
So you're celebrating that a kid died as a result of stealing a phone? Yep, another piece of shit human on here.
crushed noo GIF
Highlighting stupid behavior so others don't make the same fatal mistake is hardly celebrating one's death. Liberals want to make lives consequence free. Unfortunately that's not how reality works. If the kid didn't steal a phone and try to escape directly in the path of a bus he'd still be alive. Thankfully the victim didn't give chase and be the one that was hit by the bus.

Meanwhile liberals across the country are bemoaning the fact that the shot missed. Hmmm... Funny that those individuals get a pass...
Highlighting stupid behavior so others don't make the same fatal mistake is hardly celebrating one's death.
Ohhh! Of course- you were just trying to provide a public service announcement of showing people the dangers of stealing. Sure you were, moron.

You were celebrating the death of a child since he was a thief, hence you’re subject line of “karma” and the other ethically bankrupt people who commented.
Growing up I heard such things as crime doesn't pay, don't do the crime if you can't do the time, an armed society is a polite society (less crime), and one reaps what they sow among other things.

Interestingly karma is a religious philosophy based in Hinduism and Buddhism. For people that don't generally believe in a Higher Power I've been hearing liberals talk a lot about karma lately. Why is that???



Easy answer...because liberals are emotional ideologues and their beliefs are not based on rational reasoned thought.
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How do you know he died? Maybe he just had to wear a big bandage on a small cut.

Uhhh, because it said so in the original tweet.

Hey, look! Another deplorable who comments on and takes stances on articles without reading them!


Interestingly karma is a religious philosophy based in Hinduism and Buddhism. For people that don't generally believe in a Higher Power I've been hearing liberals talk a lot about karma lately. Why is that???
Moron, the definition of karma has evolved to mean something with no ties to Hinduism.
So you're celebrating that a kid died as a result of stealing a phone? Yep, another piece of shit human on here.

Based on the OP, the poster was trying to give an example of “Karma”. Karma can be good or bad. If this kid never stole the phone, he would probably still be alive. Once he stole the phone, his “destiny” was changed forever.

Should have stayed a good boy and not stolen the phone.
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It's Brazil.
The citizens are so sick of the crime, if he wasn't run over by a bus, he'd have been run over by a car, intentionally.
Based on the OP, the poster was trying to give an example of “Karma”. Karma can be good or bad. If this kid never stole the phone, he would probably still be alive. Once he stole the phone, his “destiny” was changed forever.

Should have stayed a good boy and not stolen the phone.
If you're going to post here, at least make your posts beneficial to the board.

What did your post add to the discussion? It didn't clarify anything, didn't educate anyone, didn't entertain, etc.
Rifle believes everything he reads on the internet from random tweets.
Going with "yeah, I am a moron and should have read the entire thing before trying to call you out" would have been a better strategy.
Based on the OP, the poster was trying to give an example of “Karma”. Karma can be good or bad. If this kid never stole the phone, he would probably still be alive. Once he stole the phone, his “destiny” was changed forever.

Should have stayed a good boy and not stolen the phone.

Yep. At no point did I gloat over a 17 year old losing their life. However you are absolutely correct - had that 17 year old not stolen the 71 year old's phone he would not been running blindly to escape, and ultimately directly into the path of the bus. Actions have consequences. In this case it's not necessarily karma but the young man did not think out his crime and plot a safer escape route. His crime of opportunity increased his opportunities for something bad to happen which it did.
In this case it's not necessarily karma
Uhh, moron, you may want to look at the title of your thread.

I understand you are forced to backtrack and claim that was an error so that you can try escaping out of my accusation of you, but much like Herdman's GPS units, nobody buys that.
It's Brazil.
The citizens are so sick of the crime, if he wasn't run over by a bus, he'd have been run over by a car, intentionally.

You are correct. I have seen videos of that very thing happening. But the guy you responded to will tell you crime isn't a problem in Brazil, Mexico, downtown San Francisco, etc...

Here is a somewhat recent video of some Brazilians taking matters into their own hands. Wonder how it turned out for this motorcycle thief?

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Based on the OP, the poster was trying to give an example of “Karma”. Karma can be good or bad. If this kid never stole the phone, he would probably still be alive. Once he stole the phone, his “destiny” was changed forever.

Should have stayed a good boy and not stolen the phone.
Thank for explaining Karma to the board stooge. I'm sure he still doesn't understand.
You are correct. I have seen videos of that very thing happening. But the guy you responded to will tell you crime isn't a problem in Brazil, Mexico, downtown San Francisco, etc...

Here is a somewhat recent video of some Brazilians taking matters into their own hands. Wonder how it turned out for this motorcycle thief?

I like this one because the driver continued to drive the bus, lol!

I wish I could find the original video...instead we got this stupidly narrated though you need narration:

This was pretty karmaic(?)

Another attack on the elderly... Libs doing what libs so...

You should educate yourself on the purpose of MFF, what it does, and how Kamala supported it with her tweet. Until then, you'll continue to look and be really dumb.