One of the Koch Brothers Died

Hopefully painful

Good riddance to the piece of shit. Just wait until trump dies.

You’re a fvcking tool preacher man if you don’t see how corrupt the Koch boys are (were) in his case

So I’m supposed to mourn for a corrupt billionaire who’s done more harm politically in this country than just about anyone imaginable? And to boot I'm not supposed call out a right wing preacher who openly supports a POTUS who has degraded women, lies,cheats, steals, commits fraud as a hypocrite? Lmao, yeah ok

He's (keeper) a f'ucking hypocrite and a perfect example of why anyone in their right mind would never want to be a Christian. Get off your f'ucking high horse.

In my mind, a hypocrite is more like someone that says he's giving prisoners money under the guise of "kindness," when he's actually paying them fees for improperly soliciting business from other inmates. That's just me though.
The Bible has the death penalty for like a 100 different things,

You should refrain from talking about Bible content until (1) you firmly understand there is as old covenant and a new covenant, (2) that Jesus raised someone from the dead, (3) and Jesus didn't hit someone with a whip.

Jesus made shitload of wine because everyone was drinking so hard they went through five days of wine in three

We've had this discussion before and you were just as stupid then.

Which branch of Baptists do you belong to?

The branch that reads and understands some things in the Bible.
You should refrain from talking about Bible content until (1) you firmly understand there is as old covenant and a new covenant, (2) that Jesus raised someone from the dead, (3) and Jesus didn't hit someone with a whip.

We've had this discussion before and you were just as stupid then.

The branch that reads and understands some things in the Bible.

1. Great, now we can murder. The Old Testament doesn't count. Purge time. Is this concept how you reconcile your idolatry?

2. It's awesome you still hang on that troll. Got heem.

3. I'll be in the area next want me to show you how a whip works? I'll Kunte Kinte your backside and then you can explain again how Jesus was too dumb to know what a whip is for, like you.

4. Explain again why the good wine was usually served first. And fail like the last time

5. We know why you won't answer the Baptist question: your church supports the death penalty.

6. A Scientologist preaching the Bible. Hahahaha. That's like a gay guy telling us pussy is no good.
The Old Testament doesn't count.

The Old Testament is no longer in effect. Period. Bunch of you show your lack of understanding of the Bible and Christianity when you can't figure that out.

It's awesome you still hang on that troll. Got heem.

It wasn't a troll. You don't believe what the Bible says. You made that clear on more than one occasion.

then you can explain again how Jesus was too dumb to know what a whip is for

No one can explain how dumb you are when it comes to understanding scripture.

Explain again why the good wine was usually served first.

Because it was better. That's the whole point of this miracle Jesus did, in that it was a spiritually symbolic that the new covenant is better than the old covenant.

We know why you won't answer the Baptist question

Because you can't understand Baptist answers.

A Scientologist preaching the Bible. Hahahaha.

A non believer ^^^^attempting to preach scripture. Bwaaaaahaha !!!
This is how power hungry liberals are. They make comments like this when political opponents pass away. That is how dangerous they are and hell bent on control and power. Koch whoever he was had no effect on their lives whatsoever but, they say things like this. It is why they can never be trusted with unlimited power. They would probably try to throw us in gas furnaces.

It is like when pussy faces like Maher say things like I wish we wold go through a recession do Trump is hurt politically. Why? So the average dude suffers why you have millions and talk about it?
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That's the whole point of this miracle Jesus did, in that it was a spiritually symbolic that the new covenant is better than the old covenant.

And how does that explain why at every other week-long wedding they always served the good stuff first? Do you think this time they were like, "Oh shit, Jesus is coming, we better not get hammered!" Idiot. It's like you think getting crunk didn't exist back then, but then there are verses in the Bible saying not to get crunk. Do you know why there are no verses in the Bible about jacking off to internet porn? Probably because internet porn didn't exist back then.

Because you can't understand Baptist answers.

Well that's a hard dodge. Maybe the Sunday me and @WV-FAN show up to talk about Xenu we can take a poll on your brothers' and sisters' thoughts on the death penalty.

No one can explain how dumb you are when it comes to understanding scripture.

Then please explain how a whip is operated in your neck of the woods. You dodge this every time. No weird sex stuff, though.

A non believer ^^^^attempting to preach scripture. Bwaaaaahaha !!!

Preach? You see me behind a pulpit? I can also discuss Islam, but I ain't bowing to Mecca anytime soon. Or getting on the cans. Speaking of cans, do you have to confess being an asshole? Or does that come with the territory of your main religion (when you are not playing Baptist on Sunday)?

The Old Testament is no longer in effect. Period.

Cool. Again, is that how you reconcile the Xenu shit?
Koch whoever he was had no effect on their lives whatsoever but, they say things like this.

What effect does Maher have on your life? Why do you give a fvck what he says? He probably doesn't even believe what he says, he is just getting paid. Like those Republicans voting against gay rights that got caught Getting paid.
And how does that explain why at every other week-long wedding they always served the good stuff first?

