Appears to be some truth to this. Almost a tinge of arrogance and spitefulness with our HC. Can't help thinking about the 2010 season disaster at the end of the WVU game, which will always define Doc's main coaching shortcoming to me. We had a chance to clinch the win with about 8 minutes to go and the ball near the WVU goal line. Doc puts in a freshman running back who proceeds to fumble; they recover, rest is history.
Yet on the sidelines we had 2 guys, Martin Ward and Booker (Andre?), holdovers from the prior staff. Both had been significant in our prior season ending bowl win over Ohio U., one was the bowl MVP. So there they stood, while Doc's freshman back fumbled away an opportunity for one of the greatest wins in Marshall history!
Why? Arrogance? Plain stubbornness? Or just Doc doin it "his way"? Were these 2 guys, holdover players, in his dog house for something they did off the field or in practice? Or was Doc just setting an example to the holdover players to do everything exactly his way or you won't play! Cost us a great win, in my book, whatever his "reason or reasons".