Make it a 4th round for Mush

If you believe this is true then you need to sell stocks short or load up on puts. The stock market is a two way street. I grant to say you are doing just fine now just like you did when the other democratic presidents were in office.
Mush is the worst president in my lifetime andd that includes Carter and technically Nixon although I was small at the time.
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Why do you talk about a man so badly who has created a booming stock market and no recession in the worst case scenario. A man who is fighting to get drug prices down and doing it. A man who got us finally a construction bill passed. A man who has now got inflation under control. Also noting I think you are much better off financially under Biden. If not fire your stock advisor.
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Mush is thr worst. Kamala top that and might take us deep into a pit despair ww haven't seen in any of our lifetimes. Mark it down
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Why do you talk about a man so badly who has created a booming stock market and no recession in the worst case scenario. A man who is fighting to get drug prices down and doing it. A man who got us finally a construction bill passed. A man who has now got inflation under control. Also noting I think you are much better off financially under Biden. If not fire your stock advisor.
There's more to the country than my stocks. Mush is a Mush Brain moron and terrible. I wouldn't walk across a sidewalk to say anything good about him. Corrupt, not smart, and bad.
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Why do you talk about a man so badly who has created a booming stock market and no recession in the worst case scenario. A man who is fighting to get drug prices down and doing it. A man who got us finally a construction bill passed. A man who has now got inflation under control. Also noting I think you are much better off financially under Biden. If not fire your stock advisor.
What exactly has he done to lower inflation? Drug prices down for who????
H brought inflation down from around nine percent to 3.2 percent by fighting the oil companies by releasing oil reserves(which is what they were intended for) and getting legislation passed for drugs that benefit the elderly with type 1 diabetes and other drugs prices cut that will save 6 billion dollars.
I care about other people and the country. Ic are what this place is turning into for.our younger generations which is a weak socialism cesspool
So you want to have social security and medicare cuts to happen? You want the disabled to pay more for their medicines? You want people to die because they cant afford medicines so the ultra wealthy can line their pockets more and get more tax cuts for them.? I tell you where all of this will end if it happens It will be complete economic disaster just as it did in 1929 added to the deregulating banks you Republicans want.
I am not obsessed about anyone elses income only pointing out that he is whining all the time about things which just are not true.
But you complain about the rich not paying their fair share even though they already pay a majority of the taxes
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H brought inflation down from around nine percent to 3.2 percent by fighting the oil companies by releasing oil reserves(which is what they were intended for) and getting legislation passed for drugs that benefit the elderly with type 1 diabetes and other drugs prices cut that will save 6 billion dollars.
When he took office inflation was at 1.4%
H brought inflation down from around nine percent to 3.2 percent by fighting the oil companies by releasing oil reserves(which is what they were intended for) and getting legislation passed for drugs that benefit the elderly with type 1 diabetes and other drugs prices cut that will save 6 billion dollars.
You still cant answer his exact actions for lowering inflation. Oil doesn't factor into the inflation numbers you are trying to tout anyway. what exactly has he personally done. We dont know about the price of drugs and it's effects on prices yet. Insulin is more expensive now than a year or so ago. please explain.
So you want to have social security and medicare cuts to happen? You want the disabled to pay more for their medicines? You want people to die because they cant afford medicines so the ultra wealthy can line their pockets more and get more tax cuts for them.? I tell you where all of this will end if it happens It will be complete economic disaster just as it did in 1929 added to the deregulating banks you Republicans want.
Please stop with the ignorant MSNBC talking points.

Need we point out your hypocrisy at boasting about all your success in the stock market, while ignoring the "ultra wealthy" corporations taking advantage of the tax cuts that contributed to your rising stock market gains?
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But you complain about the rich not paying their fair share even though they already pay a majority of the taxes
Just because they pay the majority of taxes does not mean they are paying their fair share. I am talking about the billionaires here or the ones making at least 75 million not the ones like some of the lower rich people on here.
Please stop with the ignorant MSNBC talking points.

Need we point out your hypocrisy at boasting about all your success in the stock market, while ignoring the "ultra wealthy" corporations taking advantage of the tax cuts that contributed to your rising stock market gains?
I am not boasting about my gains in the stock market because I am sure that you and many others on here have made much much more on the stock market than me. Actually I have made more money on the downside than the upside.
Yes you do. What does herdman's wealth have to do with what he is pointing out? Please explain.
His wealth has little to do with what I was talking about . He just whines so much every time the market goes down some. I pointed out why he is so wrong on his dooms day predictions all the time. I understand the threat of nuclear destruction and that is very real but no matter who is president the threat will not go away and wars in general are always going to happen.
But you complain about the rich not paying their fair share even though they already pay a majority of the taxes
Someone tell the idiot^^^that the top 1% have more wealth than the combined wealth of the middle and lower class which make up about 80% of Americans.
I am not boasting about my gains in the stock market because I am sure that you and many others on here have made much much more on the stock market than me. Actually I have made more money on the downside than the upside.

