We had a hate crime shooting here in Louisville this week. Dude tried to get into a black church and was foiled, went to Kroger and shot two black folks dead, randomly. When confronted by an armed self defender in the parking lot, he told him, "Don't shoot at me, I won't shoot at you, whites don't kill whites." The self defender still exchanged shots with the racist killer, but missed (guys, if you carry you MUST spend time at the range every month, stay sharp).
The media here has been lying, saying the man was not barred from having a firearm. Which is bullshit, he had domestic convictions and a record of mental illness/hold.
I do believe bigots have been emboldened. I do not think Trump himself does it on purpose, I just think he is an idiot that does not understand this is not real estate, this is not reality TV, the words of POTUS do matter. Today's guy might not have been a Trump supporter, but believing the President doesn't hate enough is still an encouragement. The left has said some dangerous things as well. I do not know how to dial it back.