Missouri Athlete Boycott Bill

Herd Fever

Platinum Buffalo
Sep 25, 2008
There is a bill in the Missouri Senate that states Athletes and Coaches can be fined and scholarships revoked if a player goes on strike for any reason and the coach can be fined if they encourage their players to strike
Are you kidding me?? So the suppression of your 1st Amendment rights is smart legislation
So standing up to your first amendment rights deserves you losing your scholarship??? What kind of America are we becoming?? This bill says this to me. "Black Athletes, your job is to play sports and be entertainment for us White folks. You have no right to make a stand for what you believe in. And if any of you Nigg** Loving coaches stand with them, We will hurt you in your pockets."
You have a link to the actual legislation? I'd like to read it. And to your racist point. What would happen to you if you refused to do your job to go to a protest? These kids are given a free ride to school. I absolutely think they should allowed to express themselves by I they refuse to play they should lose their scholarship
So if playing Athletics is a Job, then Pay the student Athletes, give them workers comp, benefits, short term and long-term disability and any other typical benefits a full time job would give you.
So if playing Athletics is a Job, then Pay the student Athletes, give them workers comp, benefits, short term and long-term disability and any other typical benefits a full time job would give you.

Hell yeah. Tax the shit out of them too. No more tax free medical care or scholarships. No more "laundry" allowances or booster $$ that goes to paying for more tattoos. Make them pay their tuition right out of their pay checks. Force them to buy Obummercare policies. Make it the law that they contribute to social security, Medicaid, and welfare for the bums they left behind in the projects.

Most of these "student" athletes have zero clue how good they have it while getting a free education.

No one is prohibiting their free speech. They can continue to spew their dumbshit all over social media whenever they want.
Fever, you do realize there is no first amendment right to strike, don't you? Nevermind. Of course you don't.
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Fever they are still allowed to protest they just can't miss a game to protest. Once again skip work to protest and see what happens
There is a bill in the Missouri Senate that states Athletes and Coaches can be fined and scholarships revoked if a player goes on strike for any reason and the coach can be fined if they encourage their players to strike

Good. Bunch of whiney ass spoiled brats
I have no problem with these guys making a statement about how they feel things are on campus. However, they get a scholarship to play and represent the university. If they fail to do that then they need to be stripped of the scholly. Meanwhile, the entire U of Mizzo fan base and alumni is held hostage to the demands of a group of guys. So does the university refund 70,0000 tickets if they fail to play a game? If they cancel does the other school sue? What about the economic implications to the city ?
If the players decided to "strike" on, for example, the 5th game of the season and refused to suit up, then pulling their scholarships won't pay for the loss of revenue for the 7 remaining games. The players hold all the cards on this if they are determined about it. Actually, a few key players could do very considerable damage, financially. Management in this case simply can't find replacement labor in time.
If the players decided to "strike" on, for example, the 5th game of the season and refused to suit up, then pulling their scholarships won't pay for the loss of revenue for the 7 remaining games. The players hold all the cards on this if they are determined about it. Actually, a few key players could do very considerable damage, financially. Management in this case simply can't find replacement labor in time.

Nobody is beyond replacement. First of all, not all of them would walk out. Not all of them would have the nads to do it if push came to shove. Second, if they lost their scholarship they all might not find another scholarship somewhere else, especially at high D1 level. No coach would do it because once they were fired no other school would hire them ever again. They would be blackballed and would never get a high level job again. The coach would also void his contract and would lose millions at that level. Plus, he may be in breech of contract and may have to pay them back money as well.

The air traffic controllers thought they could do the same thing. Didn't work out to well for the ones who chose to not come back after they were warned.
Nobody is beyond replacement. First of all, not all of them would walk out. Not all of them would have the nads to do it if push came to shove. Second, if they lost their scholarship they all might not find another scholarship somewhere else, especially at high D1 level. No coach would do it because once they were fired no other school would hire them ever again. They would be blackballed and would never get a high level job again. The coach would also void his contract and would lose millions at that level. Plus, he may be in breech of contract and may have to pay them back money as well.

The air traffic controllers thought they could do the same thing. Didn't work out to well for the ones who chose to not come back after they were warned.

