Make it a 4th round for Mush

They are going to lock him in one of the fake White House tv set rooms until after the mid-terms. Get that Mush brain down in the basement again.
Thing is, the quadrupled vaccinated mush probably doesn't even have covid. Left wing nut handlers probably keep telling him he does though, and needs to isolate until mid-November. What a bunch of shameful, disgraceful losers we have here people.
You guys lost just wont admit it even though you know Trump is lieing. So far we definitely are not in a recession or depression like so many Republican presidents got us in. You guys are acting just like your loser leader trump calling people names and having no feelings for anyone elses physical sufferings from covid. Just keep it going and then blame Biden.
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You guys lost just wont admit it even though you know Trump is lieing. So far we definitely are not in a recession or depression like so many Republican presidents got us in. You guys are acting just like your loser leader trump calling people names and having no feelings for anyone elses physical sufferings from covid. Just keep it going and then blame Biden.
ninja falling GIF
You guys lost just wont admit it even though you know Trump is lieing. So far we definitely are not in a recession or depression like so many Republican presidents got us in. You guys are acting just like your loser leader trump calling people names and having no feelings for anyone elses physical sufferings from covid. Just keep it going and then blame Biden.
The economy is constricting
You guys lost just wont admit it even though you know Trump is lieing. So far we definitely are not in a recession or depression like so many Republican presidents got us in. You guys are acting just like your loser leader trump calling people names and having no feelings for anyone elses physical sufferings from covid. Just keep it going and then blame Biden.
And there you have it folks. Simple minded OldieTurd is happier than Greed with a bag full of dicks so long as his most hated enemy, Trump is no longer POTUS.

His denial of the obvious things happening in our country (and the world, for that matter) only further support his delusional way of thinking.

News flash moron, the economy is in the gutter and it's because of govt spending lead by your Dementia Jesus in Chief. You won't be around much longer anyways, which is why you don't really care.
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And there you have it folks. Simple minded OldieTurd is happier than Greed with a bag full of dicks so long as his most hated enemy, Trump is no longer POTUS.

His denial of the obvious things happening in our country (and the world, for that matter) only further support his delusional way of thinking.

News flash moron, the economy is in the gutter and it's because of govt spending lead by your Dementia Jesus in Chief. You won't be around much longer anyways, which is why you don't really care.
You're a God hating lying trumptard infested with stupidity and inflation is being caused by SUPPLY SIDE FAILURE.
Hahaa it is constricting globally. Those are facts. Hell we have had two quarters of negative gdp here
You're an idiot. We have not had any quarters of negative gdp under biden. There has been a slowing in the rate of gdp growth.
The U.S. economy shrank in the last three months by 0.9%.

This is the second consecutive quarter where the economy has contracted. In the first quarter, GDP, or gross domestic product, decreased at an annual rate of 1.6%.
The U.S. economy shrank in the last three months by 0.9%.

This is the second consecutive quarter where the economy has contracted. In the first quarter, GDP, or gross domestic product, decreased at an annual rate of 1.6%.
We are still filling jobs from covid shutdowns. That is going to ane off and then around q4 will be interesting..some say layoffs will start happening. Wages are not keeping pace with inflationary pressures. At some point it will boil over. Now we are seeing rising interest rates. Double edged sword brewing.
The U.S. economy shrank in the last three months by 0.9%.

This is the second consecutive quarter where the economy has contracted. In the first quarter, GDP, or gross domestic product, decreased at an annual rate of 1.6%.
GDP has not decreased under biden. The RATE of GROWTH has decreased.
And there you have it folks. Simple minded OldieTurd is happier than Greed with a bag full of dicks so long as his most hated enemy, Trump is no longer POTUS.

His denial of the obvious things happening in our country (and the world, for that matter) only further support his delusional way of thinking.

News flash moron, the economy is in the gutter and it's because of govt spending lead by your Dementia Jesus in Chief. You won't be around much longer anyways, which is why you don't really care.
That is the same hate talk your leader Trump taught you..when you know you are wrong you resort to name calling and telling someone they dont care because they will die soon...well at least when I die I will go to heaven not people like you who call people names and wish bad things upon them.
That is the same hate talk your leader Trump taught you..when you know you are wrong you resort to name calling and telling someone they dont care because they will die soon...well at least when I die I will go to heaven not people like you who call people names and wish bad things upon them.
Have you cleared that with greed first?
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That is the same hate talk your leader Trump taught you..when you know you are wrong you resort to name calling and telling someone they dont care because they will die soon...well at least when I die I will go to heaven not people like you who call people names and wish bad things upon them.
Here we have another on the left who thinks they can sit in judgment of man.
How am I greedy?
Everything you talk about is stock market went down or why do I have to pay so much for gasoline or why take my tax money and help the less fortunate...well were in the stock market when it went up a great deal when Clinton was in office or Obama was in office?..and why dont you blame the immoral oil companies for gouging you at the pump ?..and why do you think mentally disabled or physically disabled people should not be helped by the government .? Now call me a hypocrite but you are greedy.
Here we have another on the left who thinks they can sit in judgment of
Here we have another on the left who thinks they can sit in judgment of man.
No I am not the one to judge you. But think more of what you say and do. I believe if you believe that Christ died for your sins and take him as your personal savior you will go to heaven.
Here we have another on the left who thinks they can sit in judgment of man.
No. What we have I believe is someone who actually has the knowledge to know someone by their fruits. Your fruit is rotten.
Everything you talk about is stock market went down or why do I have to pay so much for gasoline or why take my tax money and help the less fortunate...well were in the stock market when it went up a great deal when Clinton was in office or Obama was in office?..and why dont you blame the immoral oil companies for gouging you at the pump ?..and why do you think mentally disabled or physically disabled people should not be helped by the government .? Now call me a hypocrite but you are greedy.
you make no sense. Yehh when Mush Biden says he is going to go after oile companies and I have to pay more for gas then, I have a right to question it. I don't know what the hell you are even talking about in regard to mentally disabled people.

I have a right to bitch about inflation when politicians kept pumping money into the system which helped to increase inflation.

It is my money.
I have a right to bitch about inflation when politicians kept pumping money into the system which helped to increase inflation.

It is my money.
"puming money into the system" doesn't cause oil companies to refuse to drill and/or pump oil. Neither does it cause CEOs of corporations to increase their profits to record levels and blame in on the same drivel you're spewing. It has been stated that the price of oil is responsible for about a third of the current inflation, and excessive corporate profits responsible for half of the inflation.

We are still filling jobs from covid shutdowns. That is going to ane off and then around q4 will be interesting..some say layoffs will start happening. Wages are not keeping pace with inflationary pressures. At some point it will boil over. Now we are seeing rising interest rates. Double edged sword brewing.
If you believe this is true then you need to sell stocks short or load up on puts. The stock market is a two way street. I grant to say you are doing just fine now just like you did when the other democratic presidents were in office.