Sorry, Sweetie

Sep 18, 2019
If you choose to wear white spandex pants to the gym and complete the outfit with a white sports bra, I’m not going to pretend like I’m not looking or purposely look the opposite way so that you don’t even get the hint that I may have looked at you.

If your nipples are protruding through the sports bra so much that it leaves me wondering if they may eventually put a hole in the material, I’m going to continue looking so I can capture the moment on my camera if it does happen.

If you’re on all fours in those white spandex pants, and I can see a graphic outline of your slot, I’m not going to quickly turn my head away from you. I’m going to stare the entire time directly at your slot, hope you make eye contact with me as I’m doing it, and keep staring as I walk towards you to my workout area.

If I have to be concerned about my erection becoming too strong in my workout shorts due to you dressing like a stripper at the gym, then you can deal with being concerned about me looking at your ass bouncing in your white spandex pants that have the thick seam down the middle which serves no purpose other than to accentuate your ass cheeks.

I’ll gladly raise my hand and acknowledge “Me, too” when asked if I’m objectifying that girl at the gym.
No more than five minutes had passed since I made the previous post, and this happens:

I go over to the machine on the left in the picture for abs. A minute later, THOT decides to put her ass right in my face. Notice the outfit: spandex pants, sports bra that exposes the entire top half of her tits, then the best part - she puts on a toddler’s size t-shirt which covers only her shoulders. The t-shirt doesn’t even cover the top of her tits. Literally, you had the top of the spandex pants, then her stomach, then the sports bra, then the top-half of her tits exposed . . . then cloth that covered her collar bone?

Princess, your pants are so tight that I can see your tampon string through the crotch of them and the pimple on your right ass cheek. I can see your stomach and the top 50% of your tits. But you’re concerned about exposing the top of your shoulders, so you put that shirt on to look more appropriate?

I read my phone in between sets and while doing easy abdominal exercises like that machine. These hoes are everywhere. I’m sick of having to purposely turn my phone the opposite way from
where these girls appear, even though I’m just reading the screen, so that they don’t think I’m filming them.

Fvck it. I’m not letting it bother me anymore. If you’re concerned that I’m staring at you, filming you to later post on a sports message board, or putting you in my spank bank, then you’re probably right. Uncomfortable by it? Stop antagonizing my boner when I’m just trying to workout.

Reasons I lift in my garage...

That hits a lot of them but leaves some out.

Today, there was one of those screamers in the weight area. There was only one other person on that side besides the screamer. He was actually a well-built guy, which makes it even more annoying, considering he has the experience to know better. I swear, at one point, he looked in the mirror and said "You have a problem." I think he was trying to act tough by seeing himself in the mirror and pretending he was fighting somebody. I laughed and said "What," but he had headphones on.

An hour later, while I was doing abs (next to the stripper), that same guy walks through the front door with no shirt on. No lie. He walked into the gym with no shirt on, clearly trying to show off, and I watched him go in and grab something he had left behind. I watched as he went outside, and before I even saw what he drove, I knew what it was going to be - a big pickup truck.

My gym is a chain, so we tend to get people in town visiting who have access to all of the gyms in the network. I think this guy was one of them, as I have never seen him before.

On a daily basis, I shake my head at people in there and hope they notice.

Like in the video, we have a few singers. We have a few "gallon water jug" guys. We have the social guy who goes around introducing himself to everyone and trying to talk about random shit. He is annoying as shit, as his conversations are always extremely loud. He's a normal looking college aged kid, too. It doesn't make sense. He walks in with his John Lennon like round sunglasses and flip-flops on, a huge gym bag, and takes it with him everywhere. He then takes off his flip-flops, puts on his "special workout shoes," and proceeds to do things like dead-lifts at a gym that clearly isn't equipped for them. He has his shaker, his wrist wraps, etc. Then, when he leaves, he puts his flip-flops and sunglasses back on even though the parking lot is very small.

A few months ago, a guy was walking around with his bare feet. I watched as he walked over a mat with his bare feet - mats people sit and lay down on to do exercises. As he approached me, I started at his feet and said "Really?" Usually, nobody acknowledges when I call them out for stupid shit, but this guy did. He said "What, is it bad to walk around in my bare feet?" I responded that I didn't know if it was bad, but that it was unsanitary, gross, dangerous, and against the rules as I pointed to the chart showing that you had to wear shoes and a shirt while in the gym. He tried explaining that he had just walked down from the yoga studio a few doors down, at which point I said "So you're not only in here walking around in bare feet, but you're also walking down the street in the bare feet bringing in those germs, too."

The video didn't hit on two of the most annoying types at my gym. The first are the old people who burp. There are two older guys who constantly belch in the middle of their cardio routines. So if I am standing next to them on a machine when they let out of these repeated, loud burps, I think that I am the one most people think is doing it since most older guys would know not to do that.

The second annoying group is the people who play music/shows on their phones without headphones. They think everybody else should have to listen to whatever the fvck they have playing on their phone at full volume. I don't understand how people don't realize that is rude. Everyone else either has headphones in or doesn't listen to music, but you frequently have the one asshole who doesn't wear headphones yet blasts their own choice of music from their phone and forces everyone else to listen to it.

I am about to head back there right now, so I'll make it a point to shake my head at some morons in hopes they will respond to it.
We have a gallon water jug girl. She is very muscular, and is the textbook definition of a butterface. Nice girl though. I work out at a YMCA, and everybody there seems to be really nice. There aren’t too many annoying people there.

There is a father/son that comes in and takes up 1/3 of the gym every time they are there. Instead of putting their bags in the designated area (by the coat rack), they put them between two squat bars on a jump box, effectively rendering that space useless. Then, they set up 4-5 different areas to work out, all at once. One thing the dad does is set up a small jump box between the cable pull downs where he knows people want to work out. It’s completely unnecessary to put it there, as there are many other open places available. It’s annoying. Ditto the son with a dead lift workout. He sets up his bar in front of the moderate/heavy weight dumbbells, instead of using the obvious deadlift bar in the weight room. Again, just annoying and rude. When I see them coming, I have been known to intentionally go to an area and do a workout just so they won’t set up there. I think it’s just rude and bad etiquette to take up that much space, and basically call ‘dibs’ on a machine or bar as if you’re using it and nobody else can.

We have a few talkers, but I always have my earbuds in and rarely engage with any of them. I have a very tight window to work out so I have to get after it while I’m there.

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