

Silver Buffalo
Apr 6, 2014
I heard they are looking to renovate the area.
Not much on details right now, if anyone has information, it'd be awesome.

That's one thing that has bothered me. If someone like Jim Justice or a wealthy, non-slumlord type, who has money, would be willing to pony up the dough and buy much of the riverfront property and develop parks and real-estate there.
Part of my ridiculous grand idea for Marshall, would be to buy the ACF property and build dorms near the river. Imagine that sight, it'd be nice.
Of course, there would still be room for a baseball stadium, no doubt, but why hasn't the city built closer to the river?

Also, do we really need those flood walls still? Good lord they're ugly. It'd be cool to have a ceremony tearing them down like they did in Berlin with that stupid wall.

They really need to open up the view to the river because it is a very nice sight.

(...and then build a giant Ferris Wheel and have a massive boardwalk going from the stadium to Pullman...a place with little shops who lease seasonally with food and'd make great business when we have events at the river, which we'd promote more of...and with a big ass Ferris Wheel, something for people to do because WVians, they'll travel to a place as long as there's something there for them to see. Make that area both residential and business oriented).

All of this riverfront talk comes out of the mayor. He is one of these guys that had 100 ideas a second. That is not a bad thing, he see a Huntington that could be. But it takes money, and he doesn't have any. Huntington is broke, and but for MU and healthcare would be totally dead.

Jim Justice is a billionaire for one reason. He knows how to make money. He is not running a charity, nor is Marshall Reynolds or anybody else you can name. If redeveloping the river made economic sense, then people with money would be standing in line to do it. Obviously it doesn't. And Donald Rumsfeld said, correctly "public money drives out private money".
The ACF property is owed by Carl Icahn. It is full of all kinds of noxious crud. He donated a similar property to Louisville and he got sued for it. If the state of WV could give him a 100% iron-clad release, he would sign over the property yesterday. But, WV being tort hell, nobody can give him such a release. No matter what they write down and who signs it, our far-left supreme court will just say that "is" really means "is not". It is what they do. It is why we are last in everything good, and first in everything bad. One of the justice's husband just filed a lawsuit over a coal mine accident that happened in 1968. In other states, he would get sanctioned, if not disbarred. In WV, the far-left supreme court will say that the statute of limitations really doesn't say what it plainly says, and he will get (additional) billions. It is what they do.

The real deal for MU is the ACF parking lot and then the property past that. It has never had any industry on it. It is a fundamentally flat property with mostly abandoned buildings and replaceable stuff all the way to the soccer field. MU could grow there for 50 years.

As to baseball, I still say that Mike shut up about the fundamentally illegal WVU baseball deal because he was promised a pay back. But the people that made those promises got voted out last November, got a job with the NCAA, died, or resigned in disgrace. And I don't see building a baseball field, or funding some grandiose riverfront plan on the agenda of the post-revolutionary government. Bluntly, there are 20 guys around Huntington who would love to play baseball owner, either in the Appy League or one of those phony-baloney independent leagues, if only Marshall would build them a baseball field and then rent it to them for $1 all summer. MU is all Huntington has going for it right now, so really it needs to be the other way around. Somebody who wants to play baseball owner needs to build a field, or the town does, and rent it to MU for $1 all spring. In any event, it is past time to piss or get off the pot with baseball. Fix the problem, or drop the sport and pick up wrestling or swimming or track or whatever.
Originally posted by The Real SamC:

It is why we are last in everything good, and first in everything bad.
You have obviously never heard of Mississippi.
I do like the idea of replacing most of the existing flood wall, between 8th and 11th street with a removable flood wall set up. I believe that type of set up is now in place in Louisville.

However that decision is out of the city's hands because the federal government and the Corps of Engineers would need to make it happen.

I do like the mayor's idea of a new marina and a small boardwalk area with a few retail spaces. I think if a new floating/permanent stage, like the one in Charleston, can be incorporated too, it would be a really good thing for downtown Huntington. Or even a space for a few amusement rides and putt putt golf would be a draw.
Originally posted by Herdstruck:
I heard they are looking to renovate the area.
Not much on details right now, if anyone has information, it'd be awesome.
They have actually been working on this for about 4 years now and are doing it in phases. They might be at the point where they are going to tear down part of the flood wall to make the entrance wider and/or make another entrance point. Both are on the long term plan. That would be one of the changes that most people would notice but Im not sure where they are in plan/phase development. Here is an rendering of what the expanded entrance might look like:


This post was edited on 1/3 12:32 PM by sportsphantom1
"The real deal for MU is the ACF parking lot and then the property past that. It has never had any industry on it. It is a fundamentally flat property with mostly abandoned buildings and replaceable stuff all the way to the soccer field. MU could grow there for 50 years. "

What are you talking about? Between the parking lot and the soccer field is all houses (including mine), a Ford dealership and a restaurant that just opened a month ago. What's abandoned?
My dream riverfront would be restaraunts and casinos between current riverfront and proctorville bridge on the rivers edge. I know this would never happen but it would be super cool nonetheless. Like its own "Ohio river city" or something crazy with cool boat bars in the summer and good live music.