report to come that there was a prior meeting or meetings to set up trump tower meeting

Sorry, I had to actually do some work today.

52 USC 30121

(a) Prohibition

It shall be unlawful for--

(1)  a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make--

(A)  a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B)  a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party;  or

(C)  an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title);  or

(2)  a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

(b) “Foreign national” defined

As used in this section, the term “foreign national” means--

(1)  a foreign principal, as such term is defined by section 611(b) of Title 22 , except that the term “foreign national” shall not include any individual who is a citizen of the United States;  or

(2)  an individual who is not a citizen of the United States or a national of the United States (as defined in section 1101(a)(22) of Title 8 ) and who is not lawfully admitted for permanent residence, as defined by section 1101(a)(20) of Title 8 .

Information = other thing of value. It is illegal for a foreign national to make the contribution and it is illegal to accept it from the foreign national.

So they conspired to violate 52 USC 30121.

You're welcome.

Fair enough.

Next question - do you believe the alleged "contribution" was money or "a thing of value"? If "thing of value," what was it? Again, I'm not trying to be a dick, I just want to understand your argument/position.
It makes no sense? What makes no sense is your lack of knowing the difference between "your" and "you're." Do they give tier three attorneys paralegals and legal assistants or are you obligated with making sure your documents could pass a middle school writing assignment?

It makes perfect sense. We could spend all day discussing the numerous possible crimes he/they could be charged with based on their collusion . . . contributions and donations by foreign nationals, wire fraud, seeking dirt on Hillary from the Russians could violate election laws, Computer Fraud Act . . . there are so many that could reasonably be argued were conspired that we'd be here all day discussing them.

Appreciate the (way too predictable) personal attack.

Look, Country made an assertion that he thought the President was guilty of conspiracy. I'm just trying to understand the argument by finding out what crime he's alleging they conspired to commit. If it's multiple offenses, as you are alleging, that's fine too. I just want to be able to look at the allegations from all angles, as well as the elements of the alleged crimes. Nothing more.
Appreciate the (way too predictable) personal attack.

Look, Country made an assertion that he thought the President was guilty of conspiracy. I'm just trying to understand the argument by finding out what crime he's alleging they conspired to commit. If it's multiple offenses, as you are alleging, that's fine too. I just want to be able to look at the allegations from all angles, as well as the elements of the alleged crimes. Nothing more.

It's not a real personal attack. It's good-natured bantering. Your board cheerleader already explained that you didn't go to a tier three, but when you showcase the inability to distinguish "your" vs. "you're," you will continue to earn the nickname.

I am not sure if it's multiple offenses, one offense, or no offense. With the number of indictments of cheeto associates already and their recent strategy to claim "collusion isn't a crime" instead of "no collusion," I think the smoke appears to be coming from the gun barrel more than the pipe now.

There definitely are plenty of criminal areas of conspiracy that they could be in trouble for, including some I listed and some Country listed.

Fair enough.

Next question - do you believe the alleged "contribution" was money or "a thing of value"? If "thing of value," what was it?

"Thing of value" could reasonably be argued to include damaging info/dirt on another candidate. If gained from a foreign entity, it would be an election law violation.
Fair enough.

Next question - do you believe the alleged "contribution" was money or "a thing of value"? If "thing of value," what was it? Again, I'm not trying to be a dick, I just want to understand your argument/position.

It’s in the post.
I am Googling what possible crimes cheeto and his associates may have committed?

You are such a drain on this site that it's shocking moderators allow you to be here. Even they have posted about how useless you are and how you bring nothing to this board. Take a hint:
Speaking of you have been booted, correct?

I know you feel you contribute, but you are just another internet Asshole. Speaking of the site how about you join pay board and contribute to bottom line? Nah you are here to type multiple paragraph posts that many of us don’t read, make boasts that most don’t care about and what else? Tell us you are smart?
Speaking of you have been booted, correct?

I know you feel you contribute, but you are just another internet Asshole. Speaking of the site how about you join pay board and contribute to bottom line? Nah you are here to type multiple paragraph posts that many of us don’t read, make boasts that most don’t care about and what else? Tell us you are smart?

He's doing it again.....
I don't disagree. Statutory provisions like that are typically interpreted broadly.

I cannot imagine a judge not ruling such as a thing of value. I'm not sure what a hacking and propaganda campaign conducted by one the world's elite intelligence agencies would cost on the open market, but it sure as hell is valuable.

There's a lot of hypotheticals that could test the broad nature of the statute and others. Let's say a Russian citizen claims she was raped by Trump and offers to tell this to the Clinton campaign, so they fly her over to talk. Precedent gives First Amendment protections to even foreign nationals on US soil, would First Amendment issues override the statute and would the statute be overly broad? I think these are issues Congress needs to evaluate, we are now in an age where candidates more likely than not have traveled to foreign nations and many have engaged in business overseas.
In light of what Giuliani is now saying, here is another gem:

Damn, where to start. That’s a helluva lot of bullshit.

First of all, the Democrats didn’t conspire with a foreign government, let alone an adversary. They didn’t even hire Steele. They hired Fusion GPS, an American firm.

Secondly, it doesn’t matter if the trump campaign obtained any information or not. They conspired with a foreign government. So, whoever was in the meeting is guilty of conspiracy. It is a big deal that little hands donnie knew about the meeting ahead of time. If there is nothing wrong with meeting with Russians, then why did they first deny the meeting took place, then lie that the meeting was about adoption and then after they knew their email was out, they admitted to meeting to obtain information about the campaign?

Lastly, it amazes me that you compare a preparatory meeting regarding banking to conspiring with a foreign adversary. You right wingers will just brush meetings and conspiring with Russia under the table for political purposes. Party over country. Sickening.