What “consensus” ? Most guides and other polls say about the same. A meaningless, losing season.
But you are accepting of “better than that”, meaning “better than eleventh”. The definition of accepting mediocrity.
There is no doubt that the mediocrity accepting fan base accepted the bad performance of coach after coach, including Greg White, the meme around him we are now seeing repeated.
But “improved”? “Upward trajectory”? Really? One special week and a half, and the rest pure mediocrity. But “upward”? Finish 4th, win tournament, followed by lost season ending in ridiculous pay-to-play deal; 11th. That is, umm, downward.
See that is the deal that the Doc hate crew has to buy into. It is just not true.
First, CUSA exists for football. The ONLY theme holding the deal together is a desire of the member schools to play football at the same level. Nothing else. Each has a different relationship to basketball, ranging from the better ones you mention to a third of the league that makes no effort at all at basketball. The idea that CUSA is anything but a one-bid lower mid-major fourth tier league in basketball, with at least 4 teams not really trying, is just wrong. This league is easy to dominate, which is what we should be doing.
Second, yes, thanks to our wonderful AD, we have great facilities. Including in basketball. When you cannot sell 9.5K, what do you need with more? The arena is just fine. Travel has improved (thanks MH and Jimmy J). Basketball has everything it needs. What, exactly, save a dedicated practice facility which is coming, do we need?
Third, yes, we have great fans. MU, among the smallest public colleges in I-A, is in I-A because of the best fan base in the country. Fans that would be there for basketball, if there was anything to see. There just isn’t.