Stacey Abrams says it is hard to vote.

He is incorrect. Some locations ban water or food containers that have political endorsements or ads. No one is keeping people from eating or drinking.
Yeah I know that I don’t think oldie knows much of anything, especially voting laws in his state much less others. We truly need a sarcasm button
The same reason you do he is a citizen. He can think for himself with the miracle medication he takes. Are you saying only a select few should be allowed to vote?.
reading isn't a strong point for you, is it . . .

Return to only allowing property owners to vote. Maybe extend it to net taxpayers. Anyone who is a net recipient from the government gets no say. The adults make the decisions.

Also repeal the 19th Amendment. Allowing women to vote has been a disaster for the country.

that would likely knoock you out.
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The same reason you do he is a citizen. He can think for himself with the miracle medication he takes. Are you saying only a select few should be allowed to vote?.
No. We are saying someone who doesn’t have the mental capacity to take care of himself, and is forced to live with parents as a grown man shouldn’t vote.

Do you have to walk him through how to vote? Do you both go into the voting booth? Do you tell him which bottom to push or mark to make??
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There’s a law that requires you to stand in a long line and not have water? Please supply a link to this horrific law
I am really starting to think he and his son are on the same cognitive level….if his son even exists. His propensity to make things up here, it’s a real possibility he doesn’t.
I am really starting to think he and his son are on the same cognitive level….if his son even exists. His propensity to make things up here, it’s a real possibility he doesn’t.
He is just going by what his leaders in the Democrat Party say. He believes it. Record voting in GA, but it is oppressive. Woe is me.

Democrats create problems and then say they are the solution.

Reality is, it is not hard nor oprressive to vote.
Being a citizen and voting carry a responsibility. You go to your polling location, take whatever time is necessary, and cast your ballot for your choices of candidates.
Too many in our society want someone else to bring them a ballot, fill it out for them, put it in an envelope, take it back to the precinct, and count it. Oh, they also want someone to bring them a sandwich and a bottle of water along with the ballot.
Being a citizen and voting carry a responsibility. You go to your polling location, take whatever time is necessary, and cast your ballot for your choices of candidates.
Too many in our society want someone else to bring them a ballot, fill it out for them, put it in an envelope, take it back to the precinct, and count it. Oh, they also want someone to bring them a sandwich and a bottle of water along with the ballot.
That is why we have a growing segment of the population that will be consummate losers. They fall for the rhetoric that they are forever oppressed and they fall right in line.
That is why we have a growing segment of the population that will be consummate losers. They fall for the rhetoric that they are forever oppressed and they fall right in line.
There was a time not so long ago when some states had voting requirements. For example, you had to prove you could read and write. I believe we are making a mistake by making voting easier; we should make it harder. Why allow illiterates, criminals, and haters to vote simply because they happen to be born here?
There was a time not so long ago when some states had voting requirements. For example, you had to prove you could read and write. I believe we are making a mistake by making voting easier; we should make it harder. Why allow illiterates, criminals, and haters to vote simply because they happen to be born here?
I agree. Also, many people just have zero skin in the game.
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Support the wife beating evictor.
I don't live in Georgia (and I would not even if you paid me to), so I support neither.
Really, that he is a scumbag? Or really, that it is kinda disappointing? I'd rather we could just remember the guy as a really damn good football player, and not as a deadbeat dad that held a gun to a woman's head, but I guess he made his choices in life.

In the 80s we had Walker, Sanders, and Bo in college football. The game has changed, there will not be another decade of RBs like that.
I don't live in Georgia (and I would not even if you paid me to), so I support neither.

Really, that he is a scumbag? Or really, that it is kinda disappointing? I'd rather we could just remember the guy as a really damn good football player, and not as a deadbeat dad that held a gun to a woman's head, but I guess he made his choices in life.

In the 80s we had Walker, Sanders, and Bo in college football. The game has changed, there will not be another decade of RBs like that.
Yet you never once mentioned that? Your statement was solely about walker not being a man and crickets about rev warnock. I wonder why that was mr LIBertarian
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I don't live in Georgia (and I would not even if you paid me to), so I support neither.

Really, that he is a scumbag? Or really, that it is kinda disappointing? I'd rather we could just remember the guy as a really damn good football player, and not as a deadbeat dad that held a gun to a woman's head, but I guess he made his choices in life.

