Official Farewell to Rifle Thread


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 9, 2017
When considering your goodbyes to Rifle, I think it's important not to focus only on his recent psychological meltdown, but at his entire body of work here on HN.

Perhaps the 2-year hiatus will allow him to regroup and focus on what made him the once legendary poster?

Then again, if he returns in October, 2020, he will arrive just in time before Trump is re-elected, which will only re-energize his liberal psychosis. He will also be 40+ years old and probably have the Holgorsen combover, which he will hide with a large do-rag.

Folks, we have to accept reality here; we will never see the old Rifle again. Damn.
rifle's fall from grace was harder than Kevin Spacey, Louis CK and Harvey Weinstein's combined. Guy went from a very likable asshole (but our asshole) to batshit crazy after the 2016 election of Trump. Hopefully after his brief 2 year hiatus, he'll be able to channel his hate into something more positive for himself.

I'm pulling for you pal. Get some rest today. You've had a rough 24 hours.
I know you're out there somewhere, rifle. Miss you already. It's going to be a long two years, but rules are rules.
R.I.P. Rifle.

I want to first take a moment to deliver a heartfelt eulogy:

Here lies the once invincible Rifle. In his prime, he was tough as nails, smarter than Einstien, had a rifle for an arm, and was looked upon as a real life Hercules, a man amongst men, if you will.

No man dared to mess with Rifle in his prime. Then, along came Trump. Even the legend was no match for the Trumpster. The decline of this man came swift and forceful.

Who could forget the man who once posted pictures of being with women we all would drool over, would fall to a level of multiple attempts to convince us all that Kathy Griffen was smoking hot?

Who could forget the man who was so wealthy, he could never have to work another day in his life, but yet, had to ask his mother to borrow her ride?

Who could forget the man who once was the idol of message board posters around the globe, only to fall to the level of counting likes, correcting misspelled words, and making a very big deal over grammar errors.

Rifle, you will be missed, my friend. As you venture through these next few years, I hope you continue to be a 'view-only' poster, as well as document individual posts that you may find yourself really needing to respond to in October of 2020.

I'm sure I'll continue to see you over on the OT & Woodshed forums.

Until then, enjoy your two year sabbatical.
I just can’t believe rifle is gone it’s just been to much for me too see him go down this road. Their have been many days wear i is truely concerned for his well being. I am glad he will be able to hang out with Tom green
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Now that it is over and things have come to pass
I loved rifle like a brother, but he became a crazy ass
He is the man who could write songs and sang
He was not shy about talking about his wang

Here I sit all broken hearted
He was never with a girl who farted
He had several sluts and many a whore
But, his post about spelling became a bore

God bless you my friend and our PullMan Pal
I hope you find one more big titted tight assed Gal
Maturity comes with time and with some Age
You actually have better hair than Diamond Dallas Page