Say what you want to about Trump. He doesn't play the PC game

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Say, what you want...he at least has some spark unlike modern day leaders.

What is modern family?

Your argument is that he has some spark?

And don't act like you have never heard of modern family. You have a teacher for a wife and a high school son. You don't live in a cave. Your role-playing falls flat when your acting and lies are too obvious.
he at least has some spark unlike modern day leaders

Exactly. He makes me think I might still be alive. The rest of these politicians, including the old bitchy hag Hillary, remind me that I'm really just living in a boring, robotic world where we're not allowed to do or say anything.

Why do we have to talk about all this shit on here? Because there is nowhere to go to talk about it in public.

Go to the stores, the malls, ballgames, etc. and you hear either nothing or idiots talking about stupid stuff like their phones or how two outs means there's still one more out to go in the inning (often called "ending" by idiots at ballgames who don't know what the hell they're watching).
Your argument is that he has some spark?

And don't act like you have never heard of modern family. You have a teacher for a wife and a high school son. You don't live in a cave. Your role-playing falls flat when your acting and lies are too obvious.

I am not arguing anything. You are, not me.

And no, I have honestly not heard of modern family. I looked it up last night after this post. I honestly had never watched it or heard of it. No joke. I have not watched a sitcom regularly since Seinfeld went off. I don't watch that much network tv.
You'd actually enjoy modern family. Al bundy is one of the main characters. He is married to a hot Latina (Sofia Vergara) who is younger than his daughter in the show. They have a gay couple that they aren't afraid to use stereotypes against.

It's a well written show.
Hilarious well written show.....It's won 20+ Emmys and a number of other awards.
Say, what you want...he at least has some spark unlike modern day leaders.

What is modern family?
It's the reverse Married with Children. Successful Al Bundy has a hot wife who he has sex with, has a smart daughter in a stable relationship, has a gay son who actually has sex & the show & they live in a town with perfect weather. Nothing wrong with either show if you find the humor entertaining.
All I can think about is how old Al Bundy is. And where's Peg, Bud and Kelly? These other people remind me of the damn strangers my relatives drove me out of the holler with by bringing them around.
I like Modern Family but not enough to set my DVR for it. I watch it when it comes on and I have nothing else to do. If you don't like sitcoms it won't change your mind; it's no seinfeld.
I am. John McCain was a terrible candidate in 2008. Pretty much threw the game. He didn't even want to win. Trump will end up losing because of the church vote, but he's going to keep hitting hard as long as they'll listen to him. Now watch him cower and start apologizing. If he does that, game's completely over for him.
The only way Trump can stay relevant from a "celebrity" stand point is to say and do the outrageous. Might as well write in Paris Hilton and Kim Kardasian for president.....from the publicity stunt standpoint, they're every bit as qualified as The Donald.
rubes eat it up.

Well, it's good to see the "I'd attend a public hanging" crowd be appeased every now and then. That includes me, of course. Have to go to lame Reds baseball instead, but even the eventual winner Hillary will be put over the top by idiots.

What do you think about Bernie Sanders? He's your all's version of Trump. Kind of reminds me of an older Jim Boeheim. I'm just waiting for him to rip off his jacket when they call at T on him.
The only way Trump can stay relevant from a "celebrity" stand point is to say and do the outrageous. Might as well write in Paris Hilton and Kim Kardasian for president.....from the publicity stunt standpoint, they're every bit as qualified as The Donald.

Honestly, what were Obama's qualifications? Community Organizer? One term Senator?
So you agree with him about mccain
what did he say that was so bad? I actually find it refreshing that a guy is not going around apologizing for remarks and a guy who is taking on this same old same old Republicans.McCain fired away and Trump let him have it.
Honestly, what were Obama's qualifications? Community Organizer? One term Senator?
Obama - US Senator, Congressman...and a number of local political offices - the community organizer was the venue he selected to get into politics. Guess he could have started out as a "B" movie actor like Ronald Reagan.

Both Obama and Reagan were serious candidates - not a punchline who's doing it because he believes "exposure is exposure" - whether it's good exposure or bad's still exposure...."AND I'M LOVIN' EVERY MINUTE OF IT."
You are correct...he lost the election for congress...and I forgot about his time as IL state senator.
Trump is despicable. I disagree with probably all of McCains political philosophy, but I feel that he is an honorable man. He was one of, if not the first republican to denounce the swiftboating of Kerry, and he publicly tamped down his own base's comments that Obama was an Arab, and stated that America has nothing to fear if Obama became president. Lot of class in those instances. Something totally void in Trumps person. That McCain is a hero can be argued, perhaps, but he like all other vets that behave themselves should be shown some respect. Trump deserves none.
LOL, yeah he's an honorable pushover. Wouldn't be so honorable had he won the election though, would he? Only honorable because he rolled over and died, allowing Obama to walk into the White House.

