So she's still really a man?

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
I'm not much for the dirty talking, but even I have to say that this whole thing shouldn't even count until the whole thing has been cut off.
The amount of obsession everyone has about Jenner's junk is mind boggling to me.

Well, what are the rules on this? If he hasn't cut it off, then I can do everything he's doing now. Which means what he's doing now is not even worth talking about. All I'd have to do is eat something, grow my moobs back, put on a dress and I can be just like him. Millions of men probably do that already. He's nothing but a drag queen. This is just a lame, pathetic story without having it all cut off.

I thought it was cut off. Why else would this even be a story? How is that a woman if it still has everything a man has?

I'm going to have to take up golf and all that stuff Raleigh named off to actually have stuff to do other than think about this stupid freak show. It's too easy though. That's what this is. Easy and cheap entertainment.
I mean, yeah, I'm not saying that it's just the people who are anti... whatever it is people don't like about this are the only ones that are weird for caring so much. The magazine is there to sell copies and I guess this did. I just don't get why anyone is that interested in it, positively or negatively.
Like, they're (as in Obama) trying to pass another terrible "free trade" agreement that'll actually impact people's lives, and there's three threads about Jenner here with multiple pages and either one or none about that. I guess it's human nature to make a big deal about stuff you can wrap your head around and not worry about things you don't understand.
So some it thing poses for a magazine, the picture is shown in 20 different places. You can't escape the damn thing. It's on every website, news outlet, etc. I'm a hermit recluse who pretty much lives under a rock and I can't escape it. Neither can anybody else.

And we're just supposed to not care? What kind of bullshit is that? They want us to care. They want this reaction. And we want the freak show parade to laugh at. We're all getting what we want.

Without cutting it off, it doesn't count. This guy's a fraud. And still a guy.

Trade agreement, we sold out a long time ago anyway. Probably for the better. You either go to college and push a pencil or draw a check. Easy living for everybody. Nobody wants to do labor work. We're lucky foreigners and Mexicans are desperate enough to do it.

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