Serious question for Bernie supporters


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 22, 2010
How exactly will he personally make your life better? What promises of "free stuff" are you so excited to get first if he wins??
How exactly will he personally make your life better? What promises of "free stuff" are you so excited to get first if he wins??

not a bernie supporter, but this is largely what's wrong with our country. so many people vote based on what is best for them, not what is best for our country. if the country thrives, our society thrives, then all of us would thrive, but that takes too much thought and effort i guess.
Besides welfare recipients and Northeast Liberal College Students, who is supporting Bernie?
I really thought some Bernie supporters would be happy to explain all the benefits they will receive under his platform. HerdHokies? Fever?

but this is largely what's wrong with our country. so many people vote based on what is best for them,

This country was founded on the ability of individuals to pursue opportunity and freedom through their own self interest. The "collectivist" ideology has succeeded in blurring that understanding to make blanket assertions that such a practice is greedy and unfair to all others who don't experience "sameness" in their outcomes. Collectivists promote a victimology of their present being by using fear, anger, and guilt to manipulate the human being into further accepting a mediocre existence. This anxiety expands their own real greed and promotes further ignorant claims of injustice. The collectivists are actually responsible for creating their own misery and "misfortune" by accepting the myth that someone else's pursuits should largely benefit their own interests.

The fact is, if most understood what is beneficial through individual effort and pursuit; if they actually acted or performed in such a way that was "best for them"; while also acknowledging that no two outcomes following such action will end exactly the same for everyone and expressing an honest, grateful mindset on whatever level of accomplishment is attained........................ this country would thrive.
How will Republicans make my life as a 99% better??

Atleast he is talking about Social reforms to help the less fortunate in society
I really thought some Bernie supporters would be happy to explain all the benefits they will receive under his platform. HerdHokies? Fever?

This country was founded on the ability of individuals to pursue opportunity and freedom through their own self interest. The "collectivist" ideology has succeeded in blurring that understanding to make blanket assertions that such a practice is greedy and unfair to all others who don't experience "sameness" in their outcomes. Collectivists promote a victimology of their present being by using fear, anger, and guilt to manipulate the human being into further accepting a mediocre existence. This anxiety expands their own real greed and promotes further ignorant claims of injustice. The collectivists are actually responsible for creating their own misery and "misfortune" by accepting the myth that someone else's pursuits should largely benefit their own interests.

The fact is, if most understood what is beneficial through individual effort and pursuit; if they actually acted or performed in such a way that was "best for them"; while also acknowledging that no two outcomes following such action will end exactly the same for everyone and expressing an honest, grateful mindset on whatever level of accomplishment is attained........................ this country would thrive.

This country was built on the backs of Black slaves and stealing the land from Native Americans by slaughtering them off. Then the corporations got in an corrupted the polititians with "Political contributions" to get what they want and ignoring the rest of society. Don't give me that BS you wrote above
The American Dream died when the government allowed the major corporations to ship American jobs out of the country for Cheap labor and no taxes so they can improve their own profits and interests.
I really thought some Bernie supporters would be happy to explain all the benefits they will receive under his platform. HerdHokies? Fever?

This country was founded on the ability of individuals to pursue opportunity and freedom through their own self interest. The "collectivist" ideology has succeeded in blurring that understanding to make blanket assertions that such a practice is greedy and unfair to all others who don't experience "sameness" in their outcomes. Collectivists promote a victimology of their present being by using fear, anger, and guilt to manipulate the human being into further accepting a mediocre existence. This anxiety expands their own real greed and promotes further ignorant claims of injustice. The collectivists are actually responsible for creating their own misery and "misfortune" by accepting the myth that someone else's pursuits should largely benefit their own interests.

The fact is, if most understood what is beneficial through individual effort and pursuit; if they actually acted or performed in such a way that was "best for them"; while also acknowledging that no two outcomes following such action will end exactly the same for everyone and expressing an honest, grateful mindset on whatever level of accomplishment is attained........................ this country would thrive.