1. "pulling their scholarships won't pay for the loss of revenue for the 7 remaining games."
2. "If the players decided to "strike"
3. "Management in this case simply can't find replacement labor in time."

Yes, St. Ronnie the Idiot made a point, and while making that point cost the airline industry more money than what it would have cost if the workers demands had been met. The following is a letter sent from St. Ronnie the Idiot during his campaign for president to the president of the air traffic controllers union. Not only was St Ronnie an idiot, he was a bare faced liar........

Dear Mr. Poli:
I have been briefed by members of my staff as to the deplorable state of our nation's air traffic control system. They have told me that too few people working unreasonable hours with obsolete equipment has placed the nation's air travelers in unwarranted danger. In an area so clearly related to public policy the Carter administration has failed to act responsibly.

You can rest assured that if I am elected president, I will take whatever steps are necessary to provide our air traffic controllers with the most modern equipment available and to adjust staff levels and work days so that they are commensurate with achieving a maximum degree of public safety.

As in all other areas of the federal government where the President has the power to appoint, I fully intend to appoint highly qualified individuals who can work harmoniously with Congress and the employees of the governmental agencies they oversee.

I pledge to you that my administration will work very closely with you to bring about a spirit of cooperation between the president and the air traffic controllers. Such harmony can and must exist of we are to restore the people's confidence in their government.


Ronald Reagan
Nobody is beyond replacement. First of all, not all of them would walk out. Not all of them would have the nads to do it if push came to shove. Second, if they lost their scholarship they all might not find another scholarship somewhere else, especially at high D1 level. No coach would do it because once they were fired no other school would hire them ever again. They would be blackballed and would never get a high level job again. The coach would also void his contract and would lose millions at that level. Plus, he may be in breech of contract and may have to pay them back money as well.

The air traffic controllers thought they could do the same thing. Didn't work out to well for the ones who chose to not come back after they were warned.

So if all the players walked out the 4th game of the season and had their scholarships stripped. You think they could be replaced. What about the rest of the athletes on campus. What if they all transfered out. They could easily be replaced right.

This would have significant financial damage to the university and state. If this law is passed. I would definitely encourage all of the athletes to strike and protest.
So if all the players walked out the 4th game of the season and had their scholarships stripped. You think they could be replaced. What about the rest of the athletes on campus. What if they all transfered out. They could easily be replaced right.

This would have significant financial damage to the university and state. If this law is passed. I would definitely encourage all of the athletes to strike and protest.

And you would be giving them horrible advice as to the potential negative impact to their future. Under the law they are not an employee of the school or state and they are free to quit the team and/or school and speak their mind as they please. They are not entitled to be a scholarship athlete. If they desire to end their relationship with the school and their team they are free to do so.

There are millions of high school athletes in this country who would be thrilled to be given a free education while playing a sport in college. They would step up gladly if someone took your advice to be a quitter.
So it's quitting standing up for their rights??

And I'm sure if a bunch of Missouri athletes protested and lost their scholarships, a bunch of teams would take them in as transfers easily. NCAA would probably grant them a hardship waiver.

The financial impact would be greater to the institutions of Missouri and that would have a bigger affect.

But nope in America now you shouldn't stand up for your rights if you don't want to face the consequences. But then again I'm debating with backwards WVians
So it's quitting standing up for their rights??

And I'm sure if a bunch of Missouri athletes protested and lost their scholarships, a bunch of teams would take them in as transfers easily. NCAA would probably grant them a hardship waiver.

The financial impact would be greater to the institutions of Missouri and that would have a bigger affect.

But nope in America now you shouldn't stand up for your rights if you don't want to face the consequences. But then again I'm debating with backwards WVians

You're a retard. They're not standing up for their rights; they're not fulfilling the agreement they made to earn the scholarship, so provisions are being made to counter their idiotic actions if they choose to strike.

As for the "backwards WVians" comment, you're a grown ass man with a college degree and you write at a 5th grade level. And you apparently don't know the difference between "affect" and "effect."
You're a retard. They're not standing up for their rights; they're not fulfilling the agreement they made to earn the scholarship, so provisions are being made to counter their idiotic actions if they choose to strike.

As for the "backwards WVians" comment, you're a grown ass man with a college degree and you write at a 5th grade level. And you apparently don't know the difference between "affect" and "effect."

