Stacey Abrams says it is hard to vote.

I got a small card from the people who run it and it had one thing that keeps me from using mail in voting. This does not tell the whole story. So shut up about it . I will go to the polls with my daughter.
You’re old. That’s enough
Old and wise. No it is not but just forget it. That third party thing you posted on here is illegal in the state of Kentucky.
It absolutely is you are just wrong. What was illegal about a website that gathers information about voting in every single state.
we’ve had some dumb posters here over the years but you are by far the most intellectually challenged. It’s amazing /sad how uninformed you truly are
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Yes it does. You just never see the big picture.

A little testy when you find out the BS you are spoon fed by your biased liberal "news" sources that you parrot turns out to be wrong???
Not at all and I am not a Trump follower like you. The official Kentucky site said it was illegal. Check it out before critizing and calling names.
Question for the day -

Who should one believe about voting laws in KY - Stacey Abrams or the KY Board of Elections???

Hmmm... I think we have the answer to why someone is wrong about this matter...
It has nothing to do with what Stacey Abrams thinks about the Board.

I will make this real easy for you. The following is a list of the reasons KY voters may request an absentee ballot. Item 8 seems to apply to you as you have indicated you are 82 with some mobility issues. All you have to do is give us the reason (valid) that you don't qualify for an absentee ballot.

  1. A resident of Kentucky who is a covered voter as defined in KRS 117A.010;
  2. A student who temporarily resides outside the county of his or her residence;
  3. Incarcerated in jail and charged with a crime, but has not been convicted of the crime;
  4. Changing or has changed his or her place of residence to a different state while the registration books are closed in the new state of residence before an election of electors for President and Vice President of the United States, in which case the voter shall be permitted to cast a mail-in absentee ballot for electors for President and Vice President of the United States only;
  5. Temporarily residing outside the state but still eligible to vote in this state;
  6. Prevented from voting in person at the polls on election day and from casting an excused or no-excuse in-person absentee ballot on all days in-person absentee voting is conducted because he or she will be absent from the county of his or her residence all hours and all days excused or no-excuse in person absentee voting is conducted;
  7. A participant in the Secretary of State's crime victim address confidentiality protection program as authorized by KRS 14.312; or
  8. Not able to appear at the polls on election day or the days excused or no-excuse in-person absentee voting is conducted on the account of age, disability, or illness, and who has not been declared mentally disabled by a court of competent jurisdiction.
I will make this real easy for you. The following is a list of the reasons KY voters may request an absentee ballot. Item 8 seems to apply to you as you have indicated you are 82 with some mobility issues. All you have to do is give us the reason (valid) that you don't qualify for an absentee ballot.
My son is declared mentally ill therefore he does not qualify for an absentee ballot. As he lives with me and he has no means of transportation either . I will go to the polls on election day with him and my daughter. So really does no good for me to vote by mail. So that ends the discussion as far as I am concerned. You can rattle on all you want . but that is the facts.
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My son is declared mentally ill therefore he does not qualify for an absentee ballot. As he lives with me and he has no means of transportation either . I will go to the polls on election day with him and my daughter. So really does no good for me to vote by mail. So that ends the discussion as far as I am concerned. You can rattle on all you want . but that is the facts.

You said you didn't qualify for an absentee ballot. Now you are saying you son doesn’t qualify because he is mentally ill, which is item 8 from the official KY website.

Now why can you not use an a absentee ballot because that was your statement that started this entire exercise of yours.
You said you didn't qualify for an absentee ballot. Now you are saying you son doesn’t qualify because he is mentally ill, which is item 8 from the official KY website.

Now why can you not use an a absentee ballot because that was your statement that started this entire exercise of yours.
Why should I bother with an absentee ballot when I have to go to the polls with my son anyway...enough discussion on the matter.
Why should I bother with an absentee ballot when I have to go to the polls with my son anyway...enough discussion on the matter.

So.... You've made a mountain out of a molehill and now you are trying to turn it back into a molehill?

That is not what you have been saying all along.
Anybody paying attention to the early voting numbers? Ever since the dems started screaming Jim Crowe 2.0 this election probably has record low early participation, right?
The big moose was just on tv saying it.
Not all of us watch TV while working. I have noticed McDonald's always has Fox News on, you working there now?
Really how damn hard is it. There is early voting. Absentee voting. Early voting on Saturdays.
Not all states have these things. And it can be difficult for those who work two jobs to go on Election Day...hell, with one job here in Indiana where the polls close at 6 PM, they must only want bankers to vote.
Anybody paying attention to the early voting numbers? Ever since the dems started screaming Jim Crowe 2.0 this election probably has record low early participation, right?
Early voting in Georgia was reported to be heavier than the 2020 election. New voters probably outnumbering the ones who were taken off the books.
Early voting in Georgia was reported to be heavier than the 2020 election. New voters probably outnumbering the ones who were taken off the books.
like the dead people and people registered as felons or in more than one location.

Abrams and the libs need to shut up. Heck, they may win. More people voting in GA.
No I would say more blacks who are fed up with Republicans trying to stop them from voting.
you are dense. you idiot. Two black men are running for Senator in GA. One is already a senator. More people continue to vote in GA. The gov race in GA is a dead heat.

Why don't you take your race baiting bullshit somewhere else. You make no damn sense. I am losing patience for people like you and that crap.
I only see ignorance and meaness from this raleigh character.
I just want to know how a "mentally ill" person has the cognitive ability to understand who and what they are voting for? It's a legitimate question. The fact that Kentucky doesn't send a mail-in ballot to him because of his mental illness tells me you are potentially breaking voting laws. You tell him who to vote for? You show him where to make the mark???

No one was mocking your son or his condition, you idiot. Seriously, you may actually be the mentally ill person and your son is granting you privileges to his keyboard.
you are dense. you idiot. Two black men are running for Senator in GA. One is already a senator. More people continue to vote in GA. The gov race in GA is a dead heat.

Why don't you take your race baiting bullshit somewhere else. You make no damn sense. I am losing patience for people like you and that crap.
Glad you are . One law was to make people wait in a long line and not be allowed to have water or food brought to them. Republicans try every thing in the book to keep people from voting.
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One law was to make people wait in a long line and not be allowed to have water or food brought to them.
Oh, please! I have stood in lines all my life. Lines at school, lines to vote, lines for movies, lines while in the service, and I can’t remember a time I became dehydrated or came close to starving. Suck it up.
Glad you are . One law was to make people wait in a long line and not be allowed to have water or food brought to them. Republicans try every thing in the book to keep people from voting.
There’s a law that requires you to stand in a long line and not have water? Please supply a link to this horrific law
Oh, please! I have stood in lines all my life. Lines at school, lines to vote, lines for movies, lines while in the service, and I can’t remember a time I became dehydrated or came close to starving. Suck it up.
Some of these people are older than you maybe or me when I was younger. The Republicans hope some will give up and not vote why would they make such a law otherwise.
My son is declared mentally ill therefore he does not qualify for an absentee ballot. As he lives with me and he has no means of transportation either . I will go to the polls on election day with him and my daughter. So really does no good for me to vote by mail. So that ends the discussion as far as I am concerned. You can rattle on all you want . but that is the facts.
Respectfully, why should your mentally ill son help select the leadership for the country?
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