Woody - I didn't know any of that! This really does put things in perspective for me. Think about it: Marshall has fielded a football team to represent the school for (what, 1895?) 122 going on 123 seasons. Oh, that's right, probably didn't field a team for a couple of years during the WWars I & II. So, let's agree somewhere in the neighborhood of 120 years. In all of that time, until this past week, we had exactly ONE former player enshrined in the Pro Football HoF. And, though Mr. Gatski played mainly in the 1950's, it still took the League some 30 years to get around to voting him in. Now comes this brash kid, with a hickey accent, more God-given ability than just about any athlete (Thorpe?) has ever possessed, and confidence off the scale. He demolishes the League for 15 years, stamps his credentials as one of the best wide-outs to ever put on cleats, and BAM! - elected on the 1st ballot he was eligible for to enter the Hallowed Hall to increase our total HoF members to double the number we had before..... and we have these ungrateful, small-minded, insecure and whiny fans complaining that he didn't "do enough" in his short speech to prostrate himself in adoration for the school that he almost single-handedly put on the national football landscape in 1997. Jesus, Joseph & Mary - please forgive us as a fan base & hope that #88 will still want to associate himself with Marshall U.