Shocker: Synagogue Shot Up

Trump said they should have had armed guards at the synagogue and this would not have happened. Wow.
Trump said they should have had armed guards at the synagogue and this would not have happened. Wow.

"Wow" indeed. They should have had huggers, like the ones at the finish line of races in the Special Olympics, amirite?

You're a precious little snowflake, aren't you?
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Hope they would fare better than the 4 trained police officers that were shot.

Besides the point, but may have as the shooter holed up and that is a difficult situation. An armed presence may have deterred the shooter...but it's a fvcked up world when we have to think that way in the first place.
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The guy has made numerous comments against letting in refugees. The guy has made numerous comments against Antifa and the old regime of the government being "full of kikes." The guy is a big gun proponent.

Just a hunch, but I'm guessing he isn't a straight ticket Democratic voter.

Your argument would be better promoted not using this guy as an example. Sometimes crazy grows on islands.
Bowers said to a police officer "They're committing genocide to my people. I just want to kill Jews."
Your argument would be better promoted not using this guy as an example. Sometimes crazy grows on islands.

Yeah, I should probably just use the guy with cheeto pictures all over his van who sent bombs to everyone cheeto has disparaged . . . or the guy who ran down the Charlottesville marcher with his car . . . or the guy at the Kentucky Kroger yesterday who shot two blacks after he failed trying to enter a black church . . . or the people at cheeto rallies who have assaulted protesters . . . shall I go on?

The fact is that when the leader of the country incites violence and hate, it doesn't just motivate the people who support him. When those supporters turn to violence and hate from the urging of their leader, there is a counter reaction from the other side in response.

Regardless of how big or small you look at it - a nation attacking another nation, a gang shooting another gang member, a school aged girl being slapped by another girl, a house cat attacking another house cat - the natural reaction out of both anger and self-defense is to strike back. At a certain point, these things become the norm instead of the exception. And when the president started it, continues to promote it, and blames it on other things when it happens, it causes an equally destructive response.

That is what this president has started and continues to do.
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Trumptards are calling for armed guards at places of worship. This is pitiful but shows how blindly they follow trump.
Remember in 2004 when a police offer stood outside of the Synagogue in Huntington due to threats?
Name the church.
I hunt with an Episcopal Priest (not in WV). About 5 years ago, he had a couple of the congregation start packing and even sent them to training. Pretty much saw the writing on the wall BEFORE all the church shootings.
Do the members of the Church know they have armed guards?

I'd assume. I know their 'head of security', he says his guys use ear buds and cuff mics for comms, they have obvious entryway guards and air marshall-like randoms sitting in the congressional. They've had combatives and weapons training.

It sounds a bit goofy but sadly it's not.
I'd assume. I know their 'head of security', he says his guys use ear buds and cuff mics for comms, they have obvious entryway guards and air marshall-like randoms sitting in the congressional. They've had combatives and weapons training.

It sounds a bit goofy but sadly it's not.
If the entire congregation is aware, I am assuming it is not one big secret, especially since the head of security divulged that information to you.
No simply prove yourself right. You won’t even mention the church by name. You are a liar. Period. Name the church I am sure plenty on here can prove you wrong.

It's your claim, back it up. Do you have intimate knowledge of the inner workings of every single church in Huntington? Do you have any substantial evidence to prove me wrong?