Over 40% of Americans pay no income tax.

The top 1%....ONE percent, pay 46 percent of all federal income tax. More than the bottom 95% combined.

So what percentage do you think would be fair for the top 1% to pay?

We have a spending problem, not an income problem. It's that simple.
You still cant answer his exact actions for lowering inflation. Oil doesn't factor into the inflation numbers you are trying to tout anyway. what exactly has he personally done. We dont know about the price of drugs and it's effects on prices yet. Insulin is more expensive now than a year or so ago. please explain.
Oil does factor into a part of the inflation numbers any fool can see that. Insulin is not more expensive for the elderly . The reason it is not lower for everyone is because the Republicans are against it because they get large contributions from big Pharma. You know all this.
Over 40% of Americans pay no income tax.

The top 1%....ONE percent, pay 46 percent of all federal income tax. More than the bottom 95% combined.

So what percentage do you think would be fair for the top 1% to pay?

We have a spending problem, not an income problem. It's that simple.
Are you saying they cannot afford to pay anymore? Some are paying less of a percentage after tax write offs than the average person. Should they not at least pay the same percentage as those people? Tax cuts are needed for the middle class and somewhat poor not the ultra wealthy. Do you want a nation where there is no middle class and the poor die needlessly ? That is the problem in many third world countries. The ultra rich have it all and the rest have very little.
The top 1%....ONE percent, pay 46 percent of all federal income tax.
They make 26% of all income.
So what percentage do you think would be fair for the top 1% to pay?
Whatever percentage is necessary for them to pay normal tax rates on all income including unrealized capital gains
We have a spending problem, not an income problem. It's that simple.
You're an idiot. It's that simple.
They make 26% of all income.

How much of our income do they pay, dumbass?

Whatever percentage is necessary for them to pay normal tax rates on all income including unrealized capital gains

How much? They pay 46%. How much more? We have a spending problem, bleater. Just take away what we spend on health, housing and education for illegal foreign nationals. $billions...Think that would help our people?

You're an idiot. It's that simple.

Idiots are those who think government is the answer.
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How much of our income do they pay, dumbass?
Perhaps .004 of what they make.
How much? They pay 46%. How much more?
Whatever percentage is necessary for them to pay normal tax rates on all income including unrealized capital gains
We have a spending problem, bleater.
You're an idiot. Liar.
Just take away what we spend on health, housing and education for illegal foreign nationals. $billions...Think that would help our people?
$200,000,000,000 total on illegal immigration divided by 330,000,000 Americans. It would increase spending on every person in the U.S. by $600 per year. But you'd pay more than that per year on increased grocery costs by eliminating cheap labor.

Idiots are those who think I have the answer.
I am tired of going to work and paying taxes for lazy asses and people that milk the system. We have too many people freeloaders the system. The left wants more socialism in order to gain power. Then we go spend money we don't have on foreign countries and they freeloaders.

Our govt is big bloated and wasteful.

They use the printing press for money. Our debt is out of control.

Path to destruction.
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I am tired of going to work and paying taxes for lazy asses and people that milk the system. We have too many people freeloaders the system. The left wants more socialism in order to gain power. Then we go spend money we don't have on foreign countries and they freeloaders.

Our govt is big bloated and wasteful.

They use the printing press for money. Our debt is out of control.

Path to destruction.
Sounds like a good time for another tax break for the rich. Whiner.
Just because they pay the majority of taxes does not mean they are paying their fair share. I am talking about the billionaires here or the ones making at least 75 million not the ones like some of the lower rich people on here.
$200,000,000,000 total on illegal immigration divided by 330,000,000 Americans. It would increase spending on every person in the U.S. by $600 per year.

So you're good with taking $200 billion of taxpayer money and spending it on illegal foreign nationals. You are one true dumbass and a brainwashed, bleater.

Also, dumbass, you're counting children among the 330 million people. Then take out the disabled and the lazy. About 161 million people work, dumbass.

So $1.6 trillion is spent on entitlements and you're okay with adding 10-15 million illegal foreign nationals?

Wake up, bleater.