Yessir!Did I miss something? Is the gorgeousness back?!
Those black blocks on the sleeves were just awful. These are the best unis we've had in quite some time, imho.
Fan-damn-tasticOne more combo:
My favoriteOne more combo:
The green on green is much better... Now let's come up with a green helmet that actually matches the rest of the uniform (not the Mark Snyder forest green attempt from 15 years ago). If Lowe's can color match my 25-year old siding on my house, they should be able to get a good read on Marshall green helmets.
The green on green is much better... Now let's come up with a green helmet that actually matches the rest of the uniform (not the Mark Snyder forest green attempt from 15 years ago). If Lowe's can color match my 25-year old siding on my house, they should be able to get a good read on Marshall green helmets.