That thing about this country having nothing to fear if Obama won, that's pretty much just throwing in the towel and saying go ahead and vote for Obama. I don't care what happened 60 years ago when the dinosaurs were roaming the earth. In 2008, McCain was a loser.
Oh yeah, no way he even sniffs the GOP nomination once the church stuff comes out. He supposedly is for gay marriage and abortion. That'll do him in. Not with me, but our party is way too reliant on old church people. They can't vote for this out of fear of burning in hell.

So in the end, the Republicans will nominate some lousy tackling dummy for Hillary. I'm enjoying this Trump thing while it lasts though.
He is a gamer all right and really good at the PC game "a narcissist megalomaniac"

I want him to be crowned the GOP primary champion to go against the least dishonest, most electable moderate/progressive gamer possible.

To those that support this shit; do you honestly want a draft dodging, bankrupt (literally and figuratively), hypocrite to run your country, to be commander-in-chief? Do you really want an Israeli/Palestinian-like wall on our southern border and if so, how about one on our northern border so we can officially lob missiles back and forth and really, really live in patriotic fearless bliss?

I care about veterans. I don’t care about veterans/POWs.

I care about all Americans. I don’t care about some Americans.

I care about money. Nah, not really. I do care about money, though.

I care about women as long as I’m in command of them.

I’m not a racist. No really, I’m not. I believe in patriotic heritage. I’m convinced I’m not a racist, so there. Cause I’m rich, really rich, so end of conversation. But, I speak my mind. That should be enough. So there, I’ve spoken. STFU you childish babies. End of conversation. You’re fired. **** off
What do you think about Bernie Sanders? He's your all's version of Trump.

What? Sanders is nothing like Trump, in that he actually has political qualifications. Four-term mayor of his state's largest city, eight terms in the House, and two in the Senate. Trump is a rich asshole with enough money to run for POTUS to pump up his own ego and brand.

What do I think of Sanders? I think him making a strong run is a good thing, in that there isn't much difference in the establishment Dems and Republicans. He is saying things that need to be said on his side, same as Rand Paul is doing in the GOP. I would like to see more real libertarians (not this tea-bagger, aligned with the religious right, horseshit) on the right and more democratic socialists on the left, just to widen debate and the number of ideas. Instead we have manufactured debate and faux outrage.

Come primary time, I am either voting for Paul or Sanders, based on which is making a bigger statement. Shit, neither can win the nomination, and neither will win my state anyway. In the fall, if Gary Johnson is running he has more vote. The rest are SSDD or just plain ol' fools.
Whoever really runs the show is just a smoother looking and talking Bernie Sanders anyway. Socialism's already here. The only thing about it is if you tell everybody that from the outset, nobody will be motivated to do anything.

I was motivated, but I got duped. If you come out and just tell it like it is that everybody gets cradle to grave everything no matter what, then we'll rot into third world nothingness. The great works that keep civilization going are built and maintained by the duped.
I don't even know who he is. That's the thing about most of these politicians. They're just dime a dozen suits and ties. That's why Trump and Sanders are interesting. They're not just boring robots standing there rambling with some speech they already turned in a week ago to the media.

Other than Trump and Sanders, it's just a puppet show.
Not for this. This stuff is meaningless. No matter who wins elections, America will be run however the TV says it should.
Trump is despicable. I disagree with probably all of McCains political philosophy, but I feel that he is an honorable man. He was one of, if not the first republican to denounce the swiftboating of Kerry, and he publicly tamped down his own base's comments that Obama was an Arab, and stated that America has nothing to fear if Obama became president. Lot of class in those instances. Something totally void in Trumps person. That McCain is a hero can be argued, perhaps, but he like all other vets that behave themselves should be shown some respect. Trump deserves none.

You like him because he caved to Democrats and was a bad candidate for the Republicans.
I will tell you what, what we should do is elect another guy that won't call Islamic Terrorist, Islamic Terrorist.

But, will light up the White House like a rainbow for the homos.
Why not go ahead and elect that woman who's really still a man? They say it's a Republican. It could be its own First Lady. It will go both ways on all the issues. Maybe that's what America needs.

Not only that, but it would dress more classy and we wouldn't have to look at it half naked on a magazine cover all the time.

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