Starkey Weighs In


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
Jason Starkey has publicly weighed in on the QB competition, lack of tact and all. I don't know the guy, but he comes across as a blowhard on social media. And claiming that giving Cole a scholarship was being "handed a gift" to Huff/Marshall football is comical, especially considering Cole's performance so far in games. And claiming that Cole and the Penningtons are somehow being treated poorly just because he hasn't been named as the starter is again, comical.

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Both of those guys played for The Herd.

These type or things never go well. Legends son..Coach on the hot seat. Nor going to go well.
You need to research Jason’s story. It might be very enlightening to you
I'm familiar with it. He references it numerous times each year.

What makes you think somebody of your intelligence would ever know something that I don't?
Exactly 429! Talk about the Pot calling the Kettle . . . !!
You can say "black." It doesn't make you a racist, but you'll still be a moron. And yet another person wanting to talk about me instead of the subject of the thread.
How do you not know him? I thought those were the years you were here or did you show up in 2000?
I’ve met JS before during his NFL days, the guy is about as crazy as you would expect. Genuinely a nice guy but when it comes to that gridiron you can see his passion for the game come out..
You can say "black." It doesn't make you a racist, but you'll still be a moron. And yet another person wanting to talk about me instead of the subject of the thread.
Riffle you sure like to use the word "moron" a lot. Obviously, you practice saying it in front of a mirror on a daily basis!!
Riffle you sure like to use the word "moron" a lot. Obviously, you practice saying it in front of a mirror on a daily basis!!
Try to harness your obsession. This thread isn't about me . . . moron.
I can share this info from a personal friend who is related to the Penningtons. Apparently there was a serious disagreement between Chad and Huff sometime recently. It was not shared what the disagreement was, but it is something to do with the OC hire and it not being considered to Cole’s skill set. Chad believes Cole’s is very capable but the new scheme is not a good fit. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him transfer out and it’s probably the reason Luke went elsewhere.
I can share this info from a personal friend who is related to the Penningtons. Apparently there was a serious disagreement between Chad and Huff sometime recently. It was not shared what the disagreement was, but it is something to do with the OC hire and it not being considered to Cole’s skill set. Chad believes Cole’s is very capable but the new scheme is not a good fit. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him transfer out and it’s probably the reason Luke went elsewhere.
I love Chad but if this is true, he's 100% over-stepping.

Exhibit A why recruiting Cole in the first place was likely a very bad idea. These things almost never work out and often only cause harm.
I love Chad but if this is true, he's 100% over-stepping.

Exhibit A why recruiting Cole in the first place was likely a very bad idea. These things almost never work out and often only cause harm.
It's the definition of a no-win situation.

We played Cole last year because we had to... He looked, at best, ill prepared... At worst, flat out bad.
Fire the OC, bring in a new OC and two new QBs to compete for the job... New system doesn't fit Cole's style.
Legendary dad, who clearly wants what is best for his kid (as we all do for our kids)... Doesn't like new system, goes to the coach

I don't blame Huff for hiring who he thought would be the best OC... I don't blame Chad for sticking up for his kid... It sucks that it's come to this. I sat next to Chad and his family at App State last year. The guy doesn't get to enjoy the game because people come up to him, want a photo, autograph, handshake, etc (and that was in Boone). He's the face of our program during the best years we've ever had.
Every parent believes their child is the best fit. Unfortunately for Chad, he passed down his mediocre genes, and to be honest, Cole is probably better suited as a decent FCS backup.
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I love Chad but if this is true, he's 100% over-stepping.

Exhibit A why recruiting Cole in the first place was likely a very bad idea. These things almost never work out and often only cause harm.
I don’t think this was a situation where he was trying to influence Huff but more over just general feeling of how Huff was handling the overall OB room over the past few years. Sorry if I miss spoke.

My personal opinion on this is we seem to have a bad recent history with QBs and developing QB’s when our top competitors in the conference are excelling with finding QBs.
I don’t think this was a situation where he was trying to influence Huff but more over just general feeling of how Huff was handling the overall OB room over the past few years. Sorry if I miss spoke.

My personal opinion on this is we seem to have a bad recent history with QBs and developing QB’s when our top competitors in the conference are excelling with finding QBs.
Gotcha. I read it as if there was a confrontation/argument between the two.

Chad being upset at how his kid is being handled is completely fair and normal.
Not trying to fanboy, and not saying Cole should start, but I would say Chad knows more about offensive football than our entire staff combined and by a fairly wide margin.

First, he’s just straight up more intelligent. Second, he was hyper dedicated to learning his craft to the point where a guy with limit physical abilities, which got worse with injuries, had a pretty good 10 year NFL career. Lastly, the guy has more leadership capabilities in his big toe than most coaches have ever imagined possible.
I don't know if the above posts are factual or just third hand information. If Cole isn't a good fit for the current offense, let him enter the portal and see what happens. It is more important that the coach be in charge, you can't let the inmates run the asylum. I do know Chad casually and I don't think he would give unsolicited advice to the coach, he is smarter and more professional than to something like that.

