Post-Game Questions


Platinum Buffalo
Jun 23, 2007
First trip to Huntington in about a year. I have questions.

1. When did downtown begin smelling like an open sewer? It's awful.

2. $9 for draft beer?!?! WTF?!?!

3. Why is our offensive line so bad?
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In all seriousness, why does it smell like sewage? It was never like that before.
There are times in Huntington and many other towns the sewage and drainage smells. You just happen to come at a time it smells.. not always like that… if you wanna know why call the Huntington sanitary department they might know the reason and can help you move past the smell.
In all seriousness, why does it smell like sewage? It was never like that before.
What part of Huntington were you in? If you are talking around the stadium, they recognize there is sewage/drainage issues and are supposedly going to do a major projects in the next year.
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First trip to Huntington in about a year. I have questions.

1. When did downtown begin smelling like an open sewer? It's awful.
Answering would be against the terms of service for this board. Ask on Pullman, but for Huntington and 90% of the cities in the USA, the answer is the same.
2. $9 for draft beer?!?! WTF?!?!
Yep. Big time sports costs big money.
3. Why is our offensive line so bad?
We went around the chain of command and let a bunch of disaffected self-appointed boosters make our head coach hiring decision.

Time to clean house.
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What part of Huntington were you in? If you are talking around the stadium, they recognize there is sewage/drainage issues and are supposedly going to do a major projects in the next yeaTHE r.
I heard the reason there was never sod at the Joan was due to drainage. Water doesn't flow up hill. But even with turf there's still the need for water to be drained. Can't explain that theory. But I did get a whiff of the stench upon leaving the game last night.
1. Sept and Oct have been very dry in Htgn area. When there is an extended period with little or no runoff into the storm drains there will be a smell from the collected matter that’s lying in the drain. If you don’t like that explanation then I say it’s the mayor.
I'm not trying to piss off the natives, but you could smell it all through campus and outside the stadium. It wasn't as bad inside the Joan, but every once in a while, the smell was just overwhelming. I went to school at Marshall and lived in Huntington for 4-5 years after, and I don't ever recall anything like this Also, the town is full of vagrants pushing shopping carts full of sh*t. Even in the "touristy" areas. Very sad and depressing.
Even in the "touristy" areas.
"Touristy areas?" I know people who come from miles around for delicious hot dogs that they don't even have to leave their car for. Most places don't have these. I grew up in Charleston. Huntington is WAY better than Charleston. Not even close.
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I talked to my wife about this all week, Thursday at the parade and bonfire, Friday at the picnic, and Saturday in the west lot. It really is bad, and quite frankly could be a health issue; certainly a detirant in recruiting students. Hope it doesn't smell that way on every Green and White day they have.
Have you guys never been to a city where there was an odor of sewage? There is usually a back up or build up of material that will get flushed/fixed with rain or maintenance
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I talked to my wife about this all week, Thursday at the parade and bonfire, Friday at the picnic, and Saturday in the west lot. It really is bad, and quite frankly could be a health issue; certainly a detirant in recruiting students. Hope it doesn't smell that way on every Green and White day they have.
Health issue… lol
I think we’re gonna have to move this convo to Pullman so we can speak common sense..
Have you guys never been to a city where there was an odor of sewage? There is usually a back up or build up of material that will get flushed/fixed with rain or maintenance
NOLA comes to mind. It's smells of puke and nasty river water
Health issue… lol
I think we’re gonna have to move this convo to Pullman so we can speak common sense..
Well if you don't think that sewerage is a health issue, I'll not bother to justify what I said. Odor is the symptom or the cause, which surely is a health issue.
Get over it.
Fvck you. I can't help it your hometown looks like garbage and smells like sh*t. Marshall is the only good thing about Huntington. Gonna be hard to get kids to come there if vagrants, garbage, and the smell of raw sewage is what you have to offer them. Maybe you're used to this sh*t because you live there, but it's terrible if you're a visitor.
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Water. Don’t forget the water. When I came to Marshall as a freshman, it took me months to get used to the terrible taste of the water.
Well if you don't think that sewerage is a health issue, I'll not bother to justify what I said. Odor is the symptom or the cause, which surely is a health issue.
Typically sewer is separate from storm drains now days… that your smelling is your everyday storm drain that has become very dry due to little to no rain which will worsen the smells.. is huffing sewage gas a health risk sure but is what your smelling actual sewage I doubt it..

Did You Know? Every roof (just about) in America vents their sewer gas to the outside air, so be careful because every now and then you will inhale some crap! Be safe out there!
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Fvck you. I can't help it your hometown looks like garbage and smells like sh*t. Marshall is the only good thing about Huntington. Gonna be hard to get kids to come there if vagrants, garbage, and the smell of raw sewage is what you have to offer them. Maybe you're used to this sh*t because you live there, but it's terrible if you're a visitor.
It will be ok and the smells will go away. I’m glad the town in which you live is the best and I am sorry we peon’s here have nothing good to offer such a high standard individual as yourself.
It will be ok and the smells will go away. I’m glad the town in which you live is the best and I am sorry we peon’s here have nothing good to offer such a high standard individual as yourself.
Yeah. Not wanting the place you work and live smelling like sh*t is a "high standard."
Been a long time and well-known growing problem in Huntington in that the condition of all sewer and rainwater/drainage systems within the City are in bad to terrible shape. Estimates to totally correct are certainly in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Or, to state in another way, way more than the total value of the City itself!! Ergo, don't look for any resolution to the problem any time soon. Even if Hizzoner Mayor Steve swears that he "has a plan" which he intends on implementing during his 6th . . . 7th. . . or 8th Administration or so!!!
Fvck you. I can't help it your hometown looks like garbage and smells like sh*t. Marshall is the only good thing about Huntington. Gonna be hard to get kids to come there if vagrants, garbage, and the smell of raw sewage is what you have to offer them. Maybe you're used to this sh*t because you live there, but it's terrible if you're a visitor.
Easy solution don’t come back.😄
In all seriousness, why does it smell like sewage? It was never like that before.
I noticed briefly on west lot Saturday. I'm from the Kanawha valley. But I'm in Hton frequently and Sat was first time noticing.