Morgantown Bans Sofas Outside To Stop WVU Couch Burnings

No biggie, they ban furniture outdoors everywhere, not just Morgantown...wait, that's not true. In most places they don't even think about it because nobody but hill jacks put a couch on the porch in the first place.
I was up there last week and that place is a dump. Narrow roads that were nothing but huge pot holes and garbage all over the place. Everybody looked like the Walking Dead.
Originally posted by herdfan06:
I thought this was enacted years ago.
City tried to make it a crime.

First New Jersite that got arrested had rich daddy hire a lawyer. Mon County prosecutor (native New Jersite) who is in the top 10 most incompetent office holders in WV, which is a very high bar, dropped the charges citing the "first amendment" (which is the one about freedom of speech and all that, couches are not mentioned).

City is now making it a zoning thing, which is a civil matter.

This is what these people do.

The majority are thin envelopers turned down because they lack the intellect and lack the ability to behave as humans by their own state's "name" schools. They take the WV taxpayer subsidy to attend USPAM for L E S S than the would pay to attend the third tier colleges in their home states. WVU's gain is Montclair State's loss. On your dollar.

The minority who are from WV CHOOSE to be around such people.

And racist Gee wants YOU to pay to add 8K more New Jersites.

WVU. Where YOU pay, and OTHERS benefit.
The only difference between Rutgers and WVU is Rutgers holds themselves to a higher academic standard. The same trash you see in Morgantown is the same trash you see in Piscataway just smarter
Yes because when you can't enforce the laws already on the books it makes complete sense to make more laws that also won't be enforced.