In the 80s we had Walker, Sanders, and Bo in college football. The game has changed, there will not be another decade of RBs like that.
Georgia is an awesome state. The only downside is the liberals have started to ruin it like they are in the process of doing in NC. Like they did in Virginia. Atlanta is just turning out bad and it used to be awesome. I like Georgia, but damn the liberals ruin everything.
Yet you never once mentioned that? Your statement was solely about walker not being a man and crickets about rev warnock.
Well, I never looked up to Warnock as a kid. It's really that simple. Sure, as an adult I know athletes are not role models, but it is nice to hang onto something from childhood and think it was a simpler time. Pete Rose turned out to be scummy too, and that is also a shame...but he should be in the BHOF. I'm not here to kick Walker out of the CFHOF.

Do you remember back in the Sega Genesis days, when the college football game had all the great historical teams on it? It was fun to play with Georgia and Walker, and Auburn with Bo.

And now that I am thinking about all of this, I once again realize the 80s and 90s were a long time ago, so fvck you for making me go down this path this morning.

Georgia is an awesome state.
The summers are fvcking miserable, and the Atlanta area is just too damn big.

Really that's the problem with all of the South, summer. I don't know how you all do it, it's bad enough here. And then you have the balls to bitch about all the immigrants; they come from hot places, where else do you think they want to live? Not North Dakota, that's for sure. Anyone know offhand the average high temp in Fargo in January? I do, it's 18°.
Well, I never looked up to Warnock as a kid. It's really that simple. Sure, as an adult I know athletes are not role models, but it is nice to hang onto something from childhood and think it was a simpler time. Pete Rose turned out to be scummy too, and that is also a shame...but he should be in the BHOF. I'm not here to kick Walker out of the CFHOF.

Do you remember back in the Sega Genesis days, when the college football game had all the great historical teams on it? It was fun to play with Georgia and Walker, and Auburn with Bo.

And now that I am thinking about all of this, I once again realize the 80s and 90s were a long time ago, so fvck you for making me go down this path this morning.

The summers are fvcking miserable, and the Atlanta area is just too damn big.

Really that's the problem with all of the South, summer. I don't know how you all do it, it's bad enough here. And then you have the balls to bitch about all the immigrants; they come from hot places, where else do you think they want to live? Not North Dakota, that's for sure. Anyone know offhand the average high temp in Fargo in January? I do, it's 18°.
What ever you say chief. We all know the real reason but if you say it’s because of a video game we will just go with it
I got a small card from the people who run it and it had one thing that keeps me from using mail in voting. This does not tell the whole story. So shut up about it . I will go to the polls with my daughter.
your stupidity alone should disqualify you from voting.
Yet you never once mentioned that? Your statement was solely about walker not being a man and crickets about rev warnock. I wonder why that was mr LIBertarian
cause he lies about who he is. he once proudly proclaimed to be "to the right of Eisenhower" LMAO
Well, I never looked up to Warnock as a kid. It's really that simple. Sure, as an adult I know athletes are not role models, but it is nice to hang onto something from childhood and think it was a simpler time. Pete Rose turned out to be scummy too, and that is also a shame...but he should be in the BHOF. I'm not here to kick Walker out of the CFHOF.

Do you remember back in the Sega Genesis days, when the college football game had all the great historical teams on it? It was fun to play with Georgia and Walker, and Auburn with Bo.

And now that I am thinking about all of this, I once again realize the 80s and 90s were a long time ago, so fvck you for making me go down this path this morning.

The summers are fvcking miserable, and the Atlanta area is just too damn big.

Really that's the problem with all of the South, summer. I don't know how you all do it, it's bad enough here. And then you have the balls to bitch about all the immigrants; they come from hot places, where else do you think they want to live? Not North Dakota, that's for sure. Anyone know offhand the average high temp in Fargo in January? I do, it's 18°.
I like the immigrants. I just want them to come here legally. They work hard. I hire some now and then and they got their citizenship. They were damn proud and showed me pictures of them the day they go their citizenship waving American flags . They don't like the illegal shit either. Hard damn workers.

Cmon man, nothing like Columbia, SC or Columbus, GA in late July. hahahaha
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What ever you say chief.
Some kids played sports and looked up to big time athletes, others like you played with dolls.

We all know
You don't know much.

cause he lies about who he is
Sure thing, slapnuts.

