had about enough of them. To the point I don't even want to associate with them anymore. Make my circle of friends smaller. They can stay in their lane and I can stay in mine
I have honestly have had about enough of them. To the point I don't even want to associate with them anymore. Make my circle of friends smaller. They can stay in their lane and I can stay in mine
I've gotten rid of probably 98% of them already. I removed all the pronoun people off linked-in, as well as anybody I see that gives a slight hint that they're a fruity liberal A-Hole. I've also started removing them off Facebook. Had one phat phuck who only posts about Trump, so I called him a phat phuck, enjoyed it for 24 hours, and then deleted the phat phuck.

Edit to add: On linked-in, I had more than 500 connections, and I'm now down to 217. Still watching closely for additional cuts though.
I can’t imagine being this butthurt about someone’s politics. But have fun in your safe spaces, snowflake.
Nit their politics. I know plenty of Democrats. Hell grew up in WV.. as Michigan pointed out all this other bull crap. Then they support this big govt pronoun anti American climate worship bull shit. **** em
I have honestly have had about enough of them. To the point I don't even want to associate with them anymore. Make my circle of friends smaller. They can stay in their lane and I can stay in mine
You could start by not associating with any on here. In other words....leave.
I've gotten rid of probably 98% of them already. I removed all the pronoun people off linked-in, as well as anybody I see that gives a slight hint that they're a fruity liberal A-Hole. I've also started removing them off Facebook. Had one phat phuck who only posts about Trump, so I called him a phat phuck, enjoyed it for 24 hours, and then deleted the phat phuck.

Edit to add: On linked-in, I had more than 500 connections, and I'm now down to 217. Still watching closely for additional cuts though.
The irony here is so palpable.

Would you say you’ve cancelled those people?
IK am a bit simpler with all the social media. I DON'T DO IT PERIOD. I dp have a facebook page but have not looked at it in over a year. Only still have it due to my VR device is attached to facebook.
I use Facebook for some niche hobby groups (bourbon, beer and board games) and Instagram to look at pictures of women in not much clothes, but that’s the extent of my social media presence.