Mueller's report looks bad for President


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 3, 2007
Mueller's report looks bad for President Obama

(CNN) The partisan warfare over the Mueller report will rage, but one thing cannot be denied: Former President Barack Obama looks just plain bad. On his watch, the Russians meddled in our democracy while his administration did nothing about it.

The Mueller report flatly states that Russia began interfering in American democracy in 2014. Over the next couple of years, the effort blossomed into a robust attempt to interfere in our 2016 presidential election. The Obama administration knew this was going on and yet did nothing. In 2016, Obama's National Security Adviser Susan Rice told her staff to "stand down" and "knock it off" as they drew up plans to "strike back" against the Russians, according to an account from Michael Isikoff and David Corn in their book "Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump".
Why did Obama go soft on Russia? My opinion is that it was because he was singularly focused on the nuclear deal with Iran. Obama wanted Putin in the deal, and to stand up to him on election interference would have, in Obama's estimation, upset that negotiation. This turned out to be a disastrous policy decision.
Obama's supporters claim he did stand up to Russia by deploying sanctions after the election to punish them for their actions. But, Obama, according to the Washington Post, "approved a modest package... with economic sanctions so narrowly targeted that even those who helped design them describe their impact as largely symbolic." In other words, a toothless response to a serious incursion.

But don't just take my word for it that Obama failed. Congressman Adam Schiff, who disgraced himself in this process by claiming collusion when Mueller found that none exists, once said that "the Obama administration should have done a lot more." The Washington Post reported that a senior Obama administration official said they "sort of choked" in failing to stop the Russian government's brazen activities. And Obama's ambassador to Russia, Michael McFaul, said, "The punishment did not fit the crime" about the weak sanctions rolled out after the 2016 election.
A legitimate question Republicans are asking is whether the potential "collusion" narrative was invented to cover up the Obama administration's failures. Two years have been spent fomenting the idea that Russia only interfered because it had a willing, colluding partner: Trump. Now that Mueller has popped that balloon, we must ask why this collusion narrative was invented in the first place.

Given Obama's record on Russia, one operating theory is that his people needed a smokescreen to obscure just how wrong they were. They've blamed Trump. They've even blamed Mitch McConnell, in some twisted attempt to deflect blame to another branch of government. Joe Biden once claimed McConnell refused to sign a letter condemning the Russians during the 2016 election. But McConnell's office counters that the White House asked him to sign a letter urging state electors to accept federal help in securing local elections -- and he did. You can read it here.
I guess if I had failed to stop Russia from marching into Crimea, making a mess in Syria, and hacking our democracy I'd be looking to blame someone else, too.
But the Mueller report makes it clear that the Russian interference failure was Obama's alone. He was the commander-in-chief when all of this happened. In 2010, he and Eric Holder, his Attorney General, declined to prosecute Julian Assange, who then went on to help Russia hack the Democratic National Committee's emails in 2016. He arguably chose to prioritize his relationship with Putin vis-à-vis Iran over pushing back against Russian election interference that had been going on for at least two years.

If you consider Russian election interference a crisis for our democracy, then you cannot read the Mueller report, adding it to the available public evidence, and conclude anything other than Barack Obama spectacularly failed America. Subsequent investigations of this matter should explore how and why Obama's White House failed, and whether they invented the collusion narrative to cover up those failures.
If they don't find a way to give Trump the boot we are in deep trouble.The liberal left of the Democratic party seem to be picking these totally air headed women to challenge Trump. None of them can beat Trump. So they threw a gay guy in the ring. Their total disdain for a white man over 50 opens the door for some real wing dingers. Heck Hillary was far better than anyone running now by a mile and she blew it. On CNN it sounds like he is a gone. On fox it's all a joke. I unlike you guys just dont believe either party. I don't use charts and numbers. I deal with a whole lot of people and I listen to them, the real American people and listen how their lives are. Most have to work all the time and don't have the time we do to play point counter point. All that college education was great for landing a better job. Didn't give anyone anymore common sense or teach them everyday skills to survive. Engineers who can't change a tire. Math teachers who can't do simple math without a calculator. Dr's who are not sure how to help because prescribing drugs is a big no no. And our college educated president of the U S who is not nearly as smart as Dragtool a fuel truck driver with no teeth I worked with in 2000-2003.
Good job HerdFan 06 but to flat out say Obama screwed up bad with russia is a big No no no. Obama was a young guy with no experience but a very good speaker. He was hip. It's hip to be cool. Which is as helpful as me knowing the Pittsburgh pirate starting lineups from 60 to 70. Extragreen you deserve more from your party. You support them and never waver and they keep letting you down.Your deserve more for your unwavering loyalty. Trump could have used you and your loyalty.
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Extragreen you deserve more from your party. You support them and never waver and they keep letting you down.Your deserve more for your unwavering loyalty. Trump could have used you and your loyalty.

We could have used your help, but you stood on the sidelines and refused. I'm not to blame, nor are any that voted for someone other than cheetos. But YOU and others like you ARE to blame. My party didn't let me down, my fellow Americans did. The ones like you.
My one vote in the state of KY would have won Hillary the electoral vote. Wrong. 1000 votes by me would have not changed anything. Really wrong on that one but that's all you have been doing since before Trump won were nothing but totally wrong predictions. Stood on the sidelines. True, taking care of mom and Aiden kept me from doing anything in the election . Then again I never got involved in any campaign on any level except the union vote at mariti. That was a case where no democrats would side with the union. Yet my father and I led that charge. We thought democrats down here would vote for the union. Democrats lost, you lost and are blaming individuals and not the party that lost , the democratic party who stayed at home and didn't vote especially the black vote Obama got would have won the election. Hillary didn't get that. Okay with your way of thinking the Chiefs lost the super bowl because the Chiefs fans didn't cheer hard enough. Why some fans watched from the sidelines. Lol ..Be a man not a woman like the ones the Democratic party are running and blaming Trump for every single problem in America and like you e.g. ok buddy no solutions. You are falling in line by disliking the other side. Call that dividing the country. Dems now are worse than Trump in that category
A party that loses to that low IQ womanizing, lol Donald Trump will become the dumbest political party in the history of the world
But who's gonna take care of the gay folk and their mental illness?. Who is gonna point the transmixeduppers to the right restroom. Not me and my black brothers We will be striving to get that slavery check. Guarantee as wild as my family was they slept with many black slaves so I too am a black cat. Do wear 14's
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