I’m not nearly smart enough to come up with a system of government on my own, but broad strokes I would greatly weaken the power of the states. I just don’t accept things being legal in one state but not one state over as being a decent form of government. I’m sure there’d be some things about a strong Fed that I would like less than what we have in CA now but so be it.
I’m struggling to see the benefit now of a bicameral legislature. I could possibly be convinced, but I would still want proportional representation in both houses. I want that Senator to answer to the same number of people no matter where they’re from.
In terms of voting I would want ranked choice voting or one of those type of systems at all levels. First past the post like we have now just locks in our terrible two party system. If everyone could vote FOR who they wanted instead of against who they’re terrified of I think we would see a much better government.