Make it a 4th round for Mush

So you're good with taking $200 billion of taxpayer money and spending it on illegal foreign nationals. You are one true dumbass and a brainwashed, bleater.

Also, dumbass, you're counting children among the 330 million people. Then take out the disabled and the lazy.
Hey, lying trumptard moron, I also didn't deduct the taxes illegals pay, nor did I account for how much they save you on your grocery bill.
Hey, lying trumptard moron, I also didn't deduct the taxes illegals pay, nor did I account for how much they save you on your grocery bill.

Have you been grocery shopping lately?

Evidently not.

America isn't in the black, paying for illegal foreign nationals, dumbass.

You dumbasses won't be happy until you control and spend everyone's money. Communists. That's what you all are.
Are you saying they cannot afford to pay anymore?

I'm asking why should they have to?

At what point do you stop stealing?

Get rid of government's wasteful spending, THEN we can talk about paying a fair share.

Wasteful spending is what you should be bitching about.

Stop taking money until you stop wasting it. Let's budget what we have and we'll find out, we make plenty.
Wasteful spending is what you should be bitching about.

Stop tax cuts for the rich.
End lower tax on capital gains.
End the mortgage interest deduction for second homes.
End the yacht tax deduction.
End the deduction for business meals.
End the social security earnings limit.
End the deduction for retirement plans.

Stop tax cuts for the rich.
End lower tax on capital gains.
End the mortgage interest deduction for second homes.
End the yacht tax deduction.
End the deduction for business meals.
End the social security earnings limit.
End the deduction for retirement plans.

Spending. Try again.
What is dumb about that?
What is dumb is thinking the people who pay the majority of the taxes should pay even more for those who does not pay at all.

At some point in time the government needs to realize it has a spending problem not a revenue problem
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At some point in time the government needs to realize it has a spending problem not a revenue problem

Stop tax cuts for the rich.
End lower tax on capital gains.
End the mortgage interest deduction for second homes.
End the yacht tax deduction.
End the deduction for business meals.
End the social security earnings limit.
End the deduction for retirement plans.
Oil does factor into a part of the inflation numbers any fool can see that. Insulin is not more expensive for the elderly . The reason it is not lower for everyone is because the Republicans are against it because they get large contributions from big Pharma. You know all this.
What I know is the fact that "Insulin for everyone else" is more expensive because those that have commercial payors have to subsidize the discounts the elderly receive because govt subsidy doesn't support the manufacturing of it to the masses.
What I know is the fact that "Insulin for everyone else" is more expensive because those that have commercial payors have to subsidize the discounts the elderly receive because govt subsidy doesn't support the manufacturing of it to the masses.
You can pay for the insulin subsidies with your tax cut.
Another moron supporting Kamala's price controls plan I see.
Another idiot running cover for the rich. We need to give more tax breaks so the corporations can pass the saving on to us, you know, like they've always done in the past.

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