Someone remind me - is it only a crazy conspiracy theory when Republicans say an election was stolen?

oh yes....those truck loads of mail in ballots put him over the top. also, it was vexxing that 5 swing states (independent state elections) stopped counting in the middle of the night and then had exact same changes in voting in the middle of the night. what are the odds??

the guy can't fill up a high school gymnasium before or after election but he got more votes that Obama, HRC and Trump who got more votes than any incumbent ever. wow, unreal.
don't forget how they went around state legislatures to do it.
prove me wrong in what i just said
Liberals in total denial.
Of what?? Election fraud that cheated your orange jesus from being re-elected?? Idiot.
I haven't even mentioned the press and social meida being on their side
Because your orange jesus, you, and conservatives lying all the time. Idiot.
Democrats are working towards a one party system, the government class and they will crush political desent
You're an idiot. Not to mention paranoid.
it was vexxing that 5 swing states (independent state elections) stopped counting in the middle of the night
Wisconsin did not stop counting on election night.
Michigan did not stop counting ballots
Nevada did not stop counting ballots
Philadelphia did not stop counting votes on the night of November 3
North Carolina did stop counting votes on election night....because there were no more votes to count that night. (Republican cheating must have given your orange jesus North Carolina, amirite???
don't forget how they went around state legislatures to do it.
You're an idiot.
Of what?? Election fraud that cheated your orange jesus from being re-elected?? Idiot.

Because your orange jesus, you, and conservatives lying all the time. Idiot.

You're an idiot. Not to mention paranoid.
that didn't prove me wrong