
Platinum Buffalo
Jan 2, 2007
A leader of the Proud Boys (ARMY) who led the far-right organization’s infamous march to the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, has been sentenced to 17 years in prison

A second member of the Proud Boys, former (MARINE) Zachary Rehl, the president of his local Philadelphia chapter of the organization, was later sentenced to 15 years.

We have oath breakers like this^^^ on the board (you know who you are) and one under 4 criminal indictments.
A leader of the Proud Boys (ARMY) who led the far-right organization’s infamous march to the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, has been sentenced to 17 years in prison

A second member of the Proud Boys, former (MARINE) Zachary Rehl, the president of his local Philadelphia chapter of the organization, was later sentenced to 15 years.

We have oath breakers like this^^^ on the board (you know who you are) and one under 4 criminal indictments.
Idiot, nobody on this board supports their violence or rioting.
But they raised their right hand.

You low life lying trumptard oath breaker.
you tried to compare what these guys did to people on here. Stop being a miserable ass. Lee Harvey Oswald was in the service also. Just because someone doesn't agree with you poltically doesn' make them a bad person like Lee Harvey Oswald of the two guys mentioned in your original post.
A leader of the Proud Boys (ARMY) who led the far-right organization’s infamous march to the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, has been sentenced to 17 years in prison

A second member of the Proud Boys, former (MARINE) Zachary Rehl, the president of his local Philadelphia chapter of the organization, was later sentenced to 15 years.

We have oath breakers like this^^^ on the board (you know who you are) and one under 4 criminal indictments.
Be interesting to compare their sentences with recent sentences from the same judges for pedos and violent offenders.
you tried to compare what these guys did to people on here. Stop being a miserable ass. Lee Harvey Oswald was in the service also. Just because someone doesn't agree with you poltically doesn' make them a bad person like Lee Harvey Oswald of the two guys mentioned in your original post.
But they raised their right hand.

You low life lying trumptard oath breaker.
Be interesting to compare their sentences with recent sentences from the same judges for pedos and violent offenders.
^^^moron still defending oath breakers that incited and/or participated in an illegal insurrection against the Constitution and attempted to illegally overturn the results of a free and fair election.
You did. Now you're an oath breaker. Like the idiots at the insurrection.
Which one the one on Jan 6th or the one where they were trying break down the white house fence, burned the church of the Presidents, and threw explosive devices at federal officers?
Funny, the longest a leftist has been sentenced for actions in a riot is 10 years for using explosives in an attempt to commit mass murder.
Which one the one on Jan 6th or the one where they were trying break down the white house fence, burned the church of the Presidents, and threw explosive devices at federal officers?
You're a liar. You defend the punks every time you call it a riot instead of an insurrection and YOU are an OATH BREAKER. All because your orange jesus lost a free and fair election.
I wasn't there moron. You come up with stupid crap
You're a liar. You defend the punks every time you call it a riot instead of an insurrection and YOU are an OATH BREAKER. All because your orange jesus lost a free and fair election.
You're a liar. You defend the punks every time you call it a riot instead of an insurrection and YOU are an OATH BREAKER. All because your orange jesus lost a free and fair election.
How bout the insurrection when they were trying to breach the white house fences, burned the church of the presidents, and were throwing explosive devices at federal officers?
How bout the insurrection when they were trying to breach the white house fences, burned the church of the presidents, and were throwing explosive devices at federal officers?
You're a liar. You defend the punks every time you call it a riot instead of an insurrection and YOU are an OATH BREAKER. All because your orange jesus lost a free and fair election.
Trump appointment, he's one of y'all. Now I bet you don't go comparing....
Ffs. Anyone that knows anything about federal district judges knows that those appointments are all local political hacks, typically picked by the senators, representatives, or other high ranking politicians that have pull in whatever district they're appointed in - regardless of politics (same as U.S. Attorneys). Kelly is a long-time establishment Republican. He likely hates Trump as much as you and Greed do.

TLDR version: Only a moron, like yourself, would think a district judge is tied to the same political beliefs as the POTUS they were appointed under.

Edit: To be clear, judicial appointments tend to be more aligned with POTUS the higher you go. District judges range anywhere from wholly unrelated to completely aligned, and everything in-between. POTUS never scrutinizes or has any personal knowledge of who these people are. Court of appeals are mostly in line with party - not POTUS - beliefs. May have actual POTUS input, depending on circuit. SCOTUS picks are almost always vetted by POTUS himself and are hand-picked.
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You're a liar. You defend the punks every time you call it a riot instead of an insurrection and YOU are an OATH BREAKER. All because your orange jesus lost a free and fair election.
I don't hear you condemning that insurrection. They actually wanted to cause harm to to POTUS
I don't hear you condemning that insurrection. They actually wanted to cause harm to to POTUS
You're a liar. You defend the punks every time you call it a riot instead of an insurrection and YOU are an OATH BREAKER. All because your orange jesus lost a free and fair election.
You're a liar. You defend the punks every time you call it a riot instead of an insurrection and YOU are an OATH BREAKER. All because your orange jesus lost a free and fair election.
Still haven't heard you, extrajihadist
Still haven't heard you, extrajihadist
You're a liar. You defend the punks every time you call it a riot instead of an insurrection and YOU are an OATH BREAKER. All because your orange jesus lost a free and fair election.
Ffs. Anyone that knows anything about federal district judges knows that those appointments are all local political hacks, typically picked by the Federalist Society

Let me be clear: half of all of Trump's judicial nominees, 90% of his appellate nominees, and 100% of his SCOTUS picks were hand-chosen by the Federalist Society.

No one is picking a local hack for The District of Columbia. Too much political shit comes before DDC. You know this.

Timothy Kelly is a Federalist Society member and pick. He's also Chuck Grassley's boy...and DC ain't Iowa, where Grassley very well could recommend a hack.

Kelly is y'alls. Period. You just assumed he was a lib because he put the screws to these traitors.

Now, Democrat appointees absolutely are often local political hacks picked by Congress critters. I will totally give you that. But the Federalist Society has largely taken over the business of Republican nominees. Honestly it's brilliant, conservatives get judges they can count on the have vetted beliefs.