Should have played WV in morgantown

What exactly would you like me to say? I’m not going to apologize that WVU gets the most priority and funding. However, I do believe that WVU and Marshall should take precedence as far as higher education state funding goes, and every effort should be made by the state legislature to accommodate both universities.

For example, Iowa is close enough to WV in terms of population. They have 3 public universities. I’m not saying there should be that few in our state, especially with the difficulty of travel around our state. The problem is which schools do you tell they are going to have to close?

Congrats on the win, sincerely.

wvu does get priority, but are making themselves more priority over everyone else. They are also disallowing other schools who may have a legitimate claim to something, not get any presence. Thats not only BS to do, but inherently wrong.
I expect nothing less from them though and on the grand scheme of it all, they are still laughed at and considered cousin screwing hillbillies by the rest of the forward thinking country.
But I digress.
WV has something like 30+ colleges its insane.
Considering the locations of MU and wvu, it'd make sense for wvu to have the northern areas and MU have the southern. Let MU and wvu have a satellite branch campus (MU has a northern one, wvu jas a southern one) at opposite ends just because...maybe MU gets Fairmont and wvu gets State.
Let UC remain but since its private, make them pay their own way.
Campuses would remain but they bear the name of wvu or MU and thus gain funding for them.
WV should consider these campuses to specialize in particulars for the areas they serve.
I do agree that a reduction and absorbtion wouldn't be a bad option. Allow the schools to remain but under a system...I know wvu already has one but MU should as well.
wvu does get priority, but are making themselves more priority over everyone else. They are also disallowing other schools who may have a legitimate claim to something, not get any presence. Thats not only BS to do, but inherently wrong.
I expect nothing less from them though and on the grand scheme of it all, they are still laughed at and considered cousin screwing hillbillies by the rest of the forward thinking country.
But I digress.
WV has something like 30+ colleges its insane.
Considering the locations of MU and wvu, it'd make sense for wvu to have the northern areas and MU have the southern. Let MU and wvu have a satellite branch campus (MU has a northern one, wvu jas a southern one) at opposite ends just because...maybe MU gets Fairmont and wvu gets State.
Let UC remain but since its private, make them pay their own way.
Campuses would remain but they bear the name of wvu or MU and thus gain funding for them.
WV should consider these campuses to specialize in particulars for the areas they serve.
I do agree that a reduction and absorbtion wouldn't be a bad option. Allow the schools to remain but under a system...I know wvu already has one but MU should as well.

Are you familiar with the saying “pie in the sky”.
The fact that you don’t have any awareness of how ridiculous you sound is unreal. No one can mention WVU without you following the comment with a rant that contains numerous falsehoods. You also never want to see Marshall progress. Stating that you’d want to decline an invitation to the AAC, with 7x the revenue and significantly stronger match-ups, is incredibly sad.
I think we have an idea of what happens when we play in basketball, Huggins vs DD , nuff said.
Your accuracy in evaluation of MU and wvu sorta sputtered.
If not giving MU its deserved recognition as being a FBS school, then you should probably not give wvu the undeserved recognition as being a top tier program or even a big deal in the collegiate empire.

I'm sorry where exactly did I say marshall was not an FBS school and where did I say WVU was a top tier program? I'm confused
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It remains a mystery to me why so many self-proclaimed WVU graduates' only knowledge of WVU or Morgantown is stuff you can look up on the internet. Whether you actually attended the taxwaste or not, and we all understand you really did not, your total FIXATION upon Marshall remains really sad. And unique in all of sports.

As to education funding and all of that, WVU is a taxwaste, pure and simple. Anything MU or the state colleges try to do to help the state is only accomplished, if at all, after years of fighting WVU over the matter.
It remains a mystery to me why so many self-proclaimed WVU graduates' only knowledge of WVU or Morgantown is stuff you can look up on the internet. Whether you actually attended the taxwaste or not, and we all understand you really did not, your total FIXATION upon Marshall remains really sad. And unique in all of sports.

As to education funding and all of that, WVU is a taxwaste, pure and simple. Anything MU or the state colleges try to do to help the state is only accomplished, if at all, after years of fighting WVU over the matter.

According to Sam, the total number of people who have actually graduated from WVU is 0... which of course would be nowhere near what those fools claim to graduate each year, which would be around double what Marshall does.

I can't believe I never noticed that people don't actually attend WVU. It's a head scratcher for me, and I am glad I have now been enlightened.
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It's a fun game... given WVU's 3 game OOC schedule, it's tough, though.

I could see a 3 for 1... over a 20 year period... playing the game once every five years.
This coming from a poster who has called for the abolition of the same state colleges used in this statement. Classic.

Marshall provides nothing of value to it's own region, let alone the State of West Virginia. Literally the worst local economies in West Virginia. Your biggest standard bearer is Bob Plymale for heavens sake. There is a REASON you have no influence.

But hey.....keep on cranking out those education and journalism degrees....
....and then complain how it's Big Bad WVU keeping you down.

It's working really well for you.

Its ok that your highest degree achieved is a HS diploma.
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Do you all need a recruiting coordinator? I know one that is an alum with head coaching experience.
Sorry, he's been permanently debunked at WVU, he's yours now. After he tried to get Bill Stewart fired early in the 2008 season, lots of WVU fans were ready to kick him to the curb. Many were glad you took him away. Now, 99% of us feel happy he's not in Morgantown anymore.
Sorry, he's been permanently debunked at WVU, he's yours now. After he tried to get Bill Stewart fired early in the 2008 season, lots of WVU fans were ready to kick him to the curb. Many were glad you took him away. Now, 99% of us feel happy he's not in Morgantown anymore.
Wait, so you are mad because he tried to get Bill Stewart fired, but your AD HorseFace at the time did the same thing when you had the coach in waiting deal.

Anyway, Doc needs to go back up there. Recruiting Coordinator Assistant or something. Don't let him near special teams either.
Wait, so you are mad because he tried to get Bill Stewart fired, but your AD HorseFace at the time did the same thing when you had the coach in waiting deal.

Anyway, Doc needs to go back up there. Recruiting Coordinator Assistant or something. Don't let him near special teams either.
I don't get mad.

We don't need Doc, we have better at every position on the staff.
I will provide a reference for him.
LOL. Okay. How much weight do you think your reference would mean to the WVU administration? :D

At least he has good family, good parents. His mom is a jewel. Sweet lady. I don't know her except when we meet to say hello. She knows my wife, so they chat usually. The last time I saw them was at Dielh's in Nitro.

Herd will win, what, 6-8 of their next eight? The conference is pretty weak, as usual.
LOL. Okay. How much weight do you think your reference would mean to the WVU administration? :D

At least he has good family, good parents. His mom is a jewel. Sweet lady. I don't know her except when we meet to say hello. She knows my wife, so they chat usually. The last time I saw them was at Dielh's in Nitro.

Herd will win, what, 6-8 of their next eight? The conference is pretty weak, as usual.
Didn't know if Dieh'ls was still there. Used to have good fried taters there. Good to hear.

I have some weight around here. Moderator Elect.

We might win 6 or 8. But, we could win 1 or 2.