As to CCU. Exploding population in Myrtle Beach. Less than 70 K 40 years ago, today over 310K. Many of those retirees with no particular allegance to any sports team, at least not at this level, and, priced right and marketed well, you could build up a loyality. I don't know where anyone gets that the school is "struggling financially" either in its athletic budget or over-all. School was 4K 25 years ago, well over 10K today. Football stadium less than 10 years old, being expanded. Awsome baseball park. Four year old basketball arena, albeit too small Football coach is a billionaire (retired stock broker, working for free). Student body is much more traditional aged, sports oriented group.
Contrasted to UNCC? Charlotte is a big city, and there are 100 other things to do every day. Student body is larger, yes, but older too. Lots of "non-traditional" and commuter students who don't care much about the sports teams. I'm tired of hearing about UNCC's "potential". It is not there.
As to the Alabama schools, if the UA trustees present me with a signed and notarized statement countersigned by Nick Saban and Paul Feinbaum that UAB will be getting an on-campus stadium of appropriate size within 3 years, I would take UAB in a heartbeat over Troy. Absent that we are struck with Troy. Neither lights the light that much. Alabama and Auburn soak up 99.9% of the football oxygen in Alabama. If I had to pick up an Alabama school, I would look at USA. Mobile has the least number of natives of any part of the state, (and thus folks not already a lifetime in to the eternal UA AU war) and also a lot of military and retirees. Similar deal to CCU, marketed right.