Raleigh, I wonder have you really talked to people in the ghettos or hoods of America and ask them how are they able to get by in Life. You act like everyone had the same advantages as you. Man, your white privilege is strong and blinded
Raleigh, I wonder have you really talked to people in the ghettos or hoods of America and ask them how are they able to get by in Life. You act like everyone had the same advantages as you. Man, your white privilege is strong and blinded

if you're so damn miserable here and america is such an awful place, you're free to leave.
All I asked was a simple question, and all I get is a black racist rambling.

LOL. Fever's blind racism continues to prove just how right I am.

Yet another Bernie zombie demonstrating he has no idea how to help himself. People like Fever simply hope uncle sugar will give them something through more empty words. People like Fever need someone else to provide for them. If mommy wont do it....Uncle govt has to.

Personally, I don't look to a any politician to provide for me my success. My larger desire is that they step out of my way for the most part and quit treading on me with their bureaucratic bs.

Raleigh, I wonder have you really talked to people in the ghettos or hoods of America and ask them how are they able to get by in Life. You act like everyone had the same advantages as you. Man, your white privilege is strong and blinded

I've been in the inner city hood and some of the most rural parts of the country where poor "whites" make inner city poor "blacks" look wealthy. Your racism is as ignorant as any Klan member you complain about.

With that said. What does "talking" fix? After decades of hearing and reading Dems "talk" of fixing poverty, and guaranteeing more equality, the only thing they can point to are more losers who keep complaining (about the Dems failures) about the need for more of the same failed govt fixes.

The American Dream died when the government allowed the major corporations to ship American jobs out of the country for Cheap labor and no taxes so they can improve their own profits and interests.

Sounds like you better quit your 3 jobs. No need for a corporation to continue paying such a loser mentality. You would fit right in with those in the ghetto anyway.
Blind Racism? By calling out your blind white privilege??

And like I said, what will republicans fix other then making the 1% richer and everyone else poorer. Happaned under Nixon, Reagan, and under Dubya
Blind Racism? By calling out your blind white privilege??

And like I said, what will republicans fix other then making the 1% richer and everyone else poorer. Happaned under Nixon, Reagan, and under Dubya

Yes. You are nothing but a race baiting bigot. You are exactly like bro Al and Jesse, just not smart enough to profit off it.

Ah, ah, ah. Lets remember. I asked first......What is Bernie going to give you? What freebies are you looking forward to getting? No ignorant cliché's about "helping the middle class". We've heard that from Dems for over 60 years and bitches like yourself are still whining about not getting a cut of the action. We need specifics. What specific handouts will Bernie give you that will make you a success???
Yes. You are nothing but a race baiting bigot. You are exactly like bro Al and Jesse, just not smart enough to profit off it.

Ah, ah, ah. Lets remember. I asked first......What is Bernie going to give you? What freebies are you looking forward to getting? No ignorant cliché's about "helping the middle class". We've heard that from Dems for over 60 years and bitches like yourself are still whining about not getting a cut of the action. We need specifics. What specific handouts will Bernie give you that will make you a success???

I don't need Freebies, Me and my family have earned everything we have had. Started from the bottom and never asked the government for shit put Pell Grants and other federal grants me and my brother qualified for.
I don't need Freebies, Me and my family have earned everything we have had. Started from the bottom and never asked the government for shit put Pell Grants and other federal grants me and my brother qualified for.

How is this possible?? You are black and in America. You must be an Uncle Tom........
Nah far from an Uncle Tom. Your still confusing success as being an Uncle Tom which is far from the truth
Well for one I have donated my time at the holidays working in Soup kitchens and homeless shelters
Well for one I have donated my time at the holidays working in Soup kitchens and homeless shelters

Why don't you actually do something that actually changes lives? Start a business and give them opportunities for a job. Help them EARN a living and truly improve their lives.