JJ represents the staus quo of WV politics. His job is to do what Manchin tells him to do, which is keep the insiders employed, and continue to raise taxes so that the work-resistant life-welfarists who form the heart of his power base can remain on the dole and keep voting blue. He is not going to do anything for Huntington, or any other place. To his credit, "his" road plan does not involve pointless roads in his home town, unlike JM and ERT. He probably wants Marshall to be a better place, WVU to be a better place, and the state to be a better place. That does not matter, because "wanting" something is not enough, real change involves stopping doing dumb things and starting doing smart things. Good intensions are not enough.
As to sports, the guy has a lot of free time on his hands, and clearly likes sports. I think he wants MU to do well in sports. Again "wanting" and "having an idea that actually might work" are two different things.