Something for nothing


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
I had to go to the hospital this morning for some medical tests. I was waiting in the reception area while they completed all the paper work when I notice several stations around my area manned by volunteers. Their name tags designated them as such. Volunteers!

Here is a multi million dollar enterprise saving on payroll by having the elderly and the bored provide free essential services.

What if Walmart started this? Had people greet or pick up carts for no pay. Maybe Starbucks could get volunteers to clean up their filthy landscaping where drive thru customers throw cigarette butts.

Rifle, this might be a good idea for you. Instead of dreaming about hitting on the Vice President’s emotionally damaged daughter, you could volunteer at the local medical center. You might meet some little honey with broken legs and breast abrasions who, like you, had been in a bike accident. The two of you could bond.
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  • Haha
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Rifle, this might be a good idea for you. Instead of dreaming about hitting on the Vice President’s emotionally damaged daughter, you could volunteer at the local medical center. You might meet some little honey with broken legs and breast abrasions who, like you, had been in a bike accident. The two of you could bond.
Live in the shithole of west virginia? I'll pass.

In all seriousness, everybody has a price. If I was allowed to choose where I could live in west virginia, I'd possibly do it for a three year/$2.4 million contract.
If I was allowed to choose where I could live in west virginia, I'd possibly do it for a three year/$2.4 million contract.
I talked with some potential investors, but at the time of this post, all I could raise is $17.23. Besides, I meant that you should volunteer at your local medical center, not one located here.
I talked with some potential investors, but at the time of this post, all I could raise is $17.23. Besides, I meant that you should volunteer at your local medical center, not one located here.
So on one hand, you disagree with these multi-million dollar corporations utilizing free talent. On the other hand, you're urging me to be one of those foolish volunteers.

Gee, thanks for looking out for me.
Now I’m curious. Where would you choose?
With no other factors being considered, I'd pick the most remote place in the woods overlooking a river/heavy stream, so I wouldn't have to deal with any locals. Sort of why I went to look at that cabin on the market a few hours from here a year or two ago. Sort of why I keep looking at real estate in Pine Mountain Club, California, which is surprisingly well-priced.

But I'd have to consider other basic factors like food availability. I need many restaurants near me since I eat out each day, so it would have to be one of the bigger cities in the state. Morganhole may be the best option for me for things to do that I enjoy, restaurant selection, energy, etc. Martinsburg being 80 minutes from D.C. could put that as a candidate.

But I'd also have to consider flight availability, etc. But for $800k a year, I think I could be alright greatly reducing my travel for a few years. I really don't think I'd like Huntington or Charleston.