Santos gone, Schiff and Swalwell next.

I don’t know that we can truly say anyone, ever, has committed the same violations as Santos. He is uniquely hilarious in his cartoonish level of fraud.
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Even though Fetterman is angering a lot of democrats, I still stand my initial comments that the guy should have sat out the election to recover & rest.
democrats are getting their assess absolutely handed to them in the polls on illegal immigration.

From NBC News:
Democrats have seen their advantage over Republicans on border and immigration issues vanish. NBC News polling shows the GOP now holds an 18-point lead when it comes to handling immigration. During Donald Trump’s presidency, the Democratic edge hovered between 4 and 6 points.​
Adam Schiff 100% should get the boot. That guy has actually lied more to dems than Republicans (& he’s lied A LOT about Republicans) but the left loves him
Adam Shifty won't be back in the House. He's up against Steve Garvey for a Senate seat. Voter fraud alert.
Looks like Santos is gone again... How is it possible to raise $0? I know the guy is less popular than a wet fart/dream combo, but someone out there has to like him enough to give him $200.
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