I remember reading posts about how Luke was going to be better than Cole. Luke just committed to U of Dayton which is listed as D1 but doesn't offer scholarships (it is really a D3 program). Maybe Cole should look at lower level of college football.
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Luke just committed to U of Dayton which is listed as D1 but doesn't offer scholarships (it is really a D3 program).
No, it really is a D1 (FCS) program. Not offering athletic scholarships in football doesn't change that, as they are able to offer different academic and other type of grants to help offset some of that. The talent level at those schools is substantially better than D3 schools.

Not trying to fanboy, and not saying Cole should start, but I would say Chad knows more about offensive football than our entire staff combined and by a fairly wide margin.

First, he’s just straight up more intelligent. Second, he was hyper dedicated to learning his craft to the point where a guy with limit physical abilities, which got worse with injuries, had a pretty good 10 year NFL career. Lastly, the guy has more leadership capabilities in his big toe than most coaches have ever imagined possible.
Not a chance.
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I love Chad but if this is true, he's 100% over-stepping.

Exhibit A why recruiting Cole in the first place was likely a very bad idea. These things almost never work out and often only cause harm.

Agreed and it's why Marshall needs to stop hiring ex-Marshall guys as coaches. Every time there is a possibility of HC opening becoming available Herd fans are obsessed with trying to bring back former Herd greats. I don't know why we want to be in a position to eat our own all the time.
Not trying to fanboy, and not saying Cole should start, but I would say Chad knows more about offensive football than our entire staff combined and by a fairly wide margin.

First, he’s just straight up more intelligent. Second, he was hyper dedicated to learning his craft to the point where a guy with limit physical abilities, which got worse with injuries, had a pretty good 10 year NFL career. Lastly, the guy has more leadership capabilities in his big toe than most coaches have ever imagined possible.
Huff promoting Trickett gave me all I needed to know about his connections and lack of OC knowledge/duties.
Every parent believes their child is the best fit. Unfortunately for Chad, he passed down his mediocre genes, and to be honest, Cole is probably better suited as a decent FCS backup.
Chad? Mediocre genes? If I had a kid who had Chad's smarts, leadership abilities, and passing accuracy, I would take that any day. Much of Cole's problems had to do with a dismal OL, and no WRs.
No, it really is a D1 (FCS) program. Not offering athletic scholarships in football doesn't change that, as they are able to offer different academic and other type of grants to help offset some of that. The talent level at those schools is substantially better than D3 schools.

Not a chance.
So no chance a 4 year starting QB in college, a ten year starter in the NFL, a guy that played under several OCs and head coaches, a guy that faced defenses with the most sophisticated schemes known to man, a guy that was entrusted to call plays on the field, no way that guy knows more about offense than Seth Dodge, etal?

I’m not saying he could coach every offensive position group, but his understanding of offensive concepts and understanding what defenses are doing. He has had to know and understand the assignments of every player at every position. I would be willing to place a bet that if you sat all Marshall’s offensive coaches and Chad in a room with a comprehensive test on offense that he would achieve the highest score.
So no chance a 4 year starting QB in college, a ten year starter in the NFL, a guy that played under several OCs and head coaches, a guy that faced defenses with the most sophisticated schemes known to man, a guy that was entrusted to call plays on the field, no way that guy knows more about offense than Seth Dodge, etal?
That's entirely different than what you first claimed: " . . . Chad knows more about offensive football than our entire staff combined and by a fairly wide margin."

No, he doesn't. "Offensive football" includes knowing technique and communication among offensive line, It includes knowing different offensive schemes that the NFL doesn't use. It includes specifics about running routes. He doesn't know more about those things than each of those position coaches (let alone more about them than the entire offensive staff combined by a fairly wide margin).
It would have been great if Cole would have been really good, but the fact of the matter is that even if Chad believes that Doege isn't a good fit for Cole and it might be true. Cole is not good enough to warrant Huff looking for a OCs that fit Cole.

If Cole was a multi year starter and he was your guy then yea you try to bring in someone who fits with him, but that is not Cole. Huff saw last season and the year prior and decided to just go in a different direction.
Maybe my hope for Cole to win the job has clouded my vision here but I don't feel one could gauge cole true potential by the limited amount of play last season. From what I saw he appeared to have an upside that if given better pass protection could improve the offensive bottom line. Without improved OL play this year I really have no expectation of better numbers regardless of who plays QB
Maybe my hope for Cole to win the job has clouded my vision here but I don't feel one could gauge cole true potential by the limited amount of play last season. From what I saw he appeared to have an upside that if given better pass protection could improve the offensive bottom line. Without improved OL play this year I really have no expectation of better numbers regardless of who plays QB
I don't think that anyone is judging Cole based off of two random games of action. That's all we got to see, but the coaches have been watching him a whole more in practice over the last 3 years. He has not shown himself to be better than the other QBs. It just is what it is. Maybe he'll develop. He still has 2 years left after this year. I think there's a better than 60% chance that we have a new HC next season. Unless that coach pulls a Pruett and brings a really good QB in with him, Cole will have another shot. Maybe he gets it this season, because I give it a better than 50% chance that whichever QB is QB1 next Saturday won't be by the end of the season.

To you point about the OL play. They did suck, but it wasn't all on them. Both Cam and Cole at times held on to the ball way too long and our WRs just were not good. They don't get open consistently. Then you have Trickett's play calling which was terrible too.
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I take it Ali made the 53. Don't see him on the cut list, unless they publish it late.