More Backwards WVian thinking. Where in their scholarship does it say your not allowed to stand up for what you believe in?

Either why I hope if this becomes law, I hope all Student-Athletes in the state of Missouri Protest
More Backwards WVian thinking. Where in their scholarship does it say your not allowed to stand up for what you believe in?

Either why I hope if this becomes law, I hope all Student-Athletes in the state of Missouri Protest

scholarships can be revoked for no reason at all.
More Backwards WVian thinking. Where in their scholarship does it say your not allowed to stand up for what you believe in?

Either why I hope if this becomes law, I hope all Student-Athletes in the state of Missouri Protest
Tell your momma to pop the titty out of your mouth and move out. Where in the law does it prohibit athletes from protesting? Oh that's right it doesn't. All it does is say they can be punished if they miss a game due to protesting. It doesn't forbid them from doing it at all.
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So as long as they continue to make money for a corrupted system, they can protest all they want.

What has America become, I really hope this becomes law and the Athletes stick it to the Republicans and people like you. The financial devastation would be greater than some BS protest
So as long as they continue to make money for a corrupted system, they can protest all they want.

What has America become, I really hope this becomes law and the Athletes stick it to the Republicans and people like you. The financial devastation would be greater than some BS protest

how would the athletes stick it to anyone?
Fever what would happen to your telemarketing job if you didn't show up for work because you were protesting?
Lets see, if all the Athletes protest and lost their scholarship. No football, no basketball, no baseball, no athletes. How can a P5 school recover from that? Imagine the negative recruiting "Son, you know if you got to Missouri and you speak up for what you believe, you would be in jeopardy of your scholarship. At Arkansas or any other SEC school, you don't have to worry that. In fact we encourage our athletes to speak their mind without consequence."

Imagine the lose revenue from ticket sales, TV appearrances, the negative press, no bowl game, no nothing. And a bunch of pissed off boosters
Fever what would happen to your telemarketing job if you didn't show up for work because you were protesting?

Too bad I don't work Telemarketing plus it has been stated many times on here, Student-Athletes aren't workers. So they wouldn't be walking out of a job
America has become what these athletes are and what fever ism that should scare yhr hell out of people. A bunch of whiney title suckers.
America has become what these athletes are and what fever ism that should scare yhr hell out of people. A bunch of whiney title suckers.

So making a stand against the racist crap and the school doing nothing about it until the pressure became worst makes them a bunch of whiney title suckers??
Lets see, if all the Athletes protest and lost their scholarship. No football, no basketball, no baseball, no athletes. How can a P5 school recover from that? Imagine the negative recruiting "Son, you know if you got to Missouri and you speak up for what you believe, you would be in jeopardy of your scholarship. At Arkansas or any other SEC school, you don't have to worry that. In fact we encourage our athletes to speak their mind without consequence."

Imagine the lose revenue from ticket sales, TV appearrances, the negative press, no bowl game, no nothing. And a bunch of pissed off boosters

yeah pissed off boosters, who would still be wealthy, hell even more wealthy since they're not paying for the education and cost of living checks for student athletes. the real individuals that would be hurt by this action would be those working at the university in the lower paying jobs that would likely find themselves out of a job because of large budget cuts with the loss of athletics at their institution.

the millionaire boosters will still have their millions, the high paid individuals in the athletic department would find other high paying jobs, but the guy making $20,000 year sweeping floors might have to try to find another job, or they'll have to raise tuition causing innocent students to have to shelter the burden of making up the money.

but they will not, "stick it to the republicans and people like you," as you claim.
Lets see, if all the Athletes protest and lost their scholarship. No football, no basketball, no baseball, no athletes. How can a P5 school recover from that? Imagine the negative recruiting "Son, you know if you got to Missouri and you speak up for what you believe, you would be in jeopardy of your scholarship. At Arkansas or any other SEC school, you don't have to worry that. In fact we encourage our athletes to speak their mind without consequence."

Imagine the lose revenue from ticket sales, TV appearrances, the negative press, no bowl game, no nothing. And a bunch of pissed off boosters
Once again they are allowed to protest you dumb ****. Read the damn bill that has been proposed
"Yea sure Protest but don't miss any games boy. We need the millions we make off of you Boy."

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