Sloppy Marshall


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
“Get you [sic] tickets below.” Great grammar.

This is a regular occurrence by Marshall. I get email promotions from countless other schools where I have worked or purchased a ticket from, and it’s very rare that they have such obvious spelling/grammar errors. Marshall has them routinely.

What is most frustrating is that it’s not a competency issue. Even volunteer students know what is correct. It’s simply an effort issue, and the effort isn’t there from Marshall.

I co-founded two companies. I was head of multiple departments (including marketing) for a 2800 employee publicly traded company. Even though we had competent staff, I had to give final sign-off on all marketing material regardless if it was a simple social media post or a multi-million dollar Super Bowl commercial. Marshall doesn’t seem to have the effort to put another set of eyes on these basic promotional emails.

To any Marshall athletic staff members:
For absolutely no cost, I will volunteer to review any marketing material before it goes live. I’ll even set up great data and analytics to help you identify where you’re winning and losing based on open rates, click rates, penetration, time engaged, etc. to determine the best and most efficient marketing. All free. Just send me the shit prior to publishing it, and you can quickly start looking like a competent and legitimate higher education institute.

This happens far too often at Marshall. The details matter the most.
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Color me shocked at who the original poster was on this.
I won't apologize for having higher expectations than you do for Marshall. I don't accept 6-7 seasons in football, the worst team batting average in the history of the baseball team, nor frequent spelling and grammar errors in school produced marketing that is supposed to reflect an institution of higher learning.

If all of our fan base had higher expectations, perhaps we wouldn't have all of those things I listed.
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“Get you [sic] tickets below.” Great grammar.

This is a regular occurrence by Marshall. I get email promotions from countless other schools where I have worked or purchased a ticket from, and it’s very rare that they have such obvious spelling/grammar errors. Marshall has them routinely.

What is most frustrating is that it’s not a competency issue. Even volunteer students know what is correct. It’s simply an effort issue, and the effort isn’t there from Marshall.

I co-founded two companies. I was head of multiple departments (including marketing) for a 2800 employee publicly traded company. Even though we had competent staff, I had to give final sign-off on all marketing material regardless if it was a simple social media post or a multi-million dollar Super Bowl commercial. Marshall doesn’t seem to have the effort to put another set of eyes on these basic promotional emails.

To any Marshall athletic staff members:
For absolutely no cost, I will volunteer to review any marketing material before it goes live. I’ll even set up great data and analytics to help you identify where you’re winning and losing based on open rates, click rates, penetration, time engaged, etc. to determine the best and most efficient marketing. All free. Just send me the shit prior to publishing it, and you can quickly start looking like a competent and legitimate higher education institute.

This happens far too often at Marshall. The details matter the most.
That's a great offer rifle. I always knew you should be the go-to guy for Marshall's marketing efforts. And at a great rate. With your business background, it's a no-brainer.
That's a great offer rifle. I always knew you should be the go-to guy for Marshall's marketing efforts. And at a great rate. With your business background, it's a no-brainer.
Put the pompoms away. I’m still not sending you an autographed picture.

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