I already answered that question,idiot.
Because it was better.

Well that's a hard dodge.

Not a dodge, it's a fact. You don't understand scripture.

Then please explain how a whip is operated

You own a gun. That means you've shot people. You have no idea how stupid your idea of Jesus is.

You see me behind a pulpit?

You've got about as much business there as Keeper, and that's not a compliment.

Again, is that how you reconcile the Xenu shit?

I'll answer that as soon as you no longer serve Satan.
Statements like Maher made are just stupid and does as much to entrench the divide among us than Trump is doing. But this is what you get when both the left and the right circle their wagons at the extreme ends of the political spectrum where all the emotion is. I was not a fan of Koch for several reasons...his effort to obfuscate the data on climate change and his lobbying efforts in education...but I’m certainly not going to wish ill on anyone. People have many sides to them. And of course the media presentation of people very seldom gives us the whole picture. Maher is an idiot in this case. He’s doing more harm than good for his cause. All he’s done is give conservatives the moral high low as that might be.
Statements like Maher made are just stupid and does as much to entrench the divide among us than Trump is doing. But this is what you get when both the left and the right circle their wagons at the extreme ends of the political spectrum where all the emotion is. I was not a fan of Koch for several reasons...his effort to obfuscate the data on climate change and his lobbying efforts in education...but I’m certainly not going to wish ill on anyone. People have many sides to them. And of course the media presentation of people very seldom gives us the whole picture. Maher is an idiot in this case. He’s doing more harm than good for his cause. All he’s done is give conservatives the moral high low as that might be.
Trump is far closer to the center than the Dem party.....that’s why he won and just another reason he will win again
I’m sure I’ll get some conservative hard ass throw a snowflake accusation at me, but this hatred that has permeated politics is really sad. Not just politics either. I have friends that are always throwing away people they know because of some perceived slight or disagreement. There’s just not enough time on this earth to throw away everyone that you find difference with. You’ll arrive at the end of it pretty lonely. Speak your mind with enthusiasm and passion. But when you take joy out of someone’s death? Time to re-evaluate.
What effect does Maher have on your life? Why do you give a fvck what he says? He probably doesn't even believe what he says, he is just getting paid. Like those Republicans voting against gay rights that got caught Getting paid.
I don't wish death or pain and suffering on him. That's the difference.
I’m sure I’ll get some conservative hard ass throw a snowflake accusation at me, but this hatred that has permeated politics is really sad. Not just politics either. I have friends that are always throwing away people they know because of some perceived slight or disagreement. There’s just not enough time on this earth to throw away everyone that you find difference with. You’ll arrive at the end of it pretty lonely. Speak your mind with enthusiasm and passion. But when you take joy out of someone’s death? Time to re-evaluate.
I have a rule. I will not ruin a friendship over politics. Never have.
Trump is far closer to the center than the Dem party.....that’s why he won and just another reason he will win again

Trump doesn’t have a political position. He only sees things in how it benefits himself at that moment. He’s for things until he’s against them. He supported no cuts in Medicare then supported a bill to do just that. He declared NATO obsolete until he said they weren’t obsolete. He was for women’s right to choose before he was against it. He attacked the federal reserve chair for keeping interest rates low as a political move during his campaign until he attacked the present chair for raising them. Trump accused Obama of trying to hide his records than immediately upon election fights to not disclose tax records, school grades, and reverses an Obama era policy of disclosing White House visitors. He accuses Ted Cruz and HC as being tools of Goldman Sachs then upon election he immediately hires former GS alumni Cohn, Mnuchin, and Bannon to top advisory positions.

I could go on and on. I believe what you’re calling the middle is really just an average of his positions.
In my mind, a hypocrite is more like someone that says he's giving prisoners money under the guise of "kindness," when he's actually paying them fees for improperly soliciting business from other inmates. That's just me though.

LMAO at you morons who think I’m someone I’m not.
Raoul, mlblack, herdman and Random.

And the sad part is, two of those dumbasses are mods.
LMAO at you morons who think I’m someone I’m not.
Raoul, mlblack, herdman and Random.

And the sad part is, two of those dumbasses are mods.


I never said it was you. Just trying to give a better example of hypocrisy . . .
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Liar. I am asking you a question about the overall culture at the time.

I answered your question, pill head.

That passage doesn't say Jesus owned a whip. It says he used a whip. You are an illogical fool.

Nowhere in the Bible does it say that Jesus struck someone with anything. Your problem is you want to fashion Jesus after yourself, instead of fashioning yourself after him.

You serve Satan also.
I really like this out of you, this new line of attack. Anyone that has read a shred of the history of Scientology really gets a kick out of it. Either you have your act of batshit crazy really down, or you are the dumbest SOB alive.

It's just an easy to understand fact, you serve Satan. pill head.