Mush Biden: Let's Be Tough on Iran But, He Enabled Them

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Mush is trying to act tough on Iran, but he is the one that has given them billions. And, with his stupid green energy hogwash, Iran has been making all kinds of money the last couple of years. Billions up billions.

Then, Mush wants to play grab ass with them on the nuclear deal.

Speaking out both sides of his mouth.

DC is full of idiots and a Mush Brain is at the top.

Mush is trying to act tough on Iran, but he is the one that has given them billions. And, with his stupid green energy hogwash, Iran has been making all kinds of money the last couple of years. Billions up billions.

Then, Mush wants to play grab ass with them on the nuclear deal.

Speaking out both sides of his mouth.

DC is full of idiots and a Mush Brain is at the top.

He gave $100 million of our tax dollars to Gaza as well. Noooooo...Hamas won't get any of that. Surely not. :rolleyes:
why is he playing grab ass with these kind of actors?

I haven't a clue. Like I said, if we didn't know any better, it's like he's an enemy of the United States. Look at all the money Iran made through oil sales, because Pedo-Joe didn't enforce sanctions. He's trying to release $6 billion on top of that. It's like he's trying to normalize Iran.

While we're at it, why are so many on the left rooting for Hamas?
Does anyone know why the trumptards^^^didn't say a word about their criminal defendant orange jesus offering North Korea and Iran aid to fight covid 19??
Does anyone know why the trumptards^^^didn't say a word about their criminal defendant orange jesus offering North Korea and Iran aid to fight covid 19??

What's a Trumptard? Neither took the offer and it pissed them off that he offered. They damn-well took Pedo-Joe's offer of 6 billion and smiled as he didn't enforce sanctions, enriching them to finance terrorism, much of what was seen in the attack on Israel. You say they didn't touch the 6 billion? Well don't forget the millions and millions they made selling their oil, while thumbing their noses at U.S. santcions, of which Pedo-Joe didn't enforce.
Mush still giving them money.. Take it back? Noppppe.

They have no serious moral guiding compass.

Anybody notice the world going to shit since Mush has been in office?
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It took nine rounds of talks with the taliban over 18 months. At one point, Trump secretly invited the Taliban to the presidential retreat at Camp David on the eve of the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
What's a Trumptard?
If you have to ask, you are one.

Does anyone know why the trumptards^^^didn't say a word about their criminal defendant orange jesus offering North Korea and Iran aid to fight covid 19??
Mush still giving them money.. Take it back? Noppppe.

They have no serious moral guiding compass.

Anybody notice the world going to shit since Mush has been in office?
We realize you're suffering from withdrawal from your orange jesus, oath breaker. Tough it out.
If you have to ask, you are one.

Does anyone know why the trumptards^^^didn't say a word about their criminal defendant orange jesus offering North Korea and Iran aid to fight covid 19??

Define Trumptard, candyass. You don't even know, you coward.
Does anyone know why the trumptards^^^didn't say a word about their criminal defendant orange jesus offering North Korea and Iran aid to fight covid 19??

Neither took the offer and it pissed them off that he offered. They damn-well took Pedo-Joe's offer of 6 billion and smiled as he didn't enforce sanctions, enriching them to finance terrorism, much of what was seen in the attack on Israel. You say they didn't touch the 6 billion? Well don't forget the millions and millions they made selling their oil, while thumbing their noses at U.S. santcions, of which Pedo-Joe didn't enforce.
Define Trumptard, candyass. You don't even know, you coward.
If you have to ask, you are one.

Does anyone know why the trumptards^^^didn't say a word about their criminal defendant orange jesus offering North Korea and Iran aid to fight covid 19??

It took nine rounds of talks with the taliban over 18 months. At one point, Trump secretly invited the Taliban to the presidential retreat at Camp David on the eve of the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Neither took the offer and it pissed them off that he offered. They damn-well took Pedo-Joe's offer of 6 billion and smiled as he didn't enforce sanctions, enriching them to finance terrorism, much of what was seen in the attack on Israel. You say they didn't touch the 6 billion? Well don't forget the millions and millions they made selling their oil, while thumbing their noses at U.S. santcions, of which Pedo-Joe didn't enforce.
Does anyone know why the trumptards^^^didn't say a word about their criminal defendant orange jesus offering North Korea and Iran aid to fight covid 19??
Does anyone know why the trumptards^^^didn't say a word about their criminal defendant orange jesus offering North Korea and Iran aid to fight covid 19??


LINK: Pedo-Joe Offers Aid, Vaccines To Covid-stricken North Korea

EXCERPT: US President Pedo-Joe said Saturday that America had offered Covid-19 vaccines to Pyongyang but "got no response" despite a spiralling epidemic in North Korea

"It's okay if my messiah, Pedo-Joe, does it. If Trump does it? Hang him in the street!" -

If anyone says, “I love God,” and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.
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^^^Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Does anyone know why the trumptards^^^didn't say a word about their criminal defendant orange jesus offering North Korea and Iran aid to fight covid 19??
^^^Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
How do you figure, dumbass? I do know you hate Trump, so that makes you a liar.
Does anyone know why the trumptards^^^didn't say a word about their criminal defendant orange jesus offering North Korea and Iran aid to fight covid 19??

Does anyone know why the pedophile supporter^^^didn't say a word about his messiah offering North Korea and Iran aid to fight covid 19??

Does anyone know why the pedophile supporter^^^doesn't call Pedo-Joe out when he lies?

Unadulterated hatred and hypocrisy is what I think.
How do you figure, dumbass? I do know you hate Trump, so that makes you a liar.
^^^Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

You're a lying idiot hypocrite.

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