The only D I voted for (early voting) is for sheriff....because the R is part of the current shitshow in charge down there, I'd vote for a dead raccoon over him. Current sheriff department leadership is piss poor, the jail is a legit example of the inmates running the asylum (with the lawsuits that come with that), response times in the county are terrible, but hey ten of the COs at the jail got new take home Tahoes! Idiots. I'd call the State Troopers if I needed help out in the county, because these fvckers are no help to anyone but themselves and their cronies.

I've got to say, the D running for sheriff is the only D...the only candidate period....I've ever seen have a section on handgun proficiency on their website.

My ballot for "important" offices:

US HOUSE: No one. The R is a nut, the L is pro-life (what the fvck is a pro-life L???), the D didn't address anything I find important. Just a piss poor selection to replace Trey the Carpetbagger, who has ran back off to Tennessee (go figure). Even your dumb ass would be a better choice than these three.

US SENATE: Tood Young (R)...surpise, motherfvckers. He's a solid guy, and not one of the election conspiracy nuts/liars like you morons here. Hell, I'd vote for him for POTUS.

STATE SENATE: No one. The R didn't return my email asking about a local road project, so he can fvck off. The D seems like a nice guy, his website reads like an odd pro-choice Republican almost, but he just moved here from KY so he's a carpetbagger...maybe I'd give him a shot with two more years as a Hoosier under his belt, but I'll be gone by then, oh well.

STATE HOUSE: The R. I likely don't agree with him on everything (and there's a lot he didn't talk about), but he's not a Trumper nut and I grew up with his wife, and she's good people. Good enough for me.

IND SEC OF STATE: The L. This is one of the races the L's must do well in to get on the ballot easy next time around, so it is an important race to me. Easy choice here.

PROSECUTOR: The R. He ran unopposed, but he loves going for the death penalty, so he gets my vote no matter what. Plus he has a killer beard.
I just want them to come here legally.
As do I, even if philosophically I believe in global open borders (but that doesn't work in real life).

Here's the thing though, it is advantageous for businesses to ignore the law and hire illegals. Pay 'em under the table. You've got your rich politicians telling you one thing, and their rich business backers doing another. That's why it won't change. It saves their backers money, but gets rubes like you to vote for them.

Cmon man, nothing like Columbia, SC or Columbus, GA in late July. hahahaha
Fvck that, it's like Hell.
Some kids played sports and looked up to big time athletes, others like you played with dolls.

You don't know much.

Sure thing, slapnuts.

The only D I voted for (early voting) is for sheriff....because the R is part of the current shitshow in charge down there, I'd vote for a dead raccoon over him. Current sheriff department leadership is piss poor, the jail is a legit example of the inmates running the asylum (with the lawsuits that come with that), response times in the county are terrible, but hey ten of the COs at the jail got new take home Tahoes! Idiots. I'd call the State Troopers if I needed help out in the county, because these fvckers are no help to anyone but themselves and their cronies.

I've got to say, the D running for sheriff is the only D...the only candidate period....I've ever seen have a section on handgun proficiency on their website.

My ballot for "important" offices:

US HOUSE: No one. The R is a nut, the L is pro-life (what the fvck is a pro-life L???), the D didn't address anything I find important. Just a piss poor selection to replace Trey the Carpetbagger, who has ran back off to Tennessee (go figure). Even your dumb ass would be a better choice than these three.

US SENATE: Tood Young (R)...surpise, motherfvckers. He's a solid guy, and not one of the election conspiracy nuts/liars like you morons here. Hell, I'd vote for him for POTUS.

STATE SENATE: No one. The R didn't return my email asking about a local road project, so he can fvck off. The D seems like a nice guy, his website reads like an odd pro-choice Republican almost, but he just moved here from KY so he's a carpetbagger...maybe I'd give him a shot with two more years as a Hoosier under his belt, but I'll be gone by then, oh well.

STATE HOUSE: The R. I likely don't agree with him on everything (and there's a lot he didn't talk about), but he's not a Trumper nut and I grew up with his wife, and she's good people. Good enough for me.

IND SEC OF STATE: The L. This is one of the races the L's must do well in to get on the ballot easy next time around, so it is an important race to me. Easy choice here.

PROSECUTOR: The R. He ran unopposed, but he loves going for the death penalty, so he gets my vote no matter what. Plus he has a killer beard.
Someone’s defensive about getting called out about his true positions

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