Oath breaker is a corporatist viper and continual liar. And just like his orange jesus, he worships at the altar of money, shows no compassion for fellow Americans, supports giving tax breaks to the wealthy while ignoring the fact that the rich are already rich, believes that poor Americans are poor because they're lazy and make bad decisions while failing to recognize that he's not a multi millionaire for the same reasons, claims to hate 'big government' but only when he disagrees with them ( like all those who whine about big government), agrees with the insurrection to overthrow that same govt, and agrees with his orange lord in his attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. He falsely claims he is for freedom while willing to squash any idea or movement that provides more freedom to anyone else but himself. The oath breaker is always wanting everyone to "look over there" for the problems in America when in reality it's people